23 #include <glibmm/threads.h>
virtual void on_response(int response_id)
This is a default handler for the signal signal_response().
Dialog box to set options for the ‘strip silence’ filter.
void set_state(const XMLNode &)
int analysis_progress_cur
void canvas_allocation(Gtk::Allocation &)
bool _thread_should_finish
true if the thread should terminate
int analysis_progress_max
std::list< ViewInterval > views
ARDOUR::samplecnt_t minimum_length() const
ARDOUR::InterThreadInfo _interthread_info
AudioClock * _minimum_length
void * detection_thread_work()
void silences(ARDOUR::AudioIntervalMap &)
Gtk::Button * apply_button
ARDOUR::samplecnt_t _fade_length_value
AudioClock * _fade_length
StripSilenceDialog(ARDOUR::Session *, std::list< RegionView * > const &)
sigc::connection progress_idle_connection
void on_response(int response_id)
This is a default handler for the signal signal_response().
bool idle_update_progress()
GUI-thread progress updates of background silence computation.
PBD::Signal0< void > Completed
emitted when a silence detection has completed
Glib::Threads::Mutex _lock
lock held while the thread is doing work
Gtk::SpinButton _threshold
pthread_t _thread
thread to compute silence in the background
static void * _detection_thread_work(void *)
Gtk::ProgressBar _progress_bar
void update_threshold_line()
Glib::Threads::Cond _run_cond
condition to wake the thread
PBD::ScopedConnection _completed_connection
void update_progress_gui(float)
Gtk::Button * cancel_button
XMLNode & get_state() const
void resize_silence_rects()
void update_stats(ARDOUR::AudioIntervalResult const &)
ARDOUR::samplecnt_t fade_length() const
void update_silence_rects()
ARDOUR::samplecnt_t _minimum_length_value
std::list< std::pair< sampleoffset_t, sampleoffset_t > > AudioIntervalResult
Temporal::samplecnt_t samplecnt_t
std::map< std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Region >, AudioIntervalResult > AudioIntervalMap
ViewInterval(RegionView *rv)
ARDOUR::AudioIntervalResult intervals