Ardour  8.12
ARDOUR::AudioTrack Class Reference

#include <audio_track.h>

Inheritance diagram for ARDOUR::AudioTrack:

Public Member Functions

 AudioTrack (Session &, std::string name="", TrackMode m=Normal)
 ~AudioTrack ()
MonitorState get_input_monitoring_state (bool recording, bool talkback) const
void freeze_me (InterThreadInfo &)
void unfreeze ()
bool bounceable (std::shared_ptr< Processor >, bool include_endpoint) const
int export_stuff (BufferSet &bufs, samplepos_t start_sample, samplecnt_t nframes, std::shared_ptr< Processor > endpoint, bool include_endpoint, bool for_export, bool for_freeze, MidiNoteTracker &)
int set_state (const XMLNode &, int version)
std::shared_ptr< AudioFileSourcewrite_source (uint32_t n=0)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::Track
 Track (Session &, std::string name, PresentationInfo::Flag f=PresentationInfo::Flag(0), TrackMode m=Normal, DataType default_type=DataType::AUDIO)
virtual ~Track ()
int init ()
bool set_name (const std::string &str)
int resync_take_name (std::string newname="")
TrackMode mode () const
bool set_processor_state (XMLNode const &node, int version, XMLProperty const *prop, ProcessorList &new_order, bool &must_configure)
XMLNodeplaylist_state () const
bool declick_in_progress () const
bool can_record ()
FreezeState freeze_state () const
virtual std::shared_ptr< Regionbounce (InterThreadInfo &itt, std::string const &name)
virtual std::shared_ptr< Regionbounce_range (samplepos_t start, samplepos_t end, InterThreadInfo &itt, std::shared_ptr< Processor > endpoint, bool include_endpoint, std::string const &name="", bool prefix_track_name=false)
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlrec_enable_control () const
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlrec_safe_control () const
int prep_record_enabled (bool)
bool can_be_record_enabled ()
bool can_be_record_safe ()
void use_captured_sources (SourceList &, CaptureInfos const &)
void set_block_size (pframes_t)
std::shared_ptr< Trackshared_ptr ()
std::shared_ptr< Playlistplaylist ()
void request_input_monitoring (bool)
void ensure_input_monitoring (bool)
std::list< std::shared_ptr< Source > > & last_capture_sources ()
std::string steal_write_source_name ()
void reset_write_sources (bool, bool force=false)
float playback_buffer_load () const
float capture_buffer_load () const
int do_refill ()
int do_flush (RunContext, bool force=false)
void set_pending_overwrite (OverwriteReason)
int seek (samplepos_t, bool complete_refill=false)
bool can_internal_playback_seek (samplecnt_t)
void internal_playback_seek (samplecnt_t)
void non_realtime_locate (samplepos_t)
bool overwrite_existing_buffers ()
samplecnt_t get_captured_samples (uint32_t n=0) const
void transport_looped (samplepos_t)
void transport_stopped_wallclock (struct tm &, time_t, bool)
void mark_capture_xrun ()
bool pending_overwrite () const
void set_slaved (bool)
ChanCount n_channels ()
samplepos_t get_capture_start_sample (uint32_t n=0) const
AlignStyle alignment_style () const
AlignChoice alignment_choice () const
samplepos_t current_capture_start () const
samplepos_t current_capture_end () const
void set_align_style (AlignStyle, bool force=false)
void set_align_choice (AlignChoice, bool force=false)
void playlist_modified ()
int use_playlist (DataType, std::shared_ptr< Playlist >, bool set_orig=true)
int find_and_use_playlist (DataType, PBD::ID const &)
int use_copy_playlist ()
int use_new_playlist (DataType)
int use_default_new_playlist ()
void adjust_playback_buffering ()
void adjust_capture_buffering ()
void time_domain_changed ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::Route
 Route (Session &, std::string name, PresentationInfo::Flag flags=PresentationInfo::Flag(0), DataType default_type=DataType::AUDIO)
virtual ~Route ()
DataType data_type () const
std::shared_ptr< IOinput () const
std::shared_ptr< IOoutput () const
IOVector all_inputs () const
IOVector all_outputs () const
ChanCount n_inputs () const
ChanCount n_outputs () const
bool active () const
void set_active (bool yn, void *)
std::string ensure_track_or_route_name (std::string) const
std::string comment ()
void set_comment (std::string str, void *src)
std::shared_ptr< MonitorControlmonitoring_control () const
std::shared_ptr< SurroundSendsurround_send () const
std::shared_ptr< SurroundReturnsurround_return () const
MonitorState monitoring_state () const
virtual void filter_input (BufferSet &)
int roll (pframes_t nframes, samplepos_t start_sample, samplepos_t end_sample, bool &need_butler)
int no_roll (pframes_t nframes, samplepos_t start_sample, samplepos_t end_sample, bool state_changing)
int silence (pframes_t)
void non_realtime_transport_stop (samplepos_t now, bool flush)
virtual void realtime_handle_transport_stopped ()
virtual void realtime_locate (bool)
void set_loop (ARDOUR::Location *)
void shift (timepos_t const &, timecnt_t const &)
void cut_copy_section (timepos_t const &start, timepos_t const &end, timepos_t const &to, SectionOperation const op)
void clear_all_solo_state ()
bool soloed_by_others () const
bool soloed_by_others_upstream () const
bool soloed_by_others_downstream () const
bool self_soloed () const
bool soloed () const
void push_solo_upstream (int32_t delta)
void push_solo_isolate_upstream (int32_t delta)
bool can_solo () const
bool is_safe () const
bool can_monitor () const
void enable_monitor_send ()
void enable_surround_send ()
void set_denormal_protection (bool yn)
bool denormal_protection () const
void set_meter_point (MeterPoint)
bool apply_processor_changes_rt ()
void emit_pending_signals ()
MeterPoint meter_point () const
void update_send_delaylines ()
void set_meter_type (MeterType t)
MeterType meter_type () const
void set_disk_io_point (DiskIOPoint)
DiskIOPoint disk_io_point () const
void stop_triggers (bool now)
void tempo_map_changed ()
std::shared_ptr< Ampamp () const
std::shared_ptr< Amptrim () const
std::shared_ptr< PolarityProcessorpolarity () const
std::shared_ptr< PeakMeterpeak_meter ()
std::shared_ptr< const PeakMeterpeak_meter () const
std::shared_ptr< PeakMetershared_peak_meter () const
std::shared_ptr< TriggerBoxtriggerbox () const
void flush_processors ()
void foreach_processor (boost::function< void(std::weak_ptr< Processor >)> method) const
std::shared_ptr< Processornth_processor (uint32_t n)
std::shared_ptr< Processorprocessor_by_id (PBD::ID) const
std::shared_ptr< Processornth_plugin (uint32_t n) const
std::shared_ptr< Processornth_send (uint32_t n) const
bool has_io_processor_named (const std::string &)
ChanCount max_processor_streams () const
std::list< std::string > unknown_processors () const
RoutePinWindowProxypinmgr_proxy () const
void set_pingmgr_proxy (RoutePinWindowProxy *wp)
PatchChangeGridDialogpatch_selector_dialog () const
void set_patch_selector_dialog (PatchChangeGridDialog *d)
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlautomation_control_recurse (PBD::ID const &id) const
void automatables (PBD::ControllableSet &) const
void queue_surround_processors_changed ()
std::shared_ptr< InternalSendmonitor_send () const
std::shared_ptr< Deliverymain_outs () const
std::shared_ptr< InternalReturninternal_return () const
std::shared_ptr< MonitorProcessormonitor_control () const
std::shared_ptr< Sendinternal_send_for (std::shared_ptr< const Route > target) const
void add_internal_return ()
void add_send_to_internal_return (InternalSend *)
void remove_send_from_internal_return (InternalSend *)
void listen_position_changed ()
std::shared_ptr< CapturingProcessoradd_export_point ()
int add_processor (std::shared_ptr< Processor >, Placement placement, ProcessorStreams *err=0, bool activation_allowed=true)
int add_processor_by_index (std::shared_ptr< Processor >, int, ProcessorStreams *err=0, bool activation_allowed=true)
int add_processor (std::shared_ptr< Processor >, std::shared_ptr< Processor >, ProcessorStreams *err=0, bool activation_allowed=true)
int add_processors (const ProcessorList &, std::shared_ptr< Processor >, ProcessorStreams *err=0)
std::shared_ptr< Processorbefore_processor_for_placement (Placement)
std::shared_ptr< Processorbefore_processor_for_index (int)
bool processors_reorder_needs_configure (const ProcessorList &new_order)
int remove_processor (std::shared_ptr< Processor > proc, ProcessorStreams *err=0, bool need_process_lock=true)
int replace_processor (std::shared_ptr< Processor > old, std::shared_ptr< Processor > sub, ProcessorStreams *err=0)
int remove_processors (const ProcessorList &, ProcessorStreams *err=0)
int reorder_processors (const ProcessorList &new_order, ProcessorStreams *err=0)
void disable_processors (Placement)
void disable_processors ()
void disable_plugins (Placement)
void disable_plugins ()
void ab_plugins (bool forward)
void clear_processors (Placement)
void all_visible_processors_active (bool)
void move_instrument_down (bool postfader=false)
bool strict_io () const
bool set_strict_io (bool)
bool reset_plugin_insert (std::shared_ptr< Processor > proc)
bool customize_plugin_insert (std::shared_ptr< Processor > proc, uint32_t count, ChanCount outs, ChanCount sinks)
bool add_remove_sidechain (std::shared_ptr< Processor > proc, bool)
bool plugin_preset_output (std::shared_ptr< Processor > proc, ChanCount outs)
bool add_sidechain (std::shared_ptr< Processor > proc)
bool remove_sidechain (std::shared_ptr< Processor > proc)
samplecnt_t update_signal_latency (bool apply_to_delayline=false, bool *delayline_update_needed=NULL)
void apply_latency_compensation ()
samplecnt_t set_private_port_latencies (bool playback) const
void set_public_port_latencies (samplecnt_t, bool playback, bool with_latcomp) const
samplecnt_t signal_latency () const
samplecnt_t playback_latency (bool incl_downstream=false) const
bool is_track ()
int64_t track_number () const
void set_track_number (int64_t tn)
XMLNodeget_state () const
XMLNodeget_template ()
XMLNodeget_processor_state ()
void set_processor_state (const XMLNode &, int version)
std::weak_ptr< Routeweakroute ()
int save_as_template (const std::string &path, const std::string &name, const std::string &description)
int add_aux_send (std::shared_ptr< Route >, std::shared_ptr< Processor >)
int add_foldback_send (std::shared_ptr< Route >, bool post_fader)
void remove_monitor_send ()
void remove_surround_send ()
bool direct_feeds_according_to_reality (std::shared_ptr< GraphNode >, bool *via_send_only=0)
std::string graph_node_name () const
bool direct_feeds_according_to_graph (std::shared_ptr< Route >, bool *via_send_only=0)
bool feeds (std::shared_ptr< Route >)
std::set< std::shared_ptr< Route > > signal_sources (bool via_sends_only=false)
bool output_effectively_connected () const
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlget_control (const Evoral::Parameter &param)
std::shared_ptr< SoloControlsolo_control () const
std::shared_ptr< MuteControlmute_control () const
bool can_be_muted_by_others () const
bool muted () const
bool muted_by_masters () const
bool muted_by_self () const
bool muted_by_others_soloing () const
std::shared_ptr< SoloIsolateControlsolo_isolate_control () const
std::shared_ptr< SoloSafeControlsolo_safe_control () const
std::shared_ptr< Pannerpanner () const
std::shared_ptr< PannerShellpanner_shell () const
std::shared_ptr< Pannablepannable () const
std::shared_ptr< GainControlgain_control () const
std::shared_ptr< GainControltrim_control () const
std::shared_ptr< GainControlvolume_control () const
std::shared_ptr< PhaseControlphase_control () const
void set_volume_applies_to_output (bool)
bool volume_applies_to_output () const
std::shared_ptr< Processorthe_instrument () const
InstrumentInfoinstrument_info ()
bool instrument_fanned_out () const
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlpan_azimuth_control () const
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlpan_elevation_control () const
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlpan_width_control () const
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlpan_frontback_control () const
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlpan_lfe_control () const
uint32_t eq_band_cnt () const
std::string eq_band_name (uint32_t) const
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlmapped_control (enum WellKnownCtrl, uint32_t band=0) const
std::shared_ptr< ReadOnlyControlmapped_output (enum WellKnownData) const
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlsend_level_controllable (uint32_t n, bool locked=false) const
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlsend_enable_controllable (uint32_t n) const
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlsend_pan_azimuth_controllable (uint32_t n) const
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlsend_pan_azimuth_enable_controllable (uint32_t n) const
std::string send_name (uint32_t n) const
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlmaster_send_enable_controllable () const
void protect_automation ()
bool has_external_redirects () const
void monitor_run (samplepos_t start_sample, samplepos_t end_sample, pframes_t nframes)
bool slaved_to (std::shared_ptr< VCA >) const
bool slaved () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::Stripable
 Stripable (Session &session, std::string const &name, PresentationInfo const &)
virtual ~Stripable ()
bool is_auditioner () const
bool is_private_route () const
bool is_master () const
bool is_monitor () const
bool is_foldbackbus () const
bool is_surround_master () const
bool is_main_bus () const
bool is_singleton () const
bool is_hidden () const
bool is_selected () const
PresentationInfo const & presentation_info () const
PresentationInfopresentation_info ()
PresentationInfopresentation_info_ptr ()
void set_presentation_order (PresentationInfo::order_t)
StripableColorDialogactive_color_picker () const
void set_active_color_picker (StripableColorDialog *d)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::SessionObject
 SessionObject (Session &session, const std::string &name)
Sessionsession () const
std::string name () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::SessionHandleRef
 SessionHandleRef (ARDOUR::Session &s)
virtual ~SessionHandleRef ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from PBD::ScopedConnectionList
 ScopedConnectionList ()
virtual ~ScopedConnectionList ()
void add_connection (const UnscopedConnection &c)
void drop_connections ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from PBD::Stateful
 Stateful ()
virtual ~Stateful ()
virtual bool apply_change (PropertyBase const &)
PropertyChange apply_changes (PropertyList const &)
const OwnedPropertyListproperties () const
void add_property (PropertyBase &s)
void add_extra_xml (XMLNode &)
XMLNodeextra_xml (const std::string &str, bool add_if_missing=false)
void save_extra_xml (const XMLNode &)
const PBD::IDid () const
bool set_id (const XMLNode &)
void set_id (const std::string &)
void reset_id ()
void clear_changes ()
virtual void clear_owned_changes ()
PropertyListget_changes_as_properties (PBD::Command *) const
virtual void rdiff (std::vector< PBD::Command * > &) const
bool changed () const
virtual PropertyListproperty_factory (const XMLNode &) const
virtual void suspend_property_changes ()
virtual void resume_property_changes ()
bool property_changes_suspended () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from PBD::Destructible
virtual ~Destructible ()
virtual void drop_references ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::Automatable
 Automatable (Session &, Temporal::TimeDomainProvider const &)
 Automatable (const Automatable &other)
virtual ~Automatable ()
std::shared_ptr< Evoral::Controlcontrol_factory (const Evoral::Parameter &id)
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlautomation_control (PBD::ID const &id) const
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlautomation_control (const Evoral::Parameter &id)
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControlautomation_control (const Evoral::Parameter &id, bool create_if_missing)
std::shared_ptr< const AutomationControlautomation_control (const Evoral::Parameter &id) const
virtual void add_control (std::shared_ptr< Evoral::Control >)
virtual bool find_next_event (Temporal::timepos_t const &start, Temporal::timepos_t const &end, Evoral::ControlEvent &ev, bool only_active=true) const
void clear_controls ()
virtual void automation_run (samplepos_t, pframes_t, bool only_active=false)
virtual std::string describe_parameter (Evoral::Parameter param)
AutoState get_parameter_automation_state (Evoral::Parameter param)
virtual void set_parameter_automation_state (Evoral::Parameter param, AutoState)
void protect_automation ()
const std::set< Evoral::Parameter > & what_can_be_automated () const
std::vector< Evoral::Parameterall_automatable_params () const
void what_has_existing_automation (std::set< Evoral::Parameter > &) const
int set_automation_xml_state (const XMLNode &, Evoral::Parameter default_param)
XMLNodeget_automation_xml_state () const
void start_domain_bounce (Temporal::DomainBounceInfo &)
void finish_domain_bounce (Temporal::DomainBounceInfo &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Evoral::ControlSet
 ControlSet ()
 ControlSet (const ControlSet &)
virtual ~ControlSet ()
std::shared_ptr< Controlcontrol (const Parameter &id, bool create_if_missing=false)
std::shared_ptr< const Controlcontrol (const Parameter &id) const
Controlscontrols ()
const Controlscontrols () const
virtual bool controls_empty () const
void what_has_data (std::set< Parameter > &) const
Glib::Threads::Mutex & control_lock () const
void start_domain_bounce (Temporal::DomainBounceInfo &)
void finish_domain_bounce (Temporal::DomainBounceInfo &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Temporal::TimeDomainSwapper
virtual ~TimeDomainSwapper ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::Slavable
 Slavable ()
virtual ~Slavable ()
XMLNodeget_state () const
int set_state (XMLNode const &, int)
virtual void assign (std::shared_ptr< VCA >)
void unassign (std::shared_ptr< VCA >)
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< VCA > > masters (VCAManager *) const
bool assigned_to (VCAManager *, std::shared_ptr< VCA >) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Temporal::TimeDomainProvider
 TimeDomainProvider ()
 TimeDomainProvider (TimeDomain td)
 TimeDomainProvider (TimeDomain td, TimeDomainProvider const &p)
 TimeDomainProvider (TimeDomainProvider const &other)
 TimeDomainProvider (TimeDomainProvider const &parnt, bool)
virtual ~TimeDomainProvider ()
XMLNodeget_state () const
int set_state (const XMLNode &, int version)
TimeDomainProvideroperator= (TimeDomainProvider const &other)
TimeDomain time_domain () const
bool has_own_time_domain () const
void clear_time_domain ()
void set_time_domain (TimeDomain td)
TimeDomainProvider const * time_domain_parent () const
bool has_time_domain_parent () const
void clear_time_domain_parent ()
void set_time_domain_parent (TimeDomainProvider const &p)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::GraphNode
 GraphNode (std::shared_ptr< Graph > Graph)
void prep (GraphChain const *)
void run (GraphChain const *)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::ProcessNode
virtual ~ProcessNode ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::GraphActivision
 GraphActivision ()
virtual ~GraphActivision ()
node_set_t const & activation_set (GraphChain const *const g) const
int init_refcount (GraphChain const *const g) const
void flush_graph_activision_rcu ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::Soloable
virtual ~Soloable ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::Muteable
 Muteable (Session &, std::string const &name)
virtual ~Muteable ()
virtual void act_on_mute ()
std::shared_ptr< MuteMastermute_master () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::Monitorable
virtual ~Monitorable ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::RouteGroupMember
 RouteGroupMember ()
virtual ~RouteGroupMember ()
RouteGrouproute_group () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::Recordable
virtual ~Recordable ()

Protected Member Functions

XMLNodestate (bool save_template) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::Track
XMLNodestate (bool save_template) const
void update_input_meter ()
virtual void record_enable_changed (bool, PBD::Controllable::GroupControlDisposition)
virtual void record_safe_changed (bool, PBD::Controllable::GroupControlDisposition)
virtual void monitoring_changed (bool, PBD::Controllable::GroupControlDisposition)
void set_align_choice_from_io ()
void use_captured_audio_sources (SourceList &, CaptureInfos const &)
void use_captured_midi_sources (SourceList &, CaptureInfos const &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::Route
void process ()
void catch_up_on_solo_mute_override ()
void set_listen (bool)
virtual int no_roll_unlocked (pframes_t nframes, samplepos_t start_sample, samplepos_t end_sample, bool session_state_changing)
virtual void snapshot_out_of_band_data (samplecnt_t)
virtual void write_out_of_band_data (BufferSet &, samplecnt_t) const
virtual void update_controls (BufferSet const &)
void process_output_buffers (BufferSet &bufs, samplepos_t start_sample, samplepos_t end_sample, pframes_t nframes, bool gain_automation_ok, bool run_disk_processors)
void flush_processor_buffers_locked (samplecnt_t nframes)
virtual void bounce_process (BufferSet &bufs, samplepos_t start_sample, samplecnt_t nframes, std::shared_ptr< Processor > endpoint, bool include_endpoint, bool for_export, bool for_freeze)
samplecnt_t bounce_get_latency (std::shared_ptr< Processor > endpoint, bool include_endpoint, bool for_export, bool for_freeze) const
ChanCount bounce_get_output_streams (ChanCount &cc, std::shared_ptr< Processor > endpoint, bool include_endpoint, bool for_export, bool for_freeze) const
bool can_freeze_processor (std::shared_ptr< Processor >, bool allow_routing=false) const
virtual ChanCount input_streams () const
int configure_processors (ProcessorStreams *)
void silence_unlocked (pframes_t)
uint32_t pans_required () const
ChanCount n_process_buffers ()
bool is_internal_processor (std::shared_ptr< Processor >) const
std::shared_ptr< Processorthe_instrument_unlocked () const
SlavableAutomationControlList slavables () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::SessionHandleRef
virtual void session_going_away ()
virtual void insanity_check ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PBD::Stateful
void add_instant_xml (XMLNode &, const std::string &directory_path)
XMLNodeinstant_xml (const std::string &str, const std::string &directory_path)
void add_properties (XMLNode &) const
PropertyChange set_values (XMLNode const &)
virtual void post_set (const PropertyChange &)
virtual void send_change (const PropertyChange &)
virtual void mid_thaw (const PropertyChange &)
bool regenerate_xml_or_string_ids () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::Automatable
void can_automate (Evoral::Parameter)
virtual void automation_list_automation_state_changed (Evoral::Parameter const &, AutoState)
int load_automation (const std::string &path)
int old_set_automation_state (const XMLNode &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Evoral::ControlSet
virtual void control_list_marked_dirty ()
virtual void control_list_interpolation_changed (Parameter const &, ControlList::InterpolationStyle)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Temporal::TimeDomainProvider
void listen ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::GraphNode
void trigger ()

Private Member Functions

int deprecated_use_diskstream_connections ()
void set_state_part_two ()
void set_state_part_three ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ARDOUR::Track
enum  FreezeState { NoFreeze , Frozen , UnFrozen }
- Public Types inherited from ARDOUR::Route
enum  PluginSetupOptions { None = 0x0 , CanReplace = 0x1 , MultiOut = 0x2 }
typedef std::list< std::shared_ptr< Processor > > ProcessorList
- Public Types inherited from Evoral::ControlSet
typedef std::map< Parameter, std::shared_ptr< Control > > Controls
- Public Types inherited from ARDOUR::GraphActivision
typedef std::map< GraphChain const *, node_set_tActivationMap
typedef std::map< GraphChain const *, int > RefCntMap
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::Track
static void zero_diskstream_id_in_xml (XMLNode &)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::Route
static void set_name_in_state (XMLNode &, const std::string &)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::SessionObject
static void make_property_quarks ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::Automatable
static void find_next_ac_event (std::shared_ptr< AutomationControl >, Temporal::timepos_t const &start, Temporal::timepos_t const &end, Evoral::ControlEvent &ev)
static void find_prev_ac_event (std::shared_ptr< AutomationControl >, Temporal::timepos_t const &start, Temporal::timepos_t const &end, Evoral::ControlEvent &ev)
- Public Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::Track
PBD::Signal0< void > FreezeChange
PBD::Signal0< void > PlaylistChanged
PBD::Signal0< void > PlaylistAdded
PBD::Signal0< void > SpeedChanged
PBD::Signal0< void > AlignmentStyleChanged
PBD::Signal0< void > ChanCountChanged
- Public Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::Route
PBD::Signal0< void > active_changed
PBD::Signal0< void > denormal_protection_changed
PBD::Signal0< void > comment_changed
PBD::Signal0< void > track_number_changed
PBD::Signal1< void, RouteProcessorChangeprocessors_changed
PBD::Signal1< void, void * > record_enable_changed
PBD::Signal0< void > processor_latency_changed
PBD::Signal0< void > meter_change
PBD::Signal0< void > io_changed
PBD::Signal1< void, void * > SelectedChanged
- Public Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::Stripable
PBD::Signal2< void, std::string, void * > gui_changed
PBD::Signal0< void > MappedControlsChanged
- Public Attributes inherited from PBD::Stateful
PBD::Signal1< void, const PropertyChange & > PropertyChanged
- Public Attributes inherited from PBD::Destructible
PBD::Signal0< void > Destroyed
PBD::Signal0< void > DropReferences
- Public Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::Automatable
PBD::Signal0< void > AutomationStateChanged
- Public Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::Slavable
PBD::Signal2< void, std::shared_ptr< VCA >, bool > AssignmentChange
- Public Attributes inherited from Temporal::TimeDomainProvider
PBD::Signal0< void > TimeDomainChanged
- Public Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::Muteable
PBD::Signal0< void > mute_points_changed
- Public Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::RouteGroupMember
PBD::Signal0< void > route_group_changed
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::Route
static PBD::Signal3< int, std::shared_ptr< Route >, std::shared_ptr< PluginInsert >, PluginSetupOptionsPluginSetup
static PBD::Signal1< void, std::weak_ptr< Route > > FanOut
- Static Public Attributes inherited from PBD::Stateful
static int current_state_version
static int loading_state_version
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::Automatable
static bool skip_saving_automation
static const std::string xml_node_name
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::Slavable
static std::string xml_node_name
static PBD::Signal1< void, VCAManager * > Assign
- Protected Types inherited from ARDOUR::Route
enum  {
  EmitNone = 0x00 , EmitMeterChanged = 0x01 , EmitMeterVisibilityChange = 0x02 , EmitRtProcessorChange = 0x04 ,
  EmitSendReturnChange = 0x08
- Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::Track
std::shared_ptr< Playlist_playlists [DataType::num_types]
boost::optional< MeterPoint_saved_meter_point
bool _record_prepared
TrackMode _mode
FreezeRecord _freeze_record
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControl_record_enable_control
std::shared_ptr< AutomationControl_record_safe_control
AlignChoice _alignment_choice
- Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::Route
bool _active
samplecnt_t _signal_latency
samplecnt_t _output_latency
ProcessorList _processors
Glib::Threads::RWLock _processor_lock
std::shared_ptr< IO_input
std::shared_ptr< IO_output
std::shared_ptr< Delivery_main_outs
std::shared_ptr< InternalSend_monitor_send
std::shared_ptr< InternalReturn_intreturn
std::shared_ptr< MonitorProcessor_monitor_control
std::shared_ptr< Pannable_pannable
std::shared_ptr< DiskReader_disk_reader
std::shared_ptr< DiskWriter_disk_writer
std::shared_ptr< MonitorControl_monitoring_control
std::shared_ptr< SurroundSend_surround_send
std::shared_ptr< SurroundReturn_surround_return
DiskIOPoint _disk_io_point
ProcessorList _pending_processor_order
std::atomic< int > _pending_process_reorder
std::atomic< int > _pending_listen_change
std::atomic< int > _pending_surround_send
std::atomic< int > _pending_signals
MeterPoint _meter_point
MeterPoint _pending_meter_point
bool _denormal_protection
bool _recordable: 1
std::shared_ptr< SoloControl_solo_control
std::shared_ptr< MuteControl_mute_control
std::shared_ptr< SoloIsolateControl_solo_isolate_control
std::shared_ptr< SoloSafeControl_solo_safe_control
std::string _comment
bool _have_internal_generator
DataType _default_type
InstrumentInfo _instrument_info
bool _instrument_fanned_out
ChanCount processor_max_streams
ChanCount processor_out_streams
std::shared_ptr< GainControl_gain_control
std::shared_ptr< GainControl_trim_control
std::shared_ptr< GainControl_volume_control
std::shared_ptr< PhaseControl_phase_control
std::shared_ptr< Amp_amp
std::shared_ptr< Amp_trim
std::shared_ptr< Amp_volume
std::shared_ptr< PeakMeter_meter
std::shared_ptr< PolarityProcessor_polarity
std::shared_ptr< TriggerBox_triggerbox
bool _volume_applies_to_output
std::shared_ptr< DelayLine_delayline
- Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::Stripable
PresentationInfo _presentation_info
- Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::SessionObject
PBD::Property< std::string > _name
- Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::SessionHandleRef
- Protected Attributes inherited from PBD::Stateful
PBD::PropertyChange _pending_changed
Glib::Threads::Mutex _lock
std::string _xml_node_name
 name of node to use for this object in XML More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::Automatable
SerializedRCUManager< AutomationControlList_automated_controls
std::set< Evoral::Parameter_can_automate_list
samplepos_t _last_automation_snapshot
- Protected Attributes inherited from Evoral::ControlSet
Glib::Threads::Mutex _control_lock
Controls _controls
PBD::ScopedConnectionList _list_connections
- Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::GraphNode
std::shared_ptr< Graph_graph
- Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::GraphActivision
SerializedRCUManager< ActivationMap_activation_set
SerializedRCUManager< RefCntMap_init_refcount
- Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::Muteable
std::shared_ptr< MuteMaster_mute_master
- Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::RouteGroupMember

Detailed Description

Definition at line 35 of file audio_track.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AudioTrack()

ARDOUR::AudioTrack::AudioTrack ( Session ,
std::string  name = "",
TrackMode  m = Normal 

◆ ~AudioTrack()

ARDOUR::AudioTrack::~AudioTrack ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ bounceable()

bool ARDOUR::AudioTrack::bounceable ( std::shared_ptr< Processor endpoint,
bool  include_endpoint 
) const

Test if the track can be bounced with the given settings. If sends/inserts/returns are present in the signal path or the given track has no audio outputs bouncing is not possible.

endpointthe processor to tap the signal off (or nil for the top)
include_endpointinclude the given processor in the bounced audio.
true if the track can be bounced, or false otherwise.

Implements ARDOUR::Track.

◆ deprecated_use_diskstream_connections()

int ARDOUR::AudioTrack::deprecated_use_diskstream_connections ( )

◆ export_stuff()

int ARDOUR::AudioTrack::export_stuff ( BufferSet bufs,
samplepos_t  start_sample,
samplecnt_t  nframes,
std::shared_ptr< Processor endpoint,
bool  include_endpoint,
bool  for_export,
bool  for_freeze,

Implements ARDOUR::Track.

◆ freeze_me()

void ARDOUR::AudioTrack::freeze_me ( InterThreadInfo )

Implements ARDOUR::Track.

◆ get_input_monitoring_state()

MonitorState ARDOUR::AudioTrack::get_input_monitoring_state ( bool  recording,
bool  talkback 
) const

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::Route.

◆ set_state()

int ARDOUR::AudioTrack::set_state ( const XMLNode ,
int  version 

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::Track.

◆ set_state_part_three()

void ARDOUR::AudioTrack::set_state_part_three ( )

◆ set_state_part_two()

void ARDOUR::AudioTrack::set_state_part_two ( )

Implements ARDOUR::Track.

◆ state()

XMLNode& ARDOUR::AudioTrack::state ( bool  save_template) const

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::Route.

◆ unfreeze()

void ARDOUR::AudioTrack::unfreeze ( )

Implements ARDOUR::Track.

◆ write_source()

std::shared_ptr<AudioFileSource> ARDOUR::AudioTrack::write_source ( uint32_t  n = 0)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: