Ardour  8.12
ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend Class Reference

#include <coreaudio_backend.h>

Inheritance diagram for ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend:


struct  ThreadData

Public Member Functions

 CoreAudioBackend (AudioEngine &e, AudioBackendInfo &info)
 ~CoreAudioBackend ()
std::string name () const
bool is_realtime () const
bool use_separate_input_and_output_devices () const
std::vector< DeviceStatusenumerate_devices () const
std::vector< DeviceStatusenumerate_input_devices () const
std::vector< DeviceStatusenumerate_output_devices () const
std::vector< float > available_sample_rates (const std::string &device) const
std::vector< float > available_sample_rates2 (const std::string &, const std::string &) const
std::vector< uint32_t > available_buffer_sizes (const std::string &device) const
std::vector< uint32_t > available_buffer_sizes2 (const std::string &, const std::string &) const
bool can_change_sample_rate_when_running () const
bool can_change_buffer_size_when_running () const
bool can_measure_systemic_latency () const
int set_device_name (const std::string &)
int set_input_device_name (const std::string &)
int set_output_device_name (const std::string &)
int set_sample_rate (float)
int set_buffer_size (uint32_t)
int set_interleaved (bool yn)
int set_systemic_input_latency (uint32_t)
int set_systemic_output_latency (uint32_t)
int set_systemic_midi_input_latency (std::string const, uint32_t)
int set_systemic_midi_output_latency (std::string const, uint32_t)
int reset_device ()
std::string device_name () const
std::string input_device_name () const
std::string output_device_name () const
float sample_rate () const
uint32_t buffer_size () const
bool interleaved () const
uint32_t systemic_input_latency () const
uint32_t systemic_output_latency () const
uint32_t systemic_midi_input_latency (std::string const) const
uint32_t systemic_midi_output_latency (std::string const) const
bool can_set_systemic_midi_latencies () const
std::string control_app_name () const
void launch_control_app ()
std::vector< std::string > enumerate_midi_options () const
int set_midi_option (const std::string &)
std::string midi_option () const
std::vector< DeviceStatusenumerate_midi_devices () const
int set_midi_device_enabled (std::string const, bool)
bool midi_device_enabled (std::string const) const
int process_callback (uint32_t, uint64_t)
void error_callback ()
void halted_callback ()
void xrun_callback ()
void buffer_size_callback ()
void sample_rate_callback ()
void hw_changed_callback ()
int stop ()
int freewheel (bool)
float dsp_load () const
size_t raw_buffer_size (DataType t)
samplepos_t sample_time ()
samplepos_t sample_time_at_cycle_start ()
pframes_t samples_since_cycle_start ()
int create_process_thread (boost::function< void()> func)
int join_process_threads ()
bool in_process_thread ()
uint32_t process_thread_count ()
void update_latencies ()
void * private_handle () const
const std::string & my_name () const
bool port_is_physical (PortEngine::PortHandle ph) const
void get_physical_outputs (DataType type, std::vector< std::string > &results)
void get_physical_inputs (DataType type, std::vector< std::string > &results)
ChanCount n_physical_outputs () const
ChanCount n_physical_inputs () const
uint32_t port_name_size () const
int set_port_name (PortEngine::PortHandle ph, const std::string &name)
std::string get_port_name (PortEngine::PortHandle ph) const
PortFlags get_port_flags (PortEngine::PortHandle ph) const
PortEngine::PortPtr get_port_by_name (std::string const &name) const
int get_port_property (PortEngine::PortHandle ph, const std::string &key, std::string &value, std::string &type) const
int set_port_property (PortEngine::PortHandle ph, const std::string &key, const std::string &value, const std::string &type)
int get_ports (const std::string &port_name_pattern, DataType type, PortFlags flags, std::vector< std::string > &results) const
DataType port_data_type (PortEngine::PortHandle ph) const
PortEngine::PortPtr register_port (const std::string &shortname, ARDOUR::DataType type, ARDOUR::PortFlags flags)
void unregister_port (PortHandle ph)
int connect (const std::string &src, const std::string &dst)
int disconnect (const std::string &src, const std::string &dst)
int connect (PortEngine::PortHandle ph, const std::string &other)
int disconnect (PortEngine::PortHandle ph, const std::string &other)
int disconnect_all (PortEngine::PortHandle ph)
bool connected (PortEngine::PortHandle ph, bool process_callback_safe)
bool connected_to (PortEngine::PortHandle ph, const std::string &other, bool process_callback_safe)
bool physically_connected (PortEngine::PortHandle ph, bool process_callback_safe)
int get_connections (PortEngine::PortHandle ph, std::vector< std::string > &results, bool process_callback_safe)
int midi_event_get (pframes_t &timestamp, size_t &size, uint8_t const **buf, void *port_buffer, uint32_t event_index)
int midi_event_put (void *port_buffer, pframes_t timestamp, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size)
uint32_t get_midi_event_count (void *port_buffer)
void midi_clear (void *port_buffer)
bool can_monitor_input () const
int request_input_monitoring (PortHandle, bool)
int ensure_input_monitoring (PortHandle, bool)
bool monitoring_input (PortHandle)
void set_latency_range (PortHandle, bool for_playback, LatencyRange)
LatencyRange get_latency_range (PortHandle, bool for_playback)
void * get_buffer (PortHandle, pframes_t)
void * freewheel_thread ()
void pre_process ()
void coremidi_rediscover ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::AudioBackend
 AudioBackend (AudioEngine &e, AudioBackendInfo &i)
virtual ~AudioBackend ()
AudioBackendInfoinfo () const
virtual bool is_jack () const
virtual int client_real_time_priority ()
virtual bool requires_driver_selection () const
virtual std::vector< std::string > enumerate_drivers () const
virtual int set_driver (const std::string &drivername)
virtual bool match_input_output_devices_or_none () const
virtual bool can_set_period_size () const
virtual std::vector< uint32_t > available_period_sizes (const std::string &driver, const std::string &device) const
virtual int set_peridod_size (uint32_t)
virtual bool can_request_update_devices ()
virtual bool update_devices ()
virtual bool can_use_buffered_io ()
virtual void set_use_buffered_io (bool)
virtual bool get_use_buffered_io ()
virtual float default_sample_rate () const
virtual uint32_t default_buffer_size (const std::string &device) const
virtual bool can_change_systemic_latency_when_running () const
virtual int drop_device ()
virtual uint32_t period_size () const
virtual std::string driver_name () const
int start (bool for_latency_measurement=false)
virtual void transport_start ()
virtual void transport_stop ()
virtual TransportState transport_state () const
virtual void transport_locate (samplepos_t pos)
virtual samplepos_t transport_sample () const
virtual int set_time_master (bool yn)
virtual int usecs_per_cycle () const
virtual bool get_sync_offset (pframes_t &offset) const
virtual bool speed_and_position (double &speed, samplepos_t &position)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::PortEngine
 PortEngine (PortManager &pm)
virtual ~PortEngine ()
virtual bool externally_connected (PortHandle port, bool process_callback_safe=true)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::PortEngineSharedImpl
 PortEngineSharedImpl (PortManager &mgr, std::string const &instance_name)
virtual ~PortEngineSharedImpl ()
bool port_is_physical (PortEngine::PortHandle) const
void get_physical_outputs (DataType type, std::vector< std::string > &)
void get_physical_inputs (DataType type, std::vector< std::string > &)
ChanCount n_physical_outputs () const
ChanCount n_physical_inputs () const
uint32_t port_name_size () const
int set_port_name (PortEngine::PortHandle, const std::string &)
std::string get_port_name (PortEngine::PortHandle) const
PortFlags get_port_flags (PortEngine::PortHandle) const
PortEngine::PortPtr get_port_by_name (const std::string &) const
int get_port_property (PortEngine::PortHandle, const std::string &key, std::string &value, std::string &type) const
int set_port_property (PortEngine::PortHandle, const std::string &key, const std::string &value, const std::string &type)
int get_ports (const std::string &port_name_pattern, DataType type, PortFlags flags, std::vector< std::string > &) const
DataType port_data_type (PortEngine::PortHandle) const
PortEngine::PortPtr register_port (const std::string &shortname, ARDOUR::DataType, ARDOUR::PortFlags)
int connect (const std::string &src, const std::string &dst)
int disconnect (const std::string &src, const std::string &dst)
int connect (PortEngine::PortHandle, const std::string &)
int disconnect (PortEngine::PortHandle, const std::string &)
int disconnect_all (PortEngine::PortHandle)
bool connected (PortEngine::PortHandle, bool process_callback_safe)
bool connected_to (PortEngine::PortHandle, const std::string &, bool process_callback_safe)
bool physically_connected (PortEngine::PortHandle, bool process_callback_safe)
int get_connections (PortEngine::PortHandle, std::vector< std::string > &, bool process_callback_safe)

Static Public Member Functions

static int _midi_event_put (void *port_buffer, pframes_t timestamp, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::AudioBackend
static std::string get_error_string (ErrorCode)
static std::string get_standard_device_name (StandardDeviceName)
static size_t thread_stack_size ()

Protected Member Functions

int _start (bool for_latency_measurement)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::PortEngineSharedImpl
void port_connect_callback (const std::string &a, const std::string &b, bool conn)
void process_connection_queue_locked (PortManager &mgr)
void port_connect_add_remove_callback ()
virtual void update_system_port_latencies ()
void clear_ports ()
BackendPortPtr add_port (const std::string &shortname, ARDOUR::DataType, ARDOUR::PortFlags)
void unregister_ports (bool system_only=false)
bool valid_port (BackendPortHandle port) const
BackendPortPtr find_port (const std::string &port_name) const
void list_ports () const

Private Types

enum  DeviceFilter { All , Input , Output , Duplex }

Private Member Functions

uint32_t name_to_id (std::string, DeviceFilter filter=All) const
void unset_callbacks ()
int register_system_audio_ports ()
BackendPortPtr find_port_in (std::vector< BackendPortPtr > const &plist, const std::string &port_name) const
BackendPortport_factory (std::string const &name, ARDOUR::DataType type, ARDOUR::PortFlags)
void reset_midi_parsers ()

Static Private Member Functions

static void * coreaudio_process_thread (void *)

Private Attributes

std::string _instance_name
bool _run
bool _active_ca
bool _active_fw
bool _preinit
bool _freewheeling
bool _freewheel
bool _freewheel_ack
bool _reinit_thread_callback
bool _measure_latency
uint64_t _last_process_start
pthread_mutex_t _process_callback_mutex
pthread_mutex_t _freewheel_mutex
pthread_cond_t _freewheel_signal
std::string _input_audio_device
std::string _output_audio_device
std::string _midi_driver_option
float _samplerate
size_t _samples_per_period
uint32_t _systemic_audio_input_latency
uint32_t _systemic_audio_output_latency
uint32_t _hw_audio_input_latency
uint32_t _hw_audio_output_latency
float _dsp_load
ARDOUR::DSPLoadCalculator _dsp_load_calc
uint64_t _processed_samples
pthread_t _main_thread
pthread_t _freeewheel_thread
std::vector< pthread_t > _threads

Static Private Attributes

static std::vector< std::string > _midi_options
static std::vector< AudioBackend::DeviceStatus_input_audio_device_status
static std::vector< AudioBackend::DeviceStatus_output_audio_device_status
static std::vector< AudioBackend::DeviceStatus_duplex_audio_device_status
static std::vector< AudioBackend::DeviceStatus_midi_device_status
static size_t _max_buffer_size

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ARDOUR::AudioBackend
enum  ErrorCode {
  NoError = 0 , BackendInitializationError = -64 , BackendDeinitializationError , BackendReinitializationError ,
  AudioDeviceOpenError , AudioDeviceCloseError , AudioDeviceInvalidError , AudioDeviceNotAvailableError ,
  AudioDeviceNotConnectedError , AudioDeviceReservationError , AudioDeviceIOError , MidiDeviceOpenError ,
  MidiDeviceCloseError , MidiDeviceNotAvailableError , MidiDeviceNotConnectedError , MidiDeviceIOError ,
  SampleFormatNotSupportedError , SampleRateNotSupportedError , RequestedInputLatencyNotSupportedError , RequestedOutputLatencyNotSupportedError ,
  PeriodSizeNotSupportedError , PeriodCountNotSupportedError , DeviceConfigurationNotSupportedError , ChannelCountNotSupportedError ,
  InputChannelCountNotSupportedError , OutputChannelCountNotSupportedError , AquireRealtimePermissionError , SettingAudioThreadPriorityError ,
  SettingMIDIThreadPriorityError , ProcessThreadStartError , FreewheelThreadStartError , PortRegistrationError ,
  PortReconnectError , OutOfMemoryError
enum  StandardDeviceName { DeviceNone , DeviceDefault }
enum  TimingTypes { DeviceWait = 0 , RunLoop , NTT }
- Public Types inherited from ARDOUR::PortEngine
typedef std::shared_ptr< ProtoPortPortPtr
typedef PortPtr const & PortHandle
- Public Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::AudioBackend
PBD::TimingStats dsp_stats [NTT]
- Protected Types inherited from ARDOUR::PortEngineSharedImpl
typedef std::map< std::string, BackendPortPtrPortMap
typedef std::set< BackendPortPtr, SortByPortNamePortIndex
typedef std::set< BackendPortPtrPortRegistry
- Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::AudioBackend
- Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::PortEngine
- Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::PortEngineSharedImpl
std::string _instance_name
std::vector< BackendPortPtr_system_inputs
std::vector< BackendPortPtr_system_outputs
std::vector< BackendPortPtr_system_midi_in
std::vector< BackendPortPtr_system_midi_out
std::vector< PortConnectData * > _port_connection_queue
pthread_mutex_t _port_callback_mutex
std::atomic< int > _port_change_flag
SerializedRCUManager< PortMap_portmap
SerializedRCUManager< PortIndex_ports
SerializedRCUManager< PortRegistry_portregistry

Detailed Description

Definition at line 155 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ DeviceFilter


Definition at line 363 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CoreAudioBackend()

ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::CoreAudioBackend ( AudioEngine e,
AudioBackendInfo info 

◆ ~CoreAudioBackend()

ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::~CoreAudioBackend ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _midi_event_put()

static int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_midi_event_put ( void *  port_buffer,
pframes_t  timestamp,
const uint8_t *  buffer,
size_t  size 

◆ _start()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_start ( bool  for_latency_measurement)

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ available_buffer_sizes()

std::vector<uint32_t> ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::available_buffer_sizes ( const std::string &  device) const

Returns a collection of uint32 identifying buffer sizes that are potentially usable with the hardware identified by device . Any of these values may be supplied in other calls to this backend as the desired buffer size to use with the name device, but the requested buffer size may turn out to be unavailable, or become invalid at any time.

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ available_buffer_sizes2()

std::vector<uint32_t> ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::available_buffer_sizes2 ( const std::string &  ,
const std::string &   
) const

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ available_sample_rates()

std::vector<float> ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::available_sample_rates ( const std::string &  device) const

Returns a collection of float identifying sample rates that are potentially usable with the hardware identified by device . Any of these values may be supplied in other calls to this backend as the desired sample rate to use with the name device, but the requested sample rate may turn out to be unavailable, or become invalid at any time.

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ available_sample_rates2()

std::vector<float> ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::available_sample_rates2 ( const std::string &  ,
const std::string &   
) const

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ buffer_size()

uint32_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::buffer_size ( ) const

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ buffer_size_callback()

void ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::buffer_size_callback ( )

◆ can_change_buffer_size_when_running()

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::can_change_buffer_size_when_running ( ) const

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ can_change_sample_rate_when_running()

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::can_change_sample_rate_when_running ( ) const

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ can_measure_systemic_latency()

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::can_measure_systemic_latency ( ) const

return true if the backend is configured using a single full-duplex device and measuring systemic latency can produce meaningful results.

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

Definition at line 177 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ can_monitor_input()

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::can_monitor_input ( ) const

Return true if the implementation can offer input monitoring.

Input monitoring involves the (selective) routing of incoming data to an outgoing data stream, without the data being passed to the CPU.

Only certain audio hardware can provide this, and only certain audio APIs can offer it.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

◆ can_set_systemic_midi_latencies()

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::can_set_systemic_midi_latencies ( ) const

if backend supports systemic_midi_[in|ou]tput_latency()

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

Definition at line 204 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ connect() [1/2]

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::connect ( const std::string &  src,
const std::string &  dst 

Ensure that data written to the port named by src will be readable from the port named by dst

srcname of source port to connect
dstname of destination (sink) port
zero on success, non-zero otherwise.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 278 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ connect() [2/2]

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::connect ( PortEngine::PortHandle  src,
const std::string &  dst 

Ensure that data written to the port referenced by src will be readable from the port named by dst

srcPortHandle of source port to connect
dstPortHandle of destination (sink) port
zero on success, non-zero otherwise.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 280 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ connected()

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::connected ( PortEngine::PortHandle  port,
bool  process_callback_safe 

Test if given port is connected

portPortHandle of port to test
process_callback_safetrue if this method is not called from rt-context of backend callbacks
true if the port referred to by port has any connections to other ports. Return false otherwise.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 283 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ connected_to()

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::connected_to ( PortEngine::PortHandle  port,
const std::string &  name,
bool  process_callback_safe 

Test port connection

portPortHandle of source port to test
namename of destination to test
process_callback_safetrue if this method is not called from rt-context of backend callbacks
true if the port referred to by port is connected to the port named by name . Return false otherwise.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 284 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ control_app_name()

std::string ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::control_app_name ( ) const

Return the name of a control application for the selected/in-use device. If no such application exists, or if no device has been selected or is in-use, return an empty string.

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

Definition at line 207 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ coreaudio_process_thread()

static void* ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::coreaudio_process_thread ( void *  )

◆ coremidi_rediscover()

void ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::coremidi_rediscover ( )

◆ create_process_thread()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::create_process_thread ( boost::function< void()>  func)

Create a new thread suitable for running part of the buffer process cycle (i.e. Realtime scheduling, memory allocation, stacksize, etc. are all correctly setup). The thread will begin executing func, and will exit when that function returns.

funcprocess function to run

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ device_name()

std::string ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::device_name ( ) const

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ disconnect() [1/2]

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::disconnect ( const std::string &  src,
const std::string &  dst 

Remove any existing connection between the ports named by src and dst

srcname of source port to dis-connect to disconnect from
dstname of destination (sink) port to disconnect
zero on success, non-zero otherwise.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 279 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ disconnect() [2/2]

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::disconnect ( PortEngine::PortHandle  src,
const std::string &  dst 

Remove any existing connection between the port referenced by src and the port named dst

srcPortHandle of source port to disconnect from
dstPortHandle of destination (sink) port to disconnect
zero on success, non-zero otherwise.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 281 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ disconnect_all()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::disconnect_all ( PortEngine::PortHandle  port)

Remove all connections between the port referred to by port and any other ports.

portPortHandle of port to disconnect
zero on success, non-zero otherwise.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 282 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ dsp_load()

float ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::dsp_load ( ) const

return the fraction of the time represented by the current buffer size that is being used for each buffer process cycle, as a value from 0.0 to 1.0

E.g. if the buffer size represents 5msec and current processing takes 1msec, the returned value should be 0.2.

Implementations can feel free to smooth the values returned over time (e.g. high pass filtering, or its equivalent).

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ ensure_input_monitoring()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::ensure_input_monitoring ( PortHandle  ,

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

◆ enumerate_devices()

std::vector<DeviceStatus> ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::enumerate_devices ( ) const

Returns a collection of DeviceStatuses identifying devices discovered by this backend since the start of the process.

Any of the names in each DeviceStatus may be used to identify a device in other calls to the backend, though any of them may become invalid at any time.

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ enumerate_input_devices()

std::vector<DeviceStatus> ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::enumerate_input_devices ( ) const

Returns a collection of DeviceStatuses identifying input devices discovered by this backend since the start of the process.

Any of the names in each DeviceStatus may be used to identify a device in other calls to the backend, though any of them may become invalid at any time.

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ enumerate_midi_devices()

std::vector<DeviceStatus> ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::enumerate_midi_devices ( ) const

Detailed MIDI device list - if available

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

Definition at line 215 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ enumerate_midi_options()

std::vector<std::string> ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::enumerate_midi_options ( ) const

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ enumerate_output_devices()

std::vector<DeviceStatus> ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::enumerate_output_devices ( ) const

Returns a collection of DeviceStatuses identifying output devices discovered by this backend since the start of the process.

Any of the names in each DeviceStatus may be used to identify a device in other calls to the backend, though any of them may become invalid at any time.

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ error_callback()

void ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::error_callback ( )

◆ find_port_in()

BackendPortPtr ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::find_port_in ( std::vector< BackendPortPtr > const &  plist,
const std::string &  port_name 
) const

Definition at line 399 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ freewheel()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::freewheel ( bool  start_stop)

While remaining connected to the device, and without changing its configuration, start (or stop) calling the process_callback of the engine without waiting for the device. Once process_callback() has returned, it will be called again immediately, thus allowing for faster-than-realtime processing.

All registered ports remain in existence and all connections remain unaltered. However, any physical ports should NOT be used by the process_callback() during freewheeling - the data behaviour is undefined.

If start_stop is true, begin this behaviour; otherwise cease this behaviour if it currently occuring, and return to calling process_callback() of the engine by waiting for the device.

start_stoptrue to engage freewheel processing
zero on success, non-zero otherwise.

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ freewheel_thread()

void* ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::freewheel_thread ( )

◆ get_buffer()

void* ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::get_buffer ( PortHandle  port,
pframes_t  off 

Return the address of the memory area where data for the port can be written (if the port has the PortFlag IsOutput set) or read (if the port has the PortFlag IsInput set).

The return value is untyped because buffers containing different data depending on the port type.

offmemory offset
pointer to raw memory area

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

◆ get_connections()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::get_connections ( PortEngine::PortHandle  port,
std::vector< std::string > &  names,
bool  process_callback_safe 

Place the names of all ports connected to the port named by port into names .

namesarray or returned port-names
process_callback_safetrue if this method is not called from rt-context of backend callbacks
number of connections found

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 286 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ get_latency_range()

LatencyRange ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::get_latency_range ( PortHandle  port,
bool  for_playback 

Return the latency range for the port referred to by port . The playback range will be returned if for_playback is true, otherwise the capture range will be returned.

portThe PortHandle to query
for_playbackWhen true, playback (downstream) latency is queried, false for capture (upstream) latency.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

◆ get_midi_event_count()

uint32_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::get_midi_event_count ( void *  port_buffer)

Query the number of MIDI events in the data at port_buffer

port_bufferthe midi-port buffer
the number of MIDI events in the data at port_buffer

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

◆ get_physical_inputs()

void ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::get_physical_inputs ( DataType  type,
std::vector< std::string > &  names 

Store into names the names of all ports with the IsInput and IsPhysical flags set, that handle data of type type .

This can be used to discover inputs associated with hardware devices.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 264 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ get_physical_outputs()

void ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::get_physical_outputs ( DataType  type,
std::vector< std::string > &  names 

Store into names the names of all ports with the IsOutput and IsPhysical flag set, that handle data of type type .

This can be used to discover outputs associated with hardware devices.

typeData-type to lookup
namesreturn value to populate with names

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 263 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ get_port_by_name()

PortEngine::PortPtr ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::get_port_by_name ( std::string const &  name) const

Return a reference to a port with the fullname name .

nameFull port-name to lookup
PortHandle if lookup was successful, or an "empty" PortHandle (analogous to a null pointer) if no such port exists.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 271 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ get_port_flags()

PortFlags ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::get_port_flags ( PortEngine::PortHandle  port) const

Query port-flags

the flags of the port referred to by port . If the port does not exist, return PortFlags (0)

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 270 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ get_port_name()

std::string ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::get_port_name ( PortEngine::PortHandle  port) const

Query port name

the name of the port referred to by port . If the port does not exist, return an empty string.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 269 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ get_port_property()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::get_port_property ( PortEngine::PortHandle  ,
const std::string &  key,
std::string &  value,
std::string &  type 
) const

Return the port-property value and type for a given key. (eg query a human readable port name)

The API follows jack_get_property():

keyThe key of the property to retrieve
valueSet to the value of the property if found
typeThe type of the property if set ( Type of data, either a MIME type or URI. If type is empty, the data is assumed to be a UTF-8 encoded string.
0 on success, -1 if the subject has no key property.

for available keys, see

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 272 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ get_ports()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::get_ports ( const std::string &  port_name_pattern,
DataType  type,
PortFlags  flags,
std::vector< std::string > &  ports 
) const

Find the set of ports whose names, types and flags match specified values, place the names of each port into ports .

port_name_patternmatch by given pattern. To avoid selecting by name, pass an empty string.
typefilter by given type; pass DataType::NIL to match all types.
flagsfilter by flags, pass PortFlags (0) to avoid selecting by flags.
portsarray filled with matching port-names
the count of the number found

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 274 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ halted_callback()

void ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::halted_callback ( )

◆ hw_changed_callback()

void ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::hw_changed_callback ( )

◆ in_process_thread()

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::in_process_thread ( )

Return true if execution context is in a backend thread

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ input_device_name()

std::string ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::input_device_name ( ) const

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ interleaved()

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::interleaved ( ) const

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ is_realtime()

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::is_realtime ( ) const

Return true if the callback from the underlying mechanism/API (CoreAudio, JACK, ASIO etc.) occurs in a thread subject to realtime constraints. Return false otherwise.

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ join_process_threads()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::join_process_threads ( )

Wait for all processing threads to exit.

Return zero on success, non-zero on failure.

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ launch_control_app()

void ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::launch_control_app ( )

Launch the control app for the currently in-use or selected device. May do nothing if the control app is undefined or cannot be launched.

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ midi_clear()

void ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::midi_clear ( void *  port_buffer)

Clear the buffer at port_buffer of all MIDI events.

After a call to this method, an immediate, subsequent call to get_midi_event_count with the same port_buffer argument must return zero.

port_bufferthe buffer to clear

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

◆ midi_device_enabled()

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::midi_device_enabled ( std::string const  ) const

query if a midi-device is enabled

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

Definition at line 221 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ midi_event_get()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::midi_event_get ( pframes_t timestamp,
size_t &  size,
uint8_t const **  buf,
void *  port_buffer,
uint32_t  event_index 

Retrieve a MIDI event from the data at port_buffer . The event number to be retrieved is given by event_index (a value of zero indicates that the first event in the port_buffer should be retrieved).

The data associated with the event will be copied into the buffer at buf and the number of bytes written will be stored in size . The timestamp of the event (which is always relative to the start of the current process cycle, in samples) will be stored in timestamp .

timestamptime in samples relative to the current cycle start
sizenumber of bytes read into buf
bufraw MIDI data
port_bufferthe midi-port buffer
event_indexindex of event to retrieve
0 on success, -1 otherwise

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

◆ midi_event_put()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::midi_event_put ( void *  port_buffer,
pframes_t  timestamp,
const uint8_t *  buffer,
size_t  size 

Place a MIDI event consisting of size bytes copied from the data at buffer into the port buffer referred to by port_buffer . The MIDI event will be marked with a time given by timestamp .

Events must be added monotonically to a port buffer. An attempt to add a non-monotonic event (e.g. out-of-order) will cause this method to return a failure status.

port_bufferthe midi-port buffer
timestamptime in samples relative to the current cycle start
bufferraw MIDI data to emplace
sizenumber of bytes of buffer
zero on success, non-zero otherwise.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 290 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ midi_option()

std::string ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::midi_option ( ) const

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ monitoring_input()

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::monitoring_input ( PortHandle  port)

Query status of hardware monitoring for given port

portPortHandle to test
true if input monitoring is enabled for the hardware channel represented by the port referred to by port . Return false otherwise.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

◆ my_name()

const std::string& ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::my_name ( ) const

Return the name of this process as used by the port manager when naming ports.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

◆ n_physical_inputs()

ChanCount ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::n_physical_inputs ( ) const
the total count (possibly mixed between different data types) of the number of ports with the IsPhysical and IsInput flags set.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 266 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ n_physical_outputs()

ChanCount ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::n_physical_outputs ( ) const
the total count (possibly mixed between different data types) of the number of ports with the IsPhysical and IsOutput flags set.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 265 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ name()

std::string ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::name ( ) const

Return the name of this backend.

Should use a well-known, unique term. Expected examples might include "JACK", "CoreAudio", "ASIO" etc.

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ name_to_id()

uint32_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::name_to_id ( std::string  ,
DeviceFilter  filter = All 
) const

◆ output_device_name()

std::string ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::output_device_name ( ) const

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ physically_connected()

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::physically_connected ( PortEngine::PortHandle  port,
bool  process_callback_safe 

Test if given port is connected to physical I/O ports.

portPortHandle of source port to test
process_callback_safetrue if this method is not called from rt-context of backend callbacks
true if the port referred to by port has any connections to ports marked with the PortFlag IsPhysical. Return false otherwise.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 285 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ port_data_type()

DataType ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::port_data_type ( PortEngine::PortHandle  port) const

Lookup data type of a port

portPortHandle of the port to lookup.
the Ardour data type handled by the port referred to by port . DataType::NIL is returned if the port does not exist.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 275 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ port_factory()

BackendPort* ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::port_factory ( std::string const &  name,
ARDOUR::DataType  type,

◆ port_is_physical()

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::port_is_physical ( PortEngine::PortHandle  port) const

Return true if the port referred to by port has the IsPhysical flag set. Return false otherwise.

portPortHandle to query

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 262 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ port_name_size()

uint32_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::port_name_size ( ) const

Return the maximum size of a port name

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 267 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ pre_process()

void ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::pre_process ( )

◆ private_handle()

void* ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::private_handle ( ) const

Return a private, type-free pointer to any data that might be useful to a concrete implementation

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

◆ process_callback()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::process_callback ( uint32_t  ,

◆ process_thread_count()

uint32_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::process_thread_count ( )

Return number of processing threads

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ raw_buffer_size()

size_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::raw_buffer_size ( DataType  t)

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ register_port()

PortEngine::PortPtr ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::register_port ( const std::string &  shortname,
ARDOUR::DataType  type,
ARDOUR::PortFlags  flags 

Create a new port whose fullname will be the conjunction of my_name(), ":" and shortname . The port will handle data specified by type and will have the flags given by flags . If successful,

shortnameName of port to create
typetype of port to create
flagsflags of the port to create
a reference to the port, otherwise return a null pointer.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 276 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ register_system_audio_ports()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::register_system_audio_ports ( )

◆ request_input_monitoring()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::request_input_monitoring ( PortHandle  port,
bool  yn 

Increment or decrement the number of requests to monitor the input of the hardware channel represented by the port referred to by port .

If the number of requests rises above zero, input monitoring will be enabled (if can_monitor_input() returns true for the implementation).

If the number of requests falls to zero, input monitoring will be disabled (if can_monitor_input() returns true for the implementation)

yntrue to enable hardware monitoring, false to disable
0 on success, -1 otherwise

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

◆ reset_device()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::reset_device ( )

Reset device.

Return zero if successful, negative values on error

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

Definition at line 190 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ reset_midi_parsers()

void ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::reset_midi_parsers ( )

◆ sample_rate()

float ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::sample_rate ( ) const

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ sample_rate_callback()

void ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::sample_rate_callback ( )

◆ sample_time()

samplepos_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::sample_time ( )

return the time according to the sample clock in use, measured in samples since an arbitrary zero time in the past. The value should increase monotonically and linearly, without interruption from any source (including CPU frequency scaling).

It is extremely likely that any implementation will use a DLL, since this function can be called from any thread, at any time, and must be able to accurately determine the correct sample time.

Can be called from any thread.

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ sample_time_at_cycle_start()

samplepos_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::sample_time_at_cycle_start ( )

Return the time according to the sample clock in use when the most recent buffer process cycle began. Can be called from any thread.

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ samples_since_cycle_start()

pframes_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::samples_since_cycle_start ( )

Return the time since the current buffer process cycle started, in samples, according to the sample clock in use.

Can ONLY be called from within a process() callback tree (which implies that it can only be called by a process thread)

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ set_buffer_size()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::set_buffer_size ( uint32_t  )

Set the buffer size to be used.

The device is assumed to use a double buffering scheme, so that one buffer's worth of data can be processed by hardware while software works on the other buffer. All known suitable audio APIs support this model (though ALSA allows for alternate numbers of buffers, and CoreAudio doesn't directly expose the concept).

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ set_device_name()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::set_device_name ( const std::string &  )

Set the name of the device to be used

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ set_input_device_name()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::set_input_device_name ( const std::string &  )

Set the name of the input device to be used if using separate input/output devices.

See also

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ set_interleaved()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::set_interleaved ( bool  yn)

Set the preferred underlying hardware data layout. If yn is true, then the hardware will interleave samples for successive channels; otherwise, the hardware will store samples for a single channel contiguously.

Setting this does not change the fact that all data streams to and from Ports are mono (essentially, non-interleaved)

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ set_latency_range()

void ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::set_latency_range ( PortHandle  port,
bool  for_playback,
LatencyRange  r 

Set the latency range for the port referred to by port to r . The playback range will be set if for_playback is true, otherwise the capture range will be set.

portPortHandle to operate on
for_playbackWhen true, playback latency is set: How long will it be until the signal arrives at the edge of the process graph. When false the capture latency is set: ow long has it been since the signal arrived at the edge of the process graph.
rmin/max latency for given port.

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

◆ set_midi_device_enabled()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::set_midi_device_enabled ( std::string const  ,

mark a midi-devices as enabled

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

Definition at line 218 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ set_midi_option()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::set_midi_option ( const std::string &  )

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ set_output_device_name()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::set_output_device_name ( const std::string &  )

Set the name of the output device to be used if using separate input/output devices.

See also

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ set_port_name()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::set_port_name ( PortEngine::PortHandle  port,
const std::string &  name 

Set/rename port

portPortHandle to operate on
namenew name to use for this port
zero if successful, non-zero otherwise

Implements ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 268 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ set_port_property()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::set_port_property ( PortEngine::PortHandle  ,
const std::string &  key,
const std::string &  value,
const std::string &  type 

Set the port-property value and type for a given key

The API follows jack_set_property():

keyThe key of the property.
valueThe value of the property.
typeThe type of the property.
0 on success, -1 on error

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::PortEngine.

Definition at line 273 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ set_sample_rate()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::set_sample_rate ( float  )

Set the sample rate to be used

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ set_systemic_input_latency()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::set_systemic_input_latency ( uint32_t  )

Set the (additional) input latency that cannot be determined via the implementation's underlying code (e.g. latency from external D-A/D-A converters. Units are samples.

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ set_systemic_midi_input_latency()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::set_systemic_midi_input_latency ( std::string const  ,

Set the (additional) input latency for a specific midi device, or if the identifier is empty, apply to all midi devices.

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

Definition at line 187 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ set_systemic_midi_output_latency()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::set_systemic_midi_output_latency ( std::string const  ,

Set the (additional) output latency for a specific midi device, or if the identifier is empty, apply to all midi devices.

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

Definition at line 188 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ set_systemic_output_latency()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::set_systemic_output_latency ( uint32_t  )

Set the (additional) output latency that cannot be determined via the implementation's underlying code (e.g. latency from external D-A/D-A converters. Units are samples.

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ stop()

int ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::stop ( )

Stop using the device currently in use.

If the function is successfully called, no subsequent calls to the process_callback() of engine will be made after the function returns, until parameters are reset and start() are called again.

The backend is considered to be un-configured after a successful return, and requires calls to set hardware parameters before it can be start()-ed again. See pause() for a way to avoid this. stop() should only be used when reconfiguration is required OR when there are no plans to use the backend in the future with a reconfiguration.

Return zero if successful, 1 if the device is not in use, negative values on error

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ systemic_input_latency()

uint32_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::systemic_input_latency ( ) const

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ systemic_midi_input_latency()

uint32_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::systemic_midi_input_latency ( std::string const  ) const

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

Definition at line 201 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ systemic_midi_output_latency()

uint32_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::systemic_midi_output_latency ( std::string const  ) const

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

Definition at line 202 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ systemic_output_latency()

uint32_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::systemic_output_latency ( ) const

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ unregister_port()

void ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::unregister_port ( PortHandle  ph)

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::PortEngineSharedImpl.

Definition at line 277 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ unset_callbacks()

void ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::unset_callbacks ( )

◆ update_latencies()

void ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::update_latencies ( )

Implements ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

◆ use_separate_input_and_output_devices()

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::use_separate_input_and_output_devices ( ) const

An optional alternate interface for backends to provide a facility to select separate input and output devices.

If a backend returns true then enumerate_input_devices() and enumerate_output_devices() will be used instead of enumerate_devices() to enumerate devices. Similarly set_input/output_device_name() should be used to set devices instead of set_device_name().

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::AudioBackend.

Definition at line 165 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ xrun_callback()

void ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::xrun_callback ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ _active_ca

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_active_ca

Definition at line 325 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _active_fw

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_active_fw

Definition at line 326 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _dsp_load

float ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_dsp_load

Definition at line 369 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _dsp_load_calc

ARDOUR::DSPLoadCalculator ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_dsp_load_calc

Definition at line 370 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _duplex_audio_device_status

std::vector<AudioBackend::DeviceStatus> ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_duplex_audio_device_status

Definition at line 344 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _freeewheel_thread

pthread_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_freeewheel_thread

Definition at line 374 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _freewheel

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_freewheel

Definition at line 329 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _freewheel_ack

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_freewheel_ack

Definition at line 330 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _freewheel_mutex

pthread_mutex_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_freewheel_mutex

Definition at line 338 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _freewheel_signal

pthread_cond_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_freewheel_signal

Definition at line 339 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _freewheeling

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_freewheeling

Definition at line 328 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _hw_audio_input_latency

uint32_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_hw_audio_input_latency

Definition at line 359 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _hw_audio_output_latency

uint32_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_hw_audio_output_latency

Definition at line 360 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _input_audio_device

std::string ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_input_audio_device

Definition at line 347 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _input_audio_device_status

std::vector<AudioBackend::DeviceStatus> ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_input_audio_device_status

Definition at line 342 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _instance_name

std::string ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_instance_name

Definition at line 320 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _last_process_start

uint64_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_last_process_start

Definition at line 334 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _main_thread

pthread_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_main_thread

Definition at line 373 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _max_buffer_size

size_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_max_buffer_size

Definition at line 354 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _measure_latency

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_measure_latency

Definition at line 332 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _midi_device_status

std::vector<AudioBackend::DeviceStatus> ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_midi_device_status

Definition at line 345 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _midi_driver_option

std::string ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_midi_driver_option

Definition at line 349 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _midi_options

std::vector<std::string> ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_midi_options

Definition at line 341 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _midiio

CoreMidiIo* ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_midiio

Definition at line 322 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _output_audio_device

std::string ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_output_audio_device

Definition at line 348 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _output_audio_device_status

std::vector<AudioBackend::DeviceStatus> ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_output_audio_device_status

Definition at line 343 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _pcmio

CoreAudioPCM* ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_pcmio

Definition at line 321 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _preinit

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_preinit

Definition at line 327 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _process_callback_mutex

pthread_mutex_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_process_callback_mutex

Definition at line 336 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _processed_samples

uint64_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_processed_samples

Definition at line 371 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _reinit_thread_callback

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_reinit_thread_callback

Definition at line 331 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _run

bool ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_run

Definition at line 324 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _samplerate

float ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_samplerate

Definition at line 352 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _samples_per_period

size_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_samples_per_period

Definition at line 353 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _systemic_audio_input_latency

uint32_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_systemic_audio_input_latency

Definition at line 356 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _systemic_audio_output_latency

uint32_t ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_systemic_audio_output_latency

Definition at line 357 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

◆ _threads

std::vector<pthread_t> ARDOUR::CoreAudioBackend::_threads

Definition at line 378 of file coreaudio_backend.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: