24 #include <ytkmm/menu.h>
139 void render (Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context>
const&, cairo_rectangle_t*);
bool on_button_press_event(GdkEventButton *)
bool on_motion_notify_event(GdkEventMotion *)
void add_new_from_items(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuList &)
bool on_leave_notify_event(GdkEventCrossing *)
virtual void add_menu_items(Gtk::Menu *, ARDOUR::RouteGroup *)
void remove_group(ARDOUR::RouteGroup *)
void edit_group(ARDOUR::RouteGroup *)
double _drag_moving
the position of the moving end of the tab being dragged
double _drag_first
first mouse pointer position during drag
void un_subgroup(ARDOUR::RouteGroup *)
void assign_some_to_master(uint32_t which, ARDOUR::RouteList, std::string vcaname="")
static void emit_gui_changed_for_members(std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::RouteList >)
virtual std::list< Tab > compute_tabs() const =0
std::list< Tab > _tabs
current list of tabs
void route_added_to_route_group(ARDOUR::RouteGroup *, std::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::Route >)
void new_group_dialog_finished(int, RouteGroupDialog *, ARDOUR::RouteList const *, bool with_master) const
double _drag_fixed
the position of the fixed end of the tab being dragged
void collect(ARDOUR::RouteGroup *)
void route_group_property_changed(ARDOUR::RouteGroup *)
virtual double primary_coordinate(double x, double y) const =0
virtual void draw_tab(cairo_t *cr, Tab const &t)=0
bool on_button_release_event(GdkEventButton *)
virtual ARDOUR::RouteList selected_routes() const =0
static void set_group_color(ARDOUR::RouteGroup *, uint32_t)
Tab * click_to_tab(double, std::list< Tab >::iterator *, std::list< Tab >::iterator *)
void set_session(ARDOUR::Session *)
double _drag_offset
offset from the mouse to the end of the tab being dragged
double _drag_min
minimum position for drag
void assign_group_to_master(uint32_t which, ARDOUR::RouteGroup *, bool rename_master) const
Gtk::Menu * get_menu(ARDOUR::RouteGroup *g, bool tabArea=false)
void assign_selection_to_master(uint32_t which)
void route_removed_from_route_group(ARDOUR::RouteGroup *, std::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::Route >)
void new_from_soloed(bool with_master)
ARDOUR::RouteList get_rec_enabled()
static uint32_t group_color(ARDOUR::RouteGroup *)
static std::list< Gdk::Color > _used_colors
bool on_enter_notify_event(GdkEventCrossing *)
void run_new_group_dialog(ARDOUR::RouteList const *, bool with_master)
static std::string group_gui_id(ARDOUR::RouteGroup *)
PBD::ScopedConnection _new_route_group_connection
ARDOUR::RouteList _initial_dragging_routes
bool _drag_moved
true if there has been movement during any current drag
void new_from_selection(bool with_master)
void assign_soloed_to_master(uint32_t which)
Tab * _dragging
tab being dragged, or 0
virtual ARDOUR::RouteList routes_for_tab(Tab const *t) const =0
virtual double visible_extent() const =0
void new_from_rec_enabled(bool with_master)
void render(Cairo::RefPtr< Cairo::Context > const &, cairo_rectangle_t *)
bool _dragging_new_tab
true if we're dragging a new tab
void edit_group_dialog_finished(int, RouteGroupDialog *) const
void unassign_group_to_master(uint32_t which, ARDOUR::RouteGroup *) const
void on_size_request(Gtk::Requisition *)
void assign_recenabled_to_master(uint32_t which)
double _drag_max
maximum position for drag
void subgroup(ARDOUR::RouteGroup *, bool, ARDOUR::Placement)
void set_activation(ARDOUR::RouteGroup *, bool)
ARDOUR::RouteList get_soloed()
std::list< std::shared_ptr< Route > > RouteList
ARDOUR::RouteGroup * group
route group