![]() |
Namespaces | |
ArdourVideoToolPaths | |
DSP | |
DummyMidiData | |
LuaAPI | |
LuaBindings | |
LuaOSC | |
LuaScriptParams | |
Properties | |
Typedefs | |
typedef std::shared_ptr< AUPluginInfo > | AUPluginInfoPtr |
typedef uint64_t | superclock_t |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ExportAnalysis > | ExportAnalysisPtr |
typedef std::map< std::string, ExportAnalysisPtr > | AnalysisResults |
typedef ComparableSharedPtr< ExportChannel > | ExportChannelPtr |
typedef ComparableSharedPtr< ExportTimespan > | ExportTimespanPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ExportChannelConfiguration > | ExportChannelConfigPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ExportFormatBase > | ExportFormatBasePtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ExportFormat > | ExportFormatPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ExportFormatSpecification > | ExportFormatSpecPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ExportFormatCompatibility > | ExportFormatCompatibilityPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ExportFilename > | ExportFilenamePtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ExportStatus > | ExportStatusPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ExportPreset > | ExportPresetPtr |
typedef std::weak_ptr< ExportFormatCompatibility > | WeakExportFormatCompatibilityPtr |
typedef std::weak_ptr< ExportFormat > | WeakExportFormatPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< AudioGrapher::BroadcastInfo > | BroadcastInfoPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< GraphNode > | node_ptr_t |
typedef std::list< node_ptr_t > | node_list_t |
typedef std::set< node_ptr_t > | node_set_t |
typedef std::shared_ptr< GraphNode > | GraphVertex |
typedef std::shared_ptr< LadspaPluginInfo > | LadspaPluginInfoPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< LuaPluginInfo > | LuaPluginInfoPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< LuaScriptInfo > | LuaScriptInfoPtr |
typedef std::vector< LuaScriptInfoPtr > | LuaScriptList |
typedef std::shared_ptr< LuaScriptParam > | LuaScriptParamPtr |
typedef std::vector< LuaScriptParamPtr > | LuaScriptParamList |
typedef std::shared_ptr< LV2PluginInfo > | LV2PluginInfoPtr |
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > | PannerUriMap |
typedef std::map< const std::string, const float, CompareNumericallyLess > | ScalePoints |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Plugin > | PluginPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< PluginInfo > | PluginInfoPtr |
typedef std::list< PluginInfoPtr > | PluginInfoList |
typedef std::set< uint32_t > | PluginOutputConfiguration |
typedef std::shared_ptr< PluginPreset > | PluginPresetPtr |
typedef std::list< PluginPresetPtr > | PluginPresetList |
typedef std::shared_ptr< BackendPort > | BackendPortPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< BackendPort > const & | BackendPortHandle |
typedef std::deque< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > | RecentSessions |
typedef float(* | compute_peak_t) (const ARDOUR::Sample *, pframes_t, float) |
typedef void(* | find_peaks_t) (const ARDOUR::Sample *, pframes_t, float *, float *) |
typedef void(* | apply_gain_to_buffer_t) (ARDOUR::Sample *, pframes_t, float) |
typedef void(* | mix_buffers_with_gain_t) (ARDOUR::Sample *, const ARDOUR::Sample *, pframes_t, float) |
typedef void(* | mix_buffers_no_gain_t) (ARDOUR::Sample *, const ARDOUR::Sample *, pframes_t) |
typedef void(* | copy_vector_t) (ARDOUR::Sample *, const ARDOUR::Sample *, pframes_t) |
typedef gint16 | peak_datum |
typedef std::pair< Temporal::Beats, samplepos_t > | BeatPosition |
typedef std::vector< BeatPosition > | BeatPositions |
typedef Evoral::Event< Temporal::Beats > | MusicTimeEvent |
typedef std::vector< MusicTimeEvent * > | MusicTimeEvents |
typedef uint32_t | color_t |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Trigger > | TriggerPtr |
typedef PBD::RingBuffer< CueRecord > | CueRecords |
typedef float | Sample |
typedef float | pan_t |
typedef float | gain_t |
typedef uint32_t | layer_t |
typedef uint32_t | pframes_t |
typedef Temporal::samplecnt_t | samplecnt_t |
typedef Temporal::samplepos_t | samplepos_t |
typedef Temporal::sampleoffset_t | sampleoffset_t |
typedef Temporal::timepos_t | timepos_t |
typedef Temporal::timecnt_t | timecnt_t |
typedef std::list< std::pair< sampleoffset_t, sampleoffset_t > > | AudioIntervalResult |
typedef std::map< std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Region >, AudioIntervalResult > | AudioIntervalMap |
typedef std::list< std::shared_ptr< Region > > | RegionList |
typedef std::set< std::shared_ptr< Playlist > > | PlaylistSet |
typedef std::set< CueMarker > | CueMarkers |
typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Source > > | SourceList |
typedef std::list< samplepos_t > | AnalysisFeatureList |
typedef std::vector< samplepos_t > | XrunPositions |
typedef std::list< std::shared_ptr< Route > > | RouteList |
typedef std::list< std::shared_ptr< GraphNode > > | GraphNodeList |
typedef std::list< std::shared_ptr< Stripable > > | StripableList |
typedef std::list< std::weak_ptr< Route > > | WeakRouteList |
typedef std::list< std::weak_ptr< Stripable > > | WeakStripableList |
typedef std::list< std::shared_ptr< AutomationControl > > | AutomationControlList |
typedef std::list< std::weak_ptr< AutomationControl > > | WeakAutomationControlList |
typedef std::list< std::shared_ptr< SlavableAutomationControl > > | SlavableAutomationControlList |
typedef std::set< AutomationType > | AutomationTypeSet |
typedef std::list< std::shared_ptr< VCA > > | VCAList |
typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Bundle > > | BundleList |
typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr< IOPlug > > | IOPlugList |
typedef std::vector< CaptureInfo * > | CaptureInfos |
typedef std::vector< CueEvent > | CueEvents |
typedef std::vector< AlsaMidiEvent > | AlsaMidiBuffer |
typedef std::vector< CoreMidiEvent > | CoreMidiBuffer |
typedef struct ARDOUR::_CoreMIDIPacket | CoreMIDIPacket |
typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr< CoreMIDIPacket > > | CoreMIDIQueue |
typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr< DummyMidiEvent > > | DummyMidiBuffer |
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > | device_map_t |
typedef std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > | MidiOptions |
typedef std::vector< PortMidiEvent > | PortMidiBuffer |
typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr< WinMMEMIDIPacket > > | WinMMEMIDIQueue |
typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr< PulseMidiEvent > > | PulseMidiBuffer |
typedef std::vector< std::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::Route > > | RouteNotificationList |
typedef std::shared_ptr< RouteNotificationList > | RouteNotificationListPtr |
typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Route > > | StrongRouteNotificationList |
typedef std::vector< std::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::Stripable > > | StripableNotificationList |
typedef std::shared_ptr< StripableNotificationList > | StripableNotificationListPtr |
typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Stripable > > | StrongStripableNotificationList |
Functions | |
void | pingback (const std::string &this_version, const std::string &announce_path) |
bool | init (bool try_optimization, const char *localedir, bool with_gui=false) |
void | init_post_engine (uint32_t) |
void | cleanup () |
bool | no_auto_connect () |
void | make_property_quarks () |
std::string | translation_enable_path () |
bool | translations_are_enabled () |
bool | set_translations_enabled (bool) |
void | setup_fpu () |
std::vector< SyncSource > | get_available_sync_options () |
void | set_global_ui_scale_factor (float s) |
void | check_for_old_configuration_files () |
int | handle_old_configuration_files (boost::function< bool(std::string const &, std::string const &, int)> ui_handler) |
void | reset_performance_meters (Session *) |
std::string | auv2_stringify_descriptor (CAComponentDescription const &) |
std::string | auv2_cache_file (CAComponentDescription const &) |
std::string | auv2_valid_cache_file (CAComponentDescription const &, bool verbose=false, bool *is_new=NULL) |
bool | auv2_scan_and_cache (CAComponentDescription &, boost::function< void(CAComponentDescription const &, AUv2Info const &)> cb, bool verbose=false) |
void | auv2_list_plugins (std::vector< AUv2DescStr > &rv) |
std::string | clip_library_dir (bool create_if_missing=false) |
bool | export_to_clip_library (std::shared_ptr< Region > r, void *src=NULL) |
std::string | user_config_directory (int version=-1) |
std::string | user_cache_directory (int version=-1) |
std::string | been_here_before_path (int version=-1) |
std::string | ardour_dll_directory () |
PBD::Searchpath | ardour_config_search_path () |
PBD::Searchpath | ardour_data_search_path () |
bool | topological_sort (GraphNodeList &, GraphEdges &) |
LV2_Evbuf * | lv2_evbuf_new (uint32_t capacity, uint32_t atom_Chunk, uint32_t atom_Sequence) |
void | lv2_evbuf_free (LV2_Evbuf *evbuf) |
void | lv2_evbuf_reset (LV2_Evbuf *evbuf, bool input) |
uint32_t | lv2_evbuf_get_size (LV2_Evbuf *evbuf) |
uint32_t | lv2_evbuf_get_capacity (LV2_Evbuf *evbuf) |
void * | lv2_evbuf_get_buffer (LV2_Evbuf *evbuf) |
LV2_Evbuf_Iterator | lv2_evbuf_begin (LV2_Evbuf *evbuf) |
LV2_Evbuf_Iterator | lv2_evbuf_end (LV2_Evbuf *evbuf) |
bool | lv2_evbuf_is_valid (LV2_Evbuf_Iterator iter) |
LV2_Evbuf_Iterator | lv2_evbuf_next (LV2_Evbuf_Iterator iter) |
bool | lv2_evbuf_get (LV2_Evbuf_Iterator iter, uint32_t *samples, uint32_t *subframes, uint32_t *type, uint32_t *size, uint8_t **data) |
bool | lv2_evbuf_write (LV2_Evbuf_Iterator *iter, uint32_t samples, uint32_t subframes, uint32_t type, uint32_t size, const uint8_t *data) |
const void * | lv2plugin_get_port_value (const char *port_symbol, void *user_data, uint32_t *size, uint32_t *type) |
uint8_t | parameter_midi_type (AutomationType type) |
AutomationType | midi_parameter_type (uint8_t status) |
Evoral::Parameter | midi_parameter (const uint8_t *buf, const uint32_t len) |
bool | parameter_is_midi (AutomationType type) |
bool | parameter_is_midi (Evoral::ParameterType t) |
PluginPtr | find_plugin (ARDOUR::Session &, std::string unique_id, ARDOUR::PluginType) |
int | read_recent_sessions (RecentSessions &rs) |
int | read_recent_templates (std::deque< std::string > &rt) |
int | store_recent_sessions (std::string name, std::string path) |
int | store_recent_templates (const std::string &session_template_full_name) |
int | write_recent_sessions (RecentSessions &rs) |
int | write_recent_templates (std::deque< std::string > &rt) |
int | remove_recent_sessions (const std::string &path) |
const char * | get_ardour_revision () |
template<class C > | |
void | rt_safe_delete (ARDOUR::Session *s, C *gc) |
const char * | vst_search_path () |
PBD::Searchpath | backend_search_path () |
PBD::Searchpath | control_protocol_search_path () |
PBD::Searchpath | export_formats_search_path () |
PBD::Searchpath | ladspa_search_path () |
PBD::Searchpath | lv2_bundled_search_path () |
PBD::Searchpath | midi_patch_search_path () |
PBD::Searchpath | theme_search_path () |
PBD::Searchpath | panner_search_path () |
PBD::Searchpath | plugin_metadata_search_path () |
PBD::Searchpath | route_template_search_path () |
PBD::Searchpath | template_search_path () |
PBD::Searchpath | lua_search_path () |
PBD::Searchpath | system_midi_map_search_path () |
std::string | user_midi_map_directory () |
void | setup_enum_writer () |
bool | create_backup_file (const std::string &file_path) |
int | find_session (std::string str, std::string &path, std::string &snapshot, bool &isnew) |
int | inflate_session (const std::string &zipfile, const std::string &target_dir, std::string &path, std::string &snapshot) |
std::string | inflate_error (int) |
std::string | system_template_directory () |
std::string | system_route_template_directory () |
std::string | user_template_directory () |
std::string | user_route_template_directory () |
void | find_route_templates (std::vector< TemplateInfo > &template_names) |
void | find_session_templates (std::vector< TemplateInfo > &template_names, bool read_xml=false) |
std::string | session_template_dir_to_file (std::string const &) |
std::string | cue_marker_name (int32_t) |
std::string | auto_state_to_string (AutoState) |
AutoState | string_to_auto_state (std::string) |
int | format_data_width (ARDOUR::SampleFormat) |
std::string | legalize_for_path (const std::string &str) |
std::string | legalize_for_universal_path (const std::string &str) |
std::string | legalize_for_uri (const std::string &str) |
std::string | legalize_for_path_2X (const std::string &str) |
XMLNode * | find_named_node (const XMLNode &node, std::string name) |
std::string | bool_as_string (bool) |
static float | f_max (float x, float a) |
std::string | bump_name_once (const std::string &s, char delimiter) |
std::string | bump_name_number (const std::string &s) |
std::string | bump_name_abc (const std::string &s) |
int | cmp_nocase (const std::string &s, const std::string &s2) |
int | cmp_nocase_utf8 (const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2) |
std::string | region_name_from_path (std::string path, bool strip_channels, bool add_channel_suffix=false, uint32_t total=0, uint32_t this_one=0) |
bool | path_is_paired (std::string path, std::string &pair_base) |
void | compute_equal_power_fades (ARDOUR::samplecnt_t nframes, float *in, float *out) |
const char * | edit_mode_to_string (ARDOUR::EditMode) |
ARDOUR::EditMode | string_to_edit_mode (std::string) |
const char * | ripple_mode_to_string (ARDOUR::RippleMode) |
ARDOUR::RippleMode | string_to_ripple_mode (std::string) |
double | gain_to_slider_position_with_max (double g, double max_gain=2.0) |
double | slider_position_to_gain_with_max (double g, double max_gain=2.0) |
float | meter_falloff_to_float (ARDOUR::MeterFalloff) |
ARDOUR::MeterFalloff | meter_falloff_from_float (float) |
float | meter_falloff_to_db_per_sec (float) |
const char * | native_header_format_extension (ARDOUR::HeaderFormat, const ARDOUR::DataType &type) |
bool | matching_unsuffixed_filename_exists_in (const std::string &dir, const std::string &name) |
uint32_t | how_many_dsp_threads () |
uint32_t | how_many_io_threads () |
std::string | compute_sha1_of_file (std::string path) |
template<typename T > | |
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlList > | route_list_to_control_list (std::shared_ptr< RouteList const > rl, std::shared_ptr< T >(Stripable::*get_control)() const) |
template<typename T > | |
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlList > | stripable_list_to_control_list (StripableList &sl, std::shared_ptr< T >(Stripable::*get_control)() const) |
template<typename T > | |
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlList > | stripable_list_to_control_list (std::shared_ptr< StripableList const > sl, std::shared_ptr< T >(Stripable::*get_control)() const) |
std::string | value_as_string (const ARDOUR::ParameterDescriptor &desc, double v) |
std::string | value_as_string (const ARDOUR::ParameterDescriptor &desc, const ARDOUR::Variant &val) |
std::string | vst2_arch () |
std::string | vst2_id_to_str (int32_t) |
std::string | vst2_cache_file (std::string const &path) |
std::string | vst2_valid_cache_file (std::string const &path, bool verbose=false, bool *is_new=NULL) |
bool | vst2_scan_and_cache (std::string const &path, ARDOUR::PluginType, boost::function< void(std::string const &, PluginType, VST2Info const &)> cb, bool verbose=false) |
std::string | module_path_vst3 (std::string const &path) |
std::string | vst3_cache_file (std::string const &module_path) |
std::string | vst3_valid_cache_file (std::string const &module_path, bool verbose=false, bool *is_new=NULL) |
bool | vst3_scan_and_cache (std::string const &module_path, std::string const &bundle_path, boost::function< void(std::string const &, std::string const &, VST3Info const &)> cb, bool verbose=false) |
int | get_alsa_device_parameters (const char *device_name, const bool play, ALSADeviceInfo *nfo) |
void | get_alsa_audio_device_names (std::map< std::string, std::string > &devices, AlsaDuplex duplex=FullDuplex) |
void | get_alsa_rawmidi_device_names (std::map< std::string, std::string > &devices) |
void | get_alsa_sequencer_names (std::map< std::string, std::string > &devices) |
int | card_to_num (const char *device_name) |
void | get_jack_audio_driver_names (std::vector< std::string > &driver_names) |
void | get_jack_default_audio_driver_name (std::string &driver_name) |
void | get_jack_sample_rate_strings (std::vector< std::string > &sample_rates) |
std::string | get_jack_default_sample_rate () |
bool | get_jack_sample_rate_value_from_string (const std::string &srs, uint32_t &srv) |
void | get_jack_period_size_strings (std::vector< std::string > &samplerates) |
std::string | get_jack_default_period_size () |
bool | get_jack_period_size_value_from_string (const std::string &pss, uint32_t &psv) |
void | get_jack_dither_mode_strings (const std::string &driver, std::vector< std::string > &dither_modes) |
std::string | get_jack_default_dither_mode (const std::string &driver) |
std::string | get_jack_latency_string (std::string samplerate, float periods, std::string period_size) |
void | get_jack_alsa_device_names (device_map_t &devices) |
void | get_jack_portaudio_device_names (device_map_t &devices) |
void | get_jack_coreaudio_device_names (device_map_t &devices) |
void | get_jack_oss_device_names (device_map_t &devices) |
void | get_jack_sun_device_names (device_map_t &devices) |
void | get_jack_freebob_device_names (device_map_t &devices) |
void | get_jack_ffado_device_names (device_map_t &devices) |
void | get_jack_netjack_device_names (device_map_t &devices) |
void | get_jack_dummy_device_names (device_map_t &devices) |
bool | get_jack_device_names_for_audio_driver (const std::string &driver, device_map_t &devices) |
std::vector< std::string > | get_jack_device_names_for_audio_driver (const std::string &driver) |
bool | get_jack_audio_driver_supports_two_devices (const std::string &driver) |
bool | get_jack_audio_driver_supports_latency_adjustment (const std::string &driver) |
bool | get_jack_audio_driver_supports_setting_period_count (const std::string &driver) |
bool | get_jack_server_application_names (std::vector< std::string > &server_names) |
void | set_path_env_for_jack_autostart (const std::vector< std::string > &) |
bool | get_jack_server_dir_paths (std::vector< std::string > &server_dir_paths) |
bool | get_jack_server_paths (const std::vector< std::string > &server_dir_paths, const std::vector< std::string > &server_names, std::vector< std::string > &server_paths) |
bool | get_jack_server_paths (std::vector< std::string > &server_paths) |
bool | get_jack_default_server_path (std::string &server_path) |
std::string | get_jack_server_config_file_name () |
std::string | get_jack_server_user_config_dir_path () |
std::string | get_jack_server_user_config_file_path () |
bool | write_jack_config_file (const std::string &config_file_path, const std::string &command_line) |
std::vector< std::string > | enumerate_midi_options () |
int | set_midi_option (ARDOUR::JackCommandLineOptions &, const std::string &opt) |
bool | get_jack_command_line_string (JackCommandLineOptions &options, std::string &command_line) |
The ‘port matrix’ UI. This is a widget which lets the user alter associations between one set of ports and another. e.g. to connect things together.
It is made up of a body, PortMatrixBody, which is rendered using cairo, and some scrollbars and other stuff. All of this is arranged inside the Table that we inherit from.
typedef std::vector<AlsaMidiEvent> ARDOUR::AlsaMidiBuffer |
Definition at line 66 of file alsa_audiobackend.h.
typedef std::list<samplepos_t> ARDOUR::AnalysisFeatureList |
Definition at line 672 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::map<std::string, ExportAnalysisPtr> ARDOUR::AnalysisResults |
Definition at line 151 of file export_analysis.h.
typedef void(* ARDOUR::apply_gain_to_buffer_t) (ARDOUR::Sample *, pframes_t, float) |
Definition at line 30 of file runtime_functions.h.
typedef std::map<std::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Region>,AudioIntervalResult> ARDOUR::AudioIntervalMap |
Definition at line 102 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::list<std::pair<sampleoffset_t, sampleoffset_t> > ARDOUR::AudioIntervalResult |
Definition at line 100 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<AUPluginInfo> ARDOUR::AUPluginInfoPtr |
Definition at line 271 of file audio_unit.h.
typedef std::list<std::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> > ARDOUR::AutomationControlList |
Definition at line 680 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::set<AutomationType> ARDOUR::AutomationTypeSet |
Definition at line 683 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<BackendPort> const& ARDOUR::BackendPortHandle |
Definition at line 45 of file port_engine_shared.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<BackendPort> ARDOUR::BackendPortPtr |
Definition at line 44 of file port_engine_shared.h.
typedef std::pair<Temporal::Beats,samplepos_t> ARDOUR::BeatPosition |
Definition at line 52 of file step_sequencer.h.
typedef std::vector<BeatPosition> ARDOUR::BeatPositions |
Definition at line 53 of file step_sequencer.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<AudioGrapher::BroadcastInfo> ARDOUR::BroadcastInfoPtr |
Definition at line 62 of file export_pointers.h.
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Bundle> > ARDOUR::BundleList |
Definition at line 688 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::vector<CaptureInfo*> ARDOUR::CaptureInfos |
Definition at line 898 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef uint32_t ARDOUR::color_t |
Definition at line 76 of file triggerbox.h.
typedef float(* ARDOUR::compute_peak_t) (const ARDOUR::Sample *, pframes_t, float) |
Definition at line 28 of file runtime_functions.h.
typedef void(* ARDOUR::copy_vector_t) (ARDOUR::Sample *, const ARDOUR::Sample *, pframes_t) |
Definition at line 33 of file runtime_functions.h.
typedef std::vector<CoreMidiEvent> ARDOUR::CoreMidiBuffer |
Definition at line 60 of file coreaudio_backend.h.
typedef struct ARDOUR::_CoreMIDIPacket ARDOUR::CoreMIDIPacket |
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CoreMIDIPacket> > ARDOUR::CoreMIDIQueue |
Definition at line 66 of file coremidi_io.h.
typedef std::vector<CueEvent> ARDOUR::CueEvents |
Definition at line 960 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::set<CueMarker> ARDOUR::CueMarkers |
Definition at line 416 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef PBD::RingBuffer<CueRecord> ARDOUR::CueRecords |
Definition at line 714 of file triggerbox.h.
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> ARDOUR::device_map_t |
Key being a readable name to display in a GUI Value being name used in a jack commandline
Definition at line 100 of file jack_utils.h.
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DummyMidiEvent> > ARDOUR::DummyMidiBuffer |
Definition at line 68 of file dummy_audiobackend.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<ExportAnalysis> ARDOUR::ExportAnalysisPtr |
Definition at line 150 of file export_analysis.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<ExportChannelConfiguration> ARDOUR::ExportChannelConfigPtr |
Definition at line 50 of file export_pointers.h.
Definition at line 47 of file export_pointers.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<ExportFilename> ARDOUR::ExportFilenamePtr |
Definition at line 55 of file export_pointers.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<ExportFormatBase> ARDOUR::ExportFormatBasePtr |
Definition at line 51 of file export_pointers.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<ExportFormatCompatibility> ARDOUR::ExportFormatCompatibilityPtr |
Definition at line 54 of file export_pointers.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<ExportFormat> ARDOUR::ExportFormatPtr |
Definition at line 52 of file export_pointers.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<ExportFormatSpecification> ARDOUR::ExportFormatSpecPtr |
Definition at line 53 of file export_pointers.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<ExportPreset> ARDOUR::ExportPresetPtr |
Definition at line 57 of file export_pointers.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<ExportStatus> ARDOUR::ExportStatusPtr |
Definition at line 56 of file export_pointers.h.
Definition at line 48 of file export_pointers.h.
typedef void(* ARDOUR::find_peaks_t) (const ARDOUR::Sample *, pframes_t, float *, float *) |
Definition at line 29 of file runtime_functions.h.
typedef float ARDOUR::gain_t |
Definition at line 84 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::list<std::shared_ptr<GraphNode> > ARDOUR::GraphNodeList |
Definition at line 676 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<GraphNode> ARDOUR::GraphVertex |
Definition at line 31 of file graph_edges.h.
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IOPlug> > ARDOUR::IOPlugList |
Definition at line 691 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<LadspaPluginInfo> ARDOUR::LadspaPluginInfoPtr |
Definition at line 166 of file ladspa_plugin.h.
typedef uint32_t ARDOUR::layer_t |
Definition at line 85 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<LuaPluginInfo> ARDOUR::LuaPluginInfoPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr<LuaScriptInfo> ARDOUR::LuaScriptInfoPtr |
Definition at line 103 of file luascripting.h.
typedef std::vector<LuaScriptInfoPtr> ARDOUR::LuaScriptList |
Definition at line 104 of file luascripting.h.
typedef std::vector<LuaScriptParamPtr> ARDOUR::LuaScriptParamList |
Definition at line 107 of file luascripting.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<LuaScriptParam> ARDOUR::LuaScriptParamPtr |
Definition at line 106 of file luascripting.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<LV2PluginInfo> ARDOUR::LV2PluginInfoPtr |
Definition at line 430 of file lv2_plugin.h.
typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string> > ARDOUR::MidiOptions |
Definition at line 184 of file jack_utils.h.
typedef void(* ARDOUR::mix_buffers_no_gain_t) (ARDOUR::Sample *, const ARDOUR::Sample *, pframes_t) |
Definition at line 32 of file runtime_functions.h.
typedef void(* ARDOUR::mix_buffers_with_gain_t) (ARDOUR::Sample *, const ARDOUR::Sample *, pframes_t, float) |
Definition at line 31 of file runtime_functions.h.
Definition at line 55 of file step_sequencer.h.
typedef std::vector<MusicTimeEvent*> ARDOUR::MusicTimeEvents |
Definition at line 56 of file step_sequencer.h.
typedef std::list< node_ptr_t > ARDOUR::node_list_t |
typedef std::shared_ptr< GraphNode > ARDOUR::node_ptr_t |
typedef std::set< node_ptr_t > ARDOUR::node_set_t |
typedef float ARDOUR::pan_t |
Definition at line 83 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::map<std::string,std::string> ARDOUR::PannerUriMap |
Definition at line 32 of file panner_manager.h.
typedef gint16 ARDOUR::peak_datum |
Definition at line 26 of file soundseq.h.
typedef uint32_t ARDOUR::pframes_t |
Definition at line 86 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::set<std::shared_ptr<Playlist> > ARDOUR::PlaylistSet |
Definition at line 105 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::list<PluginInfoPtr> ARDOUR::PluginInfoList |
typedef std::shared_ptr<PluginInfo> ARDOUR::PluginInfoPtr |
typedef std::set<uint32_t> ARDOUR::PluginOutputConfiguration |
typedef std::list<PluginPresetPtr> ARDOUR::PluginPresetList |
typedef std::shared_ptr<PluginPreset> ARDOUR::PluginPresetPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr<Plugin> ARDOUR::PluginPtr |
typedef std::vector<PortMidiEvent> ARDOUR::PortMidiBuffer |
Definition at line 58 of file portaudio_backend.h.
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PulseMidiEvent> > ARDOUR::PulseMidiBuffer |
Definition at line 62 of file pulseaudio_backend.h.
typedef std::deque<std::pair<std::string,std::string> > ARDOUR::RecentSessions |
Definition at line 29 of file recent_sessions.h.
typedef std::list<std::shared_ptr<Region> > ARDOUR::RegionList |
Definition at line 104 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::list<std::shared_ptr<Route> > ARDOUR::RouteList |
Definition at line 675 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::vector<std::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Route> > ARDOUR::RouteNotificationList |
Definition at line 28 of file ctrl-interface/control_protocol/control_protocol/types.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<RouteNotificationList> ARDOUR::RouteNotificationListPtr |
Definition at line 29 of file ctrl-interface/control_protocol/control_protocol/types.h.
typedef float ARDOUR::Sample |
Definition at line 82 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Definition at line 89 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Definition at line 91 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Definition at line 90 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::map<const std::string, const float, CompareNumericallyLess> ARDOUR::ScalePoints |
Definition at line 38 of file parameter_descriptor.h.
typedef std::list<std::shared_ptr<SlavableAutomationControl> > ARDOUR::SlavableAutomationControlList |
Definition at line 682 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Source> > ARDOUR::SourceList |
Definition at line 662 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::list<std::shared_ptr<Stripable> > ARDOUR::StripableList |
Definition at line 677 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::vector<std::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable> > ARDOUR::StripableNotificationList |
Definition at line 32 of file ctrl-interface/control_protocol/control_protocol/types.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<StripableNotificationList> ARDOUR::StripableNotificationListPtr |
Definition at line 33 of file ctrl-interface/control_protocol/control_protocol/types.h.
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Route> > ARDOUR::StrongRouteNotificationList |
Definition at line 30 of file ctrl-interface/control_protocol/control_protocol/types.h.
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable> > ARDOUR::StrongStripableNotificationList |
Definition at line 34 of file ctrl-interface/control_protocol/control_protocol/types.h.
typedef Temporal::timecnt_t ARDOUR::timecnt_t |
Definition at line 94 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef Temporal::timepos_t ARDOUR::timepos_t |
Definition at line 93 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<Trigger> ARDOUR::TriggerPtr |
Definition at line 82 of file triggerbox.h.
typedef std::list<std::shared_ptr<VCA> > ARDOUR::VCAList |
Definition at line 685 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::list<std::weak_ptr <AutomationControl> > ARDOUR::WeakAutomationControlList |
Definition at line 681 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::weak_ptr<ExportFormatCompatibility> ARDOUR::WeakExportFormatCompatibilityPtr |
Definition at line 59 of file export_pointers.h.
typedef std::weak_ptr<ExportFormat> ARDOUR::WeakExportFormatPtr |
Definition at line 60 of file export_pointers.h.
typedef std::list<std::weak_ptr <Route> > ARDOUR::WeakRouteList |
Definition at line 678 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::list<std::weak_ptr <Stripable> > ARDOUR::WeakStripableList |
Definition at line 679 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<WinMMEMIDIPacket> > ARDOUR::WinMMEMIDIQueue |
Definition at line 57 of file winmmemidi_io.h.
typedef std::vector<samplepos_t> ARDOUR::XrunPositions |
Definition at line 673 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::AFLPosition |
Enumerator | |
AFLFromBeforeProcessors | AFL signals come post-fader and before post-fader processors |
AFLFromAfterProcessors | AFL signals come post-fader but after post-fader processors |
Definition at line 548 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::AlignChoice |
Enumerator | |
UseCaptureTime | |
UseExistingMaterial | |
Automatic |
Definition at line 213 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::AlignStyle |
Enumerator | |
CaptureTime | |
ExistingMaterial |
Definition at line 208 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::AlsaDuplex |
Enumerator | |
HalfDuplexIn | |
HalfDuplexOut | |
FullDuplex |
Definition at line 25 of file devicelist.h.
Enumerator | |
NSGLHiRes | |
NSGLLoRes | |
NSGLDisable |
Definition at line 728 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
ManualConnect | |
AutoConnectPhysical | |
AutoConnectMaster |
Definition at line 578 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
When you add things here, you REALLY SHOULD add a case clause to the constructor of ParameterDescriptor, unless the Controllables that the enum refers to are completely standard (0-1.0 range, 0.0 as normal, non-toggled, non-enumerated). Anything else needs to be added there so that things that try to represent them can do so with as much information as possible.
Definition at line 146 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
LastLocate | |
RangeSelectionStart | |
Loop | |
RegionSelectionStart |
Definition at line 841 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::AutoState |
Enumerator | |
Off | |
Write | |
Touch | |
Play | |
Latch |
Definition at line 197 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
Small | |
Medium | |
Large | |
Custom |
Definition at line 834 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
CDMarkerNone | |
CDMarkerCUE | |
CDMarkerTOC | |
MP4Chaps |
Definition at line 597 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::ChannelMode |
Enumerator | |
AllChannels | Pass through all channel information unmodified. |
FilterChannels | Ignore events on certain channels. |
ForceChannel | Force all events to a certain channel. |
Definition at line 275 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
NoDelta | |
DeltaEditPoint | |
DeltaOriginMarker |
Definition at line 555 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::ColorMode |
Enumerator | |
MeterColors | |
ChannelColors | |
TrackColor |
Definition at line 281 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::CueBehavior |
Enumerator | |
FollowCues | |
ImplicitlyIgnoreCues |
Definition at line 893 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
DenormalNone | |
DenormalFTZ | |
DenormalDAZ | |
DenormalFTZDAZ |
Definition at line 561 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::DiskIOPoint |
Enumerator | |
DiskIOPreFader | |
DiskIOPostFader | |
DiskIOCustom |
Definition at line 227 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::EditMode |
Enumerator | |
Slide | |
Ripple | |
Lock |
Definition at line 442 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::FadeShape |
Enumerator | |
FadeLinear | |
FadeFast | |
FadeSlow | |
FadeConstantPower | |
FadeSymmetric |
Definition at line 772 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::FastWindOp |
Enumerator | |
FastWindOff | |
FastWindVarispeed | |
FastWindLocate |
Definition at line 508 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::HeaderFormat |
Enumerator | |
BWF | |
WAVE | |
WAVE64 | |
CAF | |
AIFF | |
iXML | |
RF64 | |
RF64_WAV | |
MBWF | |
Definition at line 604 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
LayoutVertical | |
LayoutHorizontal | |
LayoutAutomatic |
Definition at line 535 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Definition at line 128 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::LayerModel |
Enumerator | |
LaterHigher | |
Manual |
Definition at line 568 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
AfterFaderListen | |
PreFaderListen |
Definition at line 573 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
MustRoll | |
MustStop | |
RollIfAppropriate |
Definition at line 887 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
NoLoopFade | |
EndLoopFade | |
BothLoopFade | |
XFadeLoop |
Definition at line 873 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::MeterFalloff |
Enumerator | |
MeterFalloffOff | |
MeterFalloffSlowest | |
MeterFalloffSlow | |
MeterFalloffSlowish | |
MeterFalloffModerate | |
MeterFalloffMedium | |
MeterFalloffFast | |
MeterFalloffFaster | |
MeterFalloffFastest |
Definition at line 423 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::MeterHold |
Enumerator | |
MeterHoldOff | |
MeterHoldShort | |
MeterHoldMedium | |
MeterHoldLong |
Definition at line 435 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::MeterLineUp |
Enumerator | |
MeteringLineUp24 | |
MeteringLineUp20 | |
MeteringLineUp18 | |
MeteringLineUp15 |
Definition at line 528 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::MeterPoint |
Enumerator | |
MeterInput | |
MeterPreFader | |
MeterPostFader | |
MeterOutput | |
MeterCustom |
Definition at line 219 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::MeterType |
Enumerator | |
MeterMaxSignal | |
MeterMaxPeak | |
MeterPeak | |
MeterKrms | |
MeterK20 | |
MeterK14 | |
MeterIEC1DIN | |
MeterIEC1NOR | |
MeterIEC2BBC | |
MeterIEC2EBU | |
MeterVU | |
MeterK12 | |
MeterPeak0dB | |
MeterMCP |
Definition at line 233 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
MidiPortMusic | |
MidiPortControl | |
MidiPortSelection | |
MidiPortVirtual |
Definition at line 809 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
SMFTempoIgnore | |
SMFTempoUse |
Definition at line 861 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
SMFTrackNumber | |
SMFTrackName | |
SMFFileAndTrackName | |
SMFInstrumentName |
Definition at line 854 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
MonitorAuto | |
MonitorInput | |
MonitorDisk | |
MonitorCue |
Definition at line 501 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::MonitorModel |
Enumerator | |
HardwareMonitoring | JACK does monitoring. |
SoftwareMonitoring | Ardour does monitoring. |
ExternalMonitoring | we leave monitoring to the audio hardware |
Definition at line 495 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::MonitorState |
Enumerator | |
MonitoringSilence | |
MonitoringInput | |
MonitoringDisk | |
MonitoringCue |
Definition at line 514 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::NoteMode |
Enumerator | |
Sustained | |
Percussive |
Definition at line 270 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
PlaylistChanged | |
PlaylistModified | |
LoopDisabled | |
LoopChanged |
Definition at line 880 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::PFLPosition |
Enumerator | |
PFLFromBeforeProcessors | PFL signals come from before pre-fader processors |
PFLFromAfterProcessors | PFL signals come pre-fader but after pre-fader processors |
Definition at line 541 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::Placement |
Enumerator | |
PreFader | |
PostFader |
Definition at line 490 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
CopyPlaylist | |
NewPlaylist | |
SharePlaylist |
Definition at line 848 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
PluginGUIHide | |
PluginGUIDestroyAny | |
PluginGUIDestroyVST |
Definition at line 722 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::PluginType |
Enumerator | |
AudioUnit | |
LV2 | |
Windows_VST | |
MacVST | |
Lua | |
VST3 |
Definition at line 24 of file plugin_types.h.
enum ARDOUR::PortFlags |
Enumerator | |
IsInput | |
IsOutput | |
IsPhysical | |
CanMonitor | |
IsTerminal | |
Hidden | |
Shadow | |
TransportMasterPort | |
TransportGenerator | |
TransportSyncPort |
Definition at line 790 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
ClearSel | |
PreserveSel | |
ForceSel |
Definition at line 471 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::RecordMode |
Enumerator | |
RecLayered | |
RecNonLayered | |
RecSoundOnSound |
Definition at line 257 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
EditChangesNothing | |
EditChangesName | |
EditChangesID |
Definition at line 89 of file ardour/ardour/region.h.
Enumerator | |
Exact | |
Enclosed | |
Overlap | |
LayerTime |
Definition at line 693 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
LeftOfSplit | |
InnerSplit | |
RightOfSplit | |
Paste |
Definition at line 95 of file ardour/ardour/region.h.
enum ARDOUR::RegionPoint |
Enumerator | |
Start | |
End | |
SyncPoint |
Definition at line 484 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
None | |
NewlyCreatedLeft | |
NewlyCreatedRight | |
NewlyCreatedBoth | |
Existing | |
ExistingNewlyCreatedLeft | |
ExistingNewlyCreatedRight | |
ExistingNewlyCreatedBoth |
Definition at line 460 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::RippleMode |
Enumerator | |
RippleSelected | |
RippleAll | |
RippleInterview |
Definition at line 454 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::RunContext |
Enumerator | |
ButlerContext | |
TransportContext | |
ExportContext |
Definition at line 624 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::SampleFormat |
Enumerator | |
FormatFloat | |
FormatInt24 | |
FormatInt16 |
Definition at line 589 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
InhibitNever | |
InhibitWhileRecording | |
InhibitAlways |
Definition at line 710 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
CopyPasteSection | |
CutPasteSection | |
InsertSection | |
DeleteSection |
Definition at line 263 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
SelectionSet | |
SelectionAdd | |
SelectionToggle | |
SelectionRemove | |
SelectionExtend |
Definition at line 979 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::ShuttleUnits |
Enumerator | |
Percentage | |
Semitones |
Definition at line 657 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::SnapPref |
Definition at line 287 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::SnapTarget |
Enumerator | |
SnapTargetGrid | |
SnapTargetOther | |
SnapTargetBoth |
Definition at line 448 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::SrcQuality |
Enumerator | |
SrcBest | |
SrcGood | |
SrcQuick | |
SrcFast | |
SrcFastest |
Definition at line 664 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::SyncSource |
Enumerator | |
JACK | |
Engine | |
MTC | |
MIDIClock | |
Definition at line 630 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
SectionSelectNoop | |
SectionSelectClear | |
SectionSelectRetain | |
SectionSelectRetainAndMovePlayhead |
Definition at line 477 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::TrackMode |
Enumerator | |
Normal | |
NonLayered | |
Destructive |
Definition at line 250 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
UseDefaultNames | |
NameAfterDriver |
Definition at line 584 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
TRS_Engine | |
TRS_MIDIClock | |
Definition at line 642 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
TR_StartStop | |
TR_Speed | |
TR_Locate |
Definition at line 651 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
TransportStopped | |
TransportRolling | |
TransportLooping | |
TransportStarting |
Definition at line 780 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
MeteringVUfrench | 0VU = -2dBu |
MeteringVUamerican | 0VU = 0dBu |
MeteringVUstandard | 0VU = +4dBu |
MeteringVUeight | 0VU = +8dBu |
Definition at line 521 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
Linear | |
Logarithmic |
Definition at line 700 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
Enumerator | |
Traditional | |
Rectified |
Definition at line 705 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
enum ARDOUR::WellKnownCtrl : int |
Definition at line 24 of file well_known_enum.h.
enum ARDOUR::WellKnownData : int |
Enumerator | |
TapeDrive_Saturation | |
Master_PhaseCorrelationMin | |
Master_PhaseCorrelationMax | |
Master_KMeter | |
Master_LimiterRedux | |
Comp_Meter | |
Comp_Redux | |
Gate_Meter | |
Gate_Redux |
Definition at line 72 of file well_known_enum.h.
PBD::Searchpath ARDOUR::ardour_config_search_path | ( | ) |
PBD::Searchpath ARDOUR::ardour_data_search_path | ( | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::ardour_dll_directory | ( | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::auto_state_to_string | ( | AutoState | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::auv2_cache_file | ( | CAComponentDescription const & | ) |
void ARDOUR::auv2_list_plugins | ( | std::vector< AUv2DescStr > & | rv | ) |
bool ARDOUR::auv2_scan_and_cache | ( | CAComponentDescription & | , |
boost::function< void(CAComponentDescription const &, AUv2Info const &)> | cb, | ||
bool | verbose = false |
) |
std::string ARDOUR::auv2_stringify_descriptor | ( | CAComponentDescription const & | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::auv2_valid_cache_file | ( | CAComponentDescription const & | , |
bool | verbose = false , |
bool * | is_new = NULL |
) |
PBD::Searchpath ARDOUR::backend_search_path | ( | ) |
return a SearchPath containing directories in which to look for backend plugins.
If ARDOUR_BACKEND_PATH is defined then the SearchPath returned will contain only those directories specified in it, otherwise it will contain the user and system directories which may contain audio/MIDI backends.
std::string ARDOUR::been_here_before_path | ( | int | version = -1 | ) |
version | is the version to check for. If unspecified, it defaults to the current (build-time) version of the program. |
std::string ARDOUR::bool_as_string | ( | bool | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::bump_name_abc | ( | const std::string & | s | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::bump_name_number | ( | const std::string & | s | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::bump_name_once | ( | const std::string & | s, |
char | delimiter | ||
) |
int ARDOUR::card_to_num | ( | const char * | device_name | ) |
void ARDOUR::check_for_old_configuration_files | ( | ) |
void ARDOUR::cleanup | ( | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::clip_library_dir | ( | bool | create_if_missing = false | ) |
int ARDOUR::cmp_nocase | ( | const std::string & | s, |
const std::string & | s2 | ||
) |
int ARDOUR::cmp_nocase_utf8 | ( | const std::string & | s1, |
const std::string & | s2 | ||
) |
void ARDOUR::compute_equal_power_fades | ( | ARDOUR::samplecnt_t | nframes, |
float * | in, | ||
float * | out | ||
) |
std::string ARDOUR::compute_sha1_of_file | ( | std::string | path | ) |
PBD::Searchpath ARDOUR::control_protocol_search_path | ( | ) |
return a Searchpath containing directories in which to look for control surface plugins.
If ARDOUR_SURFACES_PATH is defined then the Searchpath returned will contain only those directories specified in it, otherwise it will contain the user and system directories which may contain control surface plugins.
bool ARDOUR::create_backup_file | ( | const std::string & | file_path | ) |
Attempt to create a backup copy of a file.
A copy of the file is created in the same directory using the same filename with the backup suffix appended.
std::string ARDOUR::cue_marker_name | ( | int32_t | ) |
const char* ARDOUR::edit_mode_to_string | ( | ARDOUR::EditMode | ) |
std::vector<std::string> ARDOUR::enumerate_midi_options | ( | ) |
PBD::Searchpath ARDOUR::export_formats_search_path | ( | ) |
return a Searchpath containing directories in which to look for export_formats.
bool ARDOUR::export_to_clip_library | ( | std::shared_ptr< Region > | r, |
void * | src = NULL |
) |
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 60 of file libs/ardour/ardour/utils.h.
PluginPtr ARDOUR::find_plugin | ( | ARDOUR::Session & | , |
std::string | unique_id, | ||
ARDOUR::PluginType | |||
) |
void ARDOUR::find_route_templates | ( | std::vector< TemplateInfo > & | template_names | ) |
int ARDOUR::find_session | ( | std::string | str, |
std::string & | path, | ||
std::string & | snapshot, | ||
bool & | isnew | ||
) |
void ARDOUR::find_session_templates | ( | std::vector< TemplateInfo > & | template_names, |
bool | read_xml = false |
) |
int ARDOUR::format_data_width | ( | ARDOUR::SampleFormat | ) |
double ARDOUR::gain_to_slider_position_with_max | ( | double | g, |
double | max_gain = 2.0 |
) |
void ARDOUR::get_alsa_audio_device_names | ( | std::map< std::string, std::string > & | devices, |
AlsaDuplex | duplex = FullDuplex |
) |
int ARDOUR::get_alsa_device_parameters | ( | const char * | device_name, |
const bool | play, | ||
ALSADeviceInfo * | nfo | ||
) |
void ARDOUR::get_alsa_rawmidi_device_names | ( | std::map< std::string, std::string > & | devices | ) |
void ARDOUR::get_alsa_sequencer_names | ( | std::map< std::string, std::string > & | devices | ) |
const char* ARDOUR::get_ardour_revision | ( | ) |
std::vector<SyncSource> ARDOUR::get_available_sync_options | ( | ) |
void ARDOUR::get_jack_alsa_device_names | ( | device_map_t & | devices | ) |
Use library specific code to find out what what devices exist for a given driver that might work in JACK. There is no easy way to find out what modules the JACK server supports so guess based on platform. For instance portaudio is cross-platform but we only return devices if built for windows etc
void ARDOUR::get_jack_audio_driver_names | ( | std::vector< std::string > & | driver_names | ) |
Get a list of possible JACK audio driver names based on platform
bool ARDOUR::get_jack_audio_driver_supports_latency_adjustment | ( | const std::string & | driver | ) |
bool ARDOUR::get_jack_audio_driver_supports_setting_period_count | ( | const std::string & | driver | ) |
bool ARDOUR::get_jack_audio_driver_supports_two_devices | ( | const std::string & | driver | ) |
bool ARDOUR::get_jack_command_line_string | ( | JackCommandLineOptions & | options, |
std::string & | command_line | ||
) |
void ARDOUR::get_jack_coreaudio_device_names | ( | device_map_t & | devices | ) |
void ARDOUR::get_jack_default_audio_driver_name | ( | std::string & | driver_name | ) |
Get the default JACK audio driver based on platform
std::string ARDOUR::get_jack_default_dither_mode | ( | const std::string & | driver | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::get_jack_default_period_size | ( | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::get_jack_default_sample_rate | ( | ) |
bool ARDOUR::get_jack_default_server_path | ( | std::string & | server_path | ) |
Get absolute path to default JACK server
std::vector<std::string> ARDOUR::get_jack_device_names_for_audio_driver | ( | const std::string & | driver | ) |
bool ARDOUR::get_jack_device_names_for_audio_driver | ( | const std::string & | driver, |
device_map_t & | devices | ||
) |
void ARDOUR::get_jack_dither_mode_strings | ( | const std::string & | driver, |
std::vector< std::string > & | dither_modes | ||
) |
These are driver specific I think, so it may require a driver arg in future
void ARDOUR::get_jack_dummy_device_names | ( | device_map_t & | devices | ) |
void ARDOUR::get_jack_ffado_device_names | ( | device_map_t & | devices | ) |
void ARDOUR::get_jack_freebob_device_names | ( | device_map_t & | devices | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::get_jack_latency_string | ( | std::string | samplerate, |
float | periods, | ||
std::string | period_size | ||
) |
API matches current use in GUI
void ARDOUR::get_jack_netjack_device_names | ( | device_map_t & | devices | ) |
void ARDOUR::get_jack_oss_device_names | ( | device_map_t & | devices | ) |
void ARDOUR::get_jack_period_size_strings | ( | std::vector< std::string > & | samplerates | ) |
Get a list of possible period sizes supported be JACK
bool ARDOUR::get_jack_period_size_value_from_string | ( | const std::string & | pss, |
uint32_t & | psv | ||
) |
void ARDOUR::get_jack_portaudio_device_names | ( | device_map_t & | devices | ) |
void ARDOUR::get_jack_sample_rate_strings | ( | std::vector< std::string > & | sample_rates | ) |
Get a list of possible samplerates supported be JACK
bool ARDOUR::get_jack_sample_rate_value_from_string | ( | const std::string & | srs, |
uint32_t & | srv | ||
) |
bool ARDOUR::get_jack_server_application_names | ( | std::vector< std::string > & | server_names | ) |
The possible names to use to try and find servers, this includes any file extensions like .exe on Windows
std::string ARDOUR::get_jack_server_config_file_name | ( | ) |
bool ARDOUR::get_jack_server_dir_paths | ( | std::vector< std::string > & | server_dir_paths | ) |
Get absolute paths to directories that might contain JACK servers on the system
bool ARDOUR::get_jack_server_paths | ( | const std::vector< std::string > & | server_dir_paths, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | server_names, | ||
std::vector< std::string > & | server_paths | ||
) |
Get absolute paths to JACK servers on the system
bool ARDOUR::get_jack_server_paths | ( | std::vector< std::string > & | server_paths | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::get_jack_server_user_config_dir_path | ( | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::get_jack_server_user_config_file_path | ( | ) |
void ARDOUR::get_jack_sun_device_names | ( | device_map_t & | devices | ) |
int ARDOUR::handle_old_configuration_files | ( | boost::function< bool(std::string const &, std::string const &, int)> | ui_handler | ) |
uint32_t ARDOUR::how_many_dsp_threads | ( | ) |
uint32_t ARDOUR::how_many_io_threads | ( | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::inflate_error | ( | int | ) |
int ARDOUR::inflate_session | ( | const std::string & | zipfile, |
const std::string & | target_dir, | ||
std::string & | path, | ||
std::string & | snapshot | ||
) |
bool ARDOUR::init | ( | bool | try_optimization, |
const char * | localedir, | ||
bool | with_gui = false |
) |
try_optimization | true to enable hardware optimized routines for mixing, finding peak values etc. |
localedir | Directory to look for localisation files |
with_gui | set to true if running from a GUI (expected to take care of certain initialization itself) |
void ARDOUR::init_post_engine | ( | uint32_t | ) |
PBD::Searchpath ARDOUR::ladspa_search_path | ( | ) |
return a Searchpath containing directories in which to look for LADSPA plugins.
If LADSPA_PATH is defined then the Searchpath returned will contain the directories specified in it as well as the user and system directories.
std::string ARDOUR::legalize_for_path | ( | const std::string & | str | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::legalize_for_path_2X | ( | const std::string & | str | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::legalize_for_universal_path | ( | const std::string & | str | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::legalize_for_uri | ( | const std::string & | str | ) |
PBD::Searchpath ARDOUR::lua_search_path | ( | ) |
return a Searchpath containing directories in which to look for lua scripts
PBD::Searchpath ARDOUR::lv2_bundled_search_path | ( | ) |
return a Searchpath containing directories in which to look for lv2 plugins.
LV2_Evbuf_Iterator ARDOUR::lv2_evbuf_begin | ( | LV2_Evbuf * | evbuf | ) |
Return an iterator to the start of buf
LV2_Evbuf_Iterator ARDOUR::lv2_evbuf_end | ( | LV2_Evbuf * | evbuf | ) |
Return an iterator to the end of buf.
void ARDOUR::lv2_evbuf_free | ( | LV2_Evbuf * | evbuf | ) |
Free an event buffer allocated with lv2_evbuf_new.
bool ARDOUR::lv2_evbuf_get | ( | LV2_Evbuf_Iterator | iter, |
uint32_t * | samples, | ||
uint32_t * | subframes, | ||
uint32_t * | type, | ||
uint32_t * | size, | ||
uint8_t ** | data | ||
) |
Dereference an event iterator (i.e. get the event currently pointed to). iter
must be valid. type
Set to the type of the event. size
Set to the size of the event. data
Set to the contents of the event.
void* ARDOUR::lv2_evbuf_get_buffer | ( | LV2_Evbuf * | evbuf | ) |
Return the actual buffer implementation. The format of the buffer returned depends on the buffer type.
uint32_t ARDOUR::lv2_evbuf_get_capacity | ( | LV2_Evbuf * | evbuf | ) |
Return the available capacity of the buffer
uint32_t ARDOUR::lv2_evbuf_get_size | ( | LV2_Evbuf * | evbuf | ) |
Return the total padded size of the events stored in the buffer.
bool ARDOUR::lv2_evbuf_is_valid | ( | LV2_Evbuf_Iterator | iter | ) |
Check if iter
is valid.
is valid, otherwise false (past end of buffer) LV2_Evbuf* ARDOUR::lv2_evbuf_new | ( | uint32_t | capacity, |
uint32_t | atom_Chunk, | ||
uint32_t | atom_Sequence | ||
) |
Allocate a new, empty event buffer. URIDs for atom:Chunk and atom:Sequence must be passed for LV2_EVBUF_ATOM.
LV2_Evbuf_Iterator ARDOUR::lv2_evbuf_next | ( | LV2_Evbuf_Iterator | iter | ) |
Advance iter
forward one event. iter
must be valid.
is valid, otherwise false (reached end of buffer) void ARDOUR::lv2_evbuf_reset | ( | LV2_Evbuf * | evbuf, |
bool | input | ||
) |
Clear and initialize an existing event buffer. The contents of buf are ignored entirely and overwritten, except capacity which is unmodified. If input is false and this is an atom buffer, the buffer will be prepared for writing by the plugin. This MUST be called before every run cycle.
bool ARDOUR::lv2_evbuf_write | ( | LV2_Evbuf_Iterator * | iter, |
uint32_t | samples, | ||
uint32_t | subframes, | ||
uint32_t | type, | ||
uint32_t | size, | ||
const uint8_t * | data | ||
) |
Write an event at iter
. The event (if any) pointed to by iter
will be overwritten, and iter
incremented to point to the following event (i.e. several calls to this function can be done in sequence without twiddling iter in-between).
const void* ARDOUR::lv2plugin_get_port_value | ( | const char * | port_symbol, |
void * | user_data, | ||
uint32_t * | size, | ||
uint32_t * | type | ||
) |
void ARDOUR::make_property_quarks | ( | ) |
bool ARDOUR::matching_unsuffixed_filename_exists_in | ( | const std::string & | dir, |
const std::string & | name | ||
) |
ARDOUR::MeterFalloff ARDOUR::meter_falloff_from_float | ( | float | ) |
float ARDOUR::meter_falloff_to_db_per_sec | ( | float | ) |
float ARDOUR::meter_falloff_to_float | ( | ARDOUR::MeterFalloff | ) |
inline |
Definition at line 59 of file parameter_types.h.
inline |
Definition at line 45 of file parameter_types.h.
PBD::Searchpath ARDOUR::midi_patch_search_path | ( | ) |
return a Searchpath containing directories in which to look for MIDI patch files ("*.midnam") aka MIDNAM files
If ARDOUR_MIDI_PATCH_PATH is defined then the Searchpath returned will contain only those directories specified in it, otherwise it will contain the user and system directories.
std::string ARDOUR::module_path_vst3 | ( | std::string const & | path | ) |
const char* ARDOUR::native_header_format_extension | ( | ARDOUR::HeaderFormat | , |
const ARDOUR::DataType & | type | ||
) |
bool ARDOUR::no_auto_connect | ( | ) |
PBD::Searchpath ARDOUR::panner_search_path | ( | ) |
return a Searchpath containing directories in which to look for panner plugins.
If ARDOUR_PANNER_PATH is defined then the Searchpath returned will contain only those directories specified in it, otherwise it will contain the user and system directories which may contain panner plugins.
inline |
Definition at line 81 of file parameter_types.h.
inline |
Definition at line 87 of file parameter_types.h.
inline |
Definition at line 31 of file parameter_types.h.
bool ARDOUR::path_is_paired | ( | std::string | path, |
std::string & | pair_base | ||
) |
void ARDOUR::pingback | ( | const std::string & | this_version, |
const std::string & | announce_path | ||
) |
PBD::Searchpath ARDOUR::plugin_metadata_search_path | ( | ) |
return a Searchpath containing directories in which to look for plugin metadata ( tags and favorite/hidden status ).
int ARDOUR::read_recent_sessions | ( | RecentSessions & | rs | ) |
int ARDOUR::read_recent_templates | ( | std::deque< std::string > & | rt | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::region_name_from_path | ( | std::string | path, |
bool | strip_channels, | ||
bool | add_channel_suffix = false , |
uint32_t | total = 0 , |
uint32_t | this_one = 0 |
) |
int ARDOUR::remove_recent_sessions | ( | const std::string & | path | ) |
void ARDOUR::reset_performance_meters | ( | Session * | ) |
const char* ARDOUR::ripple_mode_to_string | ( | ARDOUR::RippleMode | ) |
std::shared_ptr<AutomationControlList> ARDOUR::route_list_to_control_list | ( | std::shared_ptr< RouteList const > | rl, |
std::shared_ptr< T >(Stripable::*)() const | get_control | ||
) |
Definition at line 115 of file libs/ardour/ardour/utils.h.
PBD::Searchpath ARDOUR::route_template_search_path | ( | ) |
return a Searchpath containing directories in which to look for route templates.
void ARDOUR::rt_safe_delete | ( | ARDOUR::Session * | s, |
C * | gc | ||
) |
Definition at line 28 of file rt_safe_delete.h.
std::string ARDOUR::session_template_dir_to_file | ( | std::string const & | ) |
void ARDOUR::set_global_ui_scale_factor | ( | float | s | ) |
int ARDOUR::set_midi_option | ( | ARDOUR::JackCommandLineOptions & | , |
const std::string & | opt | ||
) |
void ARDOUR::set_path_env_for_jack_autostart | ( | const std::vector< std::string > & | ) |
Sets the PATH environment variable to contain directories likely to contain JACK servers so that if the JACK server is auto-started it can find the server executable.
This is only modifies PATH on the mac at the moment.
bool ARDOUR::set_translations_enabled | ( | bool | ) |
void ARDOUR::setup_enum_writer | ( | ) |
void ARDOUR::setup_fpu | ( | ) |
double ARDOUR::slider_position_to_gain_with_max | ( | double | g, |
double | max_gain = 2.0 |
) |
int ARDOUR::store_recent_sessions | ( | std::string | name, |
std::string | path | ||
) |
int ARDOUR::store_recent_templates | ( | const std::string & | session_template_full_name | ) |
AutoState ARDOUR::string_to_auto_state | ( | std::string | ) |
ARDOUR::EditMode ARDOUR::string_to_edit_mode | ( | std::string | ) |
ARDOUR::RippleMode ARDOUR::string_to_ripple_mode | ( | std::string | ) |
std::shared_ptr<AutomationControlList> ARDOUR::stripable_list_to_control_list | ( | std::shared_ptr< StripableList const > | sl, |
std::shared_ptr< T >(Stripable::*)() const | get_control | ||
) |
Definition at line 138 of file libs/ardour/ardour/utils.h.
std::shared_ptr<AutomationControlList> ARDOUR::stripable_list_to_control_list | ( | StripableList & | sl, |
std::shared_ptr< T >(Stripable::*)() const | get_control | ||
) |
Definition at line 127 of file libs/ardour/ardour/utils.h.
PBD::Searchpath ARDOUR::system_midi_map_search_path | ( | ) |
retun a Searchpath for midi *.map files used by the generic ctrl surface
std::string ARDOUR::system_route_template_directory | ( | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::system_template_directory | ( | ) |
PBD::Searchpath ARDOUR::template_search_path | ( | ) |
return a Searchpath containing directories in which to look for other templates.
PBD::Searchpath ARDOUR::theme_search_path | ( | ) |
return a Searchpath containing directories in which to look for theme files.
If ARDOUR_THEMES_PATH is defined then the Searchpath returned will contain only those directories specified in it, otherwise it will contain the user and system directories
bool ARDOUR::topological_sort | ( | GraphNodeList & | , |
GraphEdges & | |||
) |
std::string ARDOUR::translation_enable_path | ( | ) |
bool ARDOUR::translations_are_enabled | ( | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::user_cache_directory | ( | int | version = -1 | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::user_config_directory | ( | int | version = -1 | ) |
of the program. If version
is negative, the build-time string PROGRAM_VERSION will be used to determine the version number.std::string ARDOUR::user_midi_map_directory | ( | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::user_route_template_directory | ( | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::user_template_directory | ( | ) |
inline |
Definition at line 87 of file value_as_string.h.
inline |
Definition at line 33 of file value_as_string.h.
std::string ARDOUR::vst2_arch | ( | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::vst2_cache_file | ( | std::string const & | path | ) |
std::string ARDOUR::vst2_id_to_str | ( | int32_t | ) |
bool ARDOUR::vst2_scan_and_cache | ( | std::string const & | path, |
ARDOUR::PluginType | , | ||
boost::function< void(std::string const &, PluginType, VST2Info const &)> | cb, | ||
bool | verbose = false |
) |
std::string ARDOUR::vst2_valid_cache_file | ( | std::string const & | path, |
bool | verbose = false , |
bool * | is_new = NULL |
) |
std::string ARDOUR::vst3_cache_file | ( | std::string const & | module_path | ) |
bool ARDOUR::vst3_scan_and_cache | ( | std::string const & | module_path, |
std::string const & | bundle_path, | ||
boost::function< void(std::string const &, std::string const &, VST3Info const &)> | cb, | ||
bool | verbose = false |
) |
std::string ARDOUR::vst3_valid_cache_file | ( | std::string const & | module_path, |
bool | verbose = false , |
bool * | is_new = NULL |
) |
const char* ARDOUR::vst_search_path | ( | ) |
bool ARDOUR::write_jack_config_file | ( | const std::string & | config_file_path, |
const std::string & | command_line | ||
) |
int ARDOUR::write_recent_sessions | ( | RecentSessions & | rs | ) |
int ARDOUR::write_recent_templates | ( | std::deque< std::string > & | rt | ) |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
Definition at line 47 of file directory_names.h.
extern |
extern |
extern |
static |
Definition at line 97 of file ardour/ardour/types.h.
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
const uint32_t ARDOUR::samples_per_peak = 2048 |
Definition at line 33 of file soundseq.h.
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |