| UnknownProcessor (Session &, XMLNode const &, SessionObject *) |
virtual | ~UnknownProcessor () |
bool | can_support_io_configuration (const ChanCount &, ChanCount &) |
void | run (BufferSet &, samplepos_t, samplepos_t, double, pframes_t, bool) |
| Processor (Session &, const std::string &name, Temporal::TimeDomainProvider const &) |
| Processor (const Processor &other) |
virtual | ~Processor () |
virtual std::string | display_name () const |
virtual bool | display_to_user () const |
virtual void | set_display_to_user (bool) |
bool | active () const |
| ardour hard bypass More...
virtual bool | enabled () const |
| processor enabled/bypass More...
virtual bool | bypassable () const |
| enable is not automated or locked More...
virtual bool | does_routing () const |
bool | get_next_ab_is_active () const |
void | set_next_ab_is_active (bool yn) |
virtual samplecnt_t | signal_latency () const |
virtual void | set_input_latency (samplecnt_t cnt) |
samplecnt_t | input_latency () const |
virtual void | set_output_latency (samplecnt_t cnt) |
samplecnt_t | output_latency () const |
virtual void | set_capture_offset (samplecnt_t cnt) |
samplecnt_t | capture_offset () const |
virtual void | set_playback_offset (samplecnt_t cnt) |
samplecnt_t | playback_offset () const |
virtual int | set_block_size (pframes_t) |
virtual bool | requires_fixed_sized_buffers () const |
virtual void | silence (samplecnt_t nframes, samplepos_t start_sample) |
virtual void | activate () |
virtual void | deactivate () |
virtual void | flush () |
virtual void | enable (bool yn) |
virtual bool | configure_io (ChanCount in, ChanCount out) |
virtual ChanCount | input_streams () const |
virtual ChanCount | output_streams () const |
virtual void | realtime_handle_transport_stopped () |
virtual void | realtime_locate (bool) |
virtual void | set_loop (Location *loc) |
virtual void | monitoring_changed () |
XMLNode & | get_state () const |
int | set_state (const XMLNode &, int version) |
virtual void | set_pre_fader (bool) |
virtual bool | get_pre_fader () const |
ProcessorWindowProxy * | window_proxy () const |
void | set_window_proxy (ProcessorWindowProxy *wp) |
PluginPinWindowProxy * | pinmgr_proxy () const |
void | set_pingmgr_proxy (PluginPinWindowProxy *wp) |
virtual void | set_owner (SessionObject *) |
SessionObject * | owner () const |
| SessionObject (Session &session, const std::string &name) |
Session & | session () const |
std::string | name () const |
virtual bool | set_name (const std::string &str) |
Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::SessionHandleRef |
| SessionHandleRef (ARDOUR::Session &s) |
virtual | ~SessionHandleRef () |
| ScopedConnectionList () |
virtual | ~ScopedConnectionList () |
void | add_connection (const UnscopedConnection &c) |
void | drop_connections () |
| Stateful () |
virtual | ~Stateful () |
virtual bool | apply_change (PropertyBase const &) |
PropertyChange | apply_changes (PropertyList const &) |
const OwnedPropertyList & | properties () const |
void | add_property (PropertyBase &s) |
void | add_extra_xml (XMLNode &) |
XMLNode * | extra_xml (const std::string &str, bool add_if_missing=false) |
void | save_extra_xml (const XMLNode &) |
const PBD::ID & | id () const |
bool | set_id (const XMLNode &) |
void | set_id (const std::string &) |
void | reset_id () |
void | clear_changes () |
virtual void | clear_owned_changes () |
PropertyList * | get_changes_as_properties (PBD::Command *) const |
virtual void | rdiff (std::vector< PBD::Command * > &) const |
bool | changed () const |
virtual PropertyList * | property_factory (const XMLNode &) const |
virtual void | suspend_property_changes () |
virtual void | resume_property_changes () |
bool | property_changes_suspended () const |
virtual | ~Destructible () |
virtual void | drop_references () |
| Automatable (Session &, Temporal::TimeDomainProvider const &) |
| Automatable (const Automatable &other) |
virtual | ~Automatable () |
virtual void | automatables (PBD::ControllableSet &) const |
std::shared_ptr< Evoral::Control > | control_factory (const Evoral::Parameter &id) |
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControl > | automation_control (PBD::ID const &id) const |
virtual std::shared_ptr< AutomationControl > | automation_control_recurse (PBD::ID const &id) const |
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControl > | automation_control (const Evoral::Parameter &id) |
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControl > | automation_control (const Evoral::Parameter &id, bool create_if_missing) |
std::shared_ptr< const AutomationControl > | automation_control (const Evoral::Parameter &id) const |
virtual void | add_control (std::shared_ptr< Evoral::Control >) |
virtual bool | find_next_event (Temporal::timepos_t const &start, Temporal::timepos_t const &end, Evoral::ControlEvent &ev, bool only_active=true) const |
void | clear_controls () |
virtual void | non_realtime_locate (samplepos_t now) |
virtual void | non_realtime_transport_stop (samplepos_t now, bool flush) |
virtual void | automation_run (samplepos_t, pframes_t, bool only_active=false) |
virtual std::string | describe_parameter (Evoral::Parameter param) |
AutoState | get_parameter_automation_state (Evoral::Parameter param) |
virtual void | set_parameter_automation_state (Evoral::Parameter param, AutoState) |
void | protect_automation () |
const std::set< Evoral::Parameter > & | what_can_be_automated () const |
std::vector< Evoral::Parameter > | all_automatable_params () const |
void | what_has_existing_automation (std::set< Evoral::Parameter > &) const |
int | set_automation_xml_state (const XMLNode &, Evoral::Parameter default_param) |
XMLNode & | get_automation_xml_state () const |
void | start_domain_bounce (Temporal::DomainBounceInfo &) |
void | finish_domain_bounce (Temporal::DomainBounceInfo &) |
| ControlSet () |
| ControlSet (const ControlSet &) |
virtual | ~ControlSet () |
std::shared_ptr< Control > | control (const Parameter &id, bool create_if_missing=false) |
std::shared_ptr< const Control > | control (const Parameter &id) const |
Controls & | controls () |
const Controls & | controls () const |
virtual bool | controls_empty () const |
void | what_has_data (std::set< Parameter > &) const |
Glib::Threads::Mutex & | control_lock () const |
void | start_domain_bounce (Temporal::DomainBounceInfo &) |
void | finish_domain_bounce (Temporal::DomainBounceInfo &) |
Public Member Functions inherited from Temporal::TimeDomainSwapper |
virtual | ~TimeDomainSwapper () |
| Slavable () |
virtual | ~Slavable () |
XMLNode & | get_state () const |
int | set_state (XMLNode const &, int) |
virtual void | assign (std::shared_ptr< VCA >) |
void | unassign (std::shared_ptr< VCA >) |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< VCA > > | masters (VCAManager *) const |
bool | assigned_to (VCAManager *, std::shared_ptr< VCA >) const |
Public Member Functions inherited from Temporal::TimeDomainProvider |
| TimeDomainProvider () |
| TimeDomainProvider (TimeDomain td) |
| TimeDomainProvider (TimeDomain td, TimeDomainProvider const &p) |
| TimeDomainProvider (TimeDomainProvider const &other) |
| TimeDomainProvider (TimeDomainProvider const &parnt, bool) |
virtual | ~TimeDomainProvider () |
XMLNode & | get_state () const |
int | set_state (const XMLNode &, int version) |
TimeDomainProvider & | operator= (TimeDomainProvider const &other) |
TimeDomain | time_domain () const |
bool | has_own_time_domain () const |
void | clear_time_domain () |
void | set_time_domain (TimeDomain td) |
TimeDomainProvider const * | time_domain_parent () const |
bool | has_time_domain_parent () const |
void | clear_time_domain_parent () |
void | set_time_domain_parent (TimeDomainProvider const &p) |
virtual void | time_domain_changed () |
| Latent () |
| Latent (Latent const &) |
virtual | ~Latent () |
samplecnt_t | effective_latency () const |
samplecnt_t | user_latency () const |
void | unset_user_latency () |
virtual void | set_user_latency (samplecnt_t val) |
virtual | ~HasLatency () |
A stub Processor that can be used in place of a ‘real’ one that cannot be created for some reason; usually because it requires a plugin which is not present. UnknownProcessors are special-cased in a few places, notably in route configuration and signal processing, so that on encountering them configuration or processing stops.
When a Processor is missing from a Route, the following processors cannot be configured, as the missing Processor's output port configuration is unknown.
The main utility of the UnknownProcessor is that it allows state to be preserved, so that, for example, loading and re-saving a session on a machine without a particular plugin will not corrupt the session.
Definition at line 45 of file unknown_processor.h.