24 #ifndef __gtk_ardour_xfade_edit_h__
25 #define __gtk_ardour_xfade_edit_h__
80 struct Preset :
public std::list<PresetPoint> {
97 std::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Crossfade>
111 void move_to (
double x,
double y,
double xfract,
double yfract);
129 std::vector<ArdourWaveView::WaveView*>
207 void setup (std::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Crossfade>);
Declaration of the main canvas classes.
static Presets * fade_out_presets
void setup(std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Crossfade >)
void audition_left_dry_toggled()
bool on_key_press_event(GdkEventKey *)
This is a default handler for the signal signal_key_press_event().
Gtk::ToggleButton audition_both_button
void peaks_ready(std::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::AudioRegion > r, WhichFade)
gint event_handler(GdkEvent *)
Gtk::Table fade_out_table
std::vector< Gtk::Button * > fade_out_buttons
PBD::ScopedConnection * _peaks_ready_connection
bool canvas_event(GdkEvent *event)
void audition_right_toggled()
bool point_event(GdkEvent *event, Point *)
Gtk::ToggleButton preroll_button
void audition_right_dry_toggled()
PBD::ScopedConnection state_connection
void set(const ARDOUR::AutomationList &alist, WhichFade)
void add_control_point(double x, double y)
Gtk::ToggleButton audition_left_button
Gtk::ToggleButton audition_left_dry_button
Gtk::ToggleButton audition_right_dry_button
bool on_key_release_event(GdkEventKey *)
This is a default handler for the signal signal_key_release_event().
double y_coordinate(double &yfract) const
bool curve_event(GdkEvent *event)
void audition_state_changed(bool)
Gtk::Button revert_button
void canvas_allocation(Gtk::Allocation &)
std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Crossfade > xfade
double effective_height() const
Gtk::ToggleButton postroll_button
static Presets * fade_in_presets
double x_coordinate(double &xfract) const
void apply_preset(Preset *)
Gtk::RadioButton select_out_button
Gtk::HBox curve_button_box
static const double canvas_border
void make_waves(std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::AudioRegion >, WhichFade)
std::vector< Gtk::Button * > fade_in_buttons
void _apply_to(std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Crossfade > xf)
void curve_select_clicked(WhichFade)
void audition_left_toggled()
Gtk::RadioButton select_in_button
CrossfadeEditor(ARDOUR::Session *, std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Crossfade >, double miny, double maxy)
ArdourCanvas::Rectangle * toplevel
void audition_right_dry()
double effective_width() const
void xfade_changed(const PBD::PropertyChange &)
std::list< Preset * > Presets
Gtk::Button * cancel_button
ArdourCanvas::GtkCanvas * canvas
Gtk::ToggleButton audition_right_button
ArdourCanvas::Polygon * shading
std::vector< ArdourWaveView::WaveView * > waves
ARDOUR::AutomationList gain_curve
ArdourCanvas::PolyLine * line
ARDOUR::AutomationList normative_curve
std::list< Point * > points
bool operator()(const CrossfadeEditor::Point *a, const CrossfadeEditor::Point *b)
ArdourCanvas::PolyLine * curve
ArdourCanvas::Rectangle * box
void move_to(double x, double y, double xfract, double yfract)
static const int32_t size
PresetPoint(double a, double b)
Preset(const char *n, const char *x)