22 #ifndef __gtk_ardour_editor_summary_h__
23 #define __gtk_ardour_editor_summary_h__
73 void render (Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context>
const&, cairo_rectangle_t*);
75 void get_editor (std::pair<double, double>* x, std::pair<double, double>* y = NULL)
void set_editor_x(std::pair< double, double >)
void route_gui_changed(PBD::PropertyChange const &)
void get_editor(std::pair< double, double > *x, std::pair< double, double > *y=NULL) const
void set_session(ARDOUR::Session *)
void render_region(RegionView *, cairo_t *, double) const
std::pair< double, double > _view_rectangle_y
PBD::ScopedConnectionList region_property_connection
bool on_button_press_event(GdkEventButton *)
This is a default handler for the signal signal_button_press_event().
samplepos_t _start
start sample of the overview
bool _pending_editor_changed
void render_background_image()
PBD::ScopedConnection route_ctrl_id_connection
bool on_key_press_event(GdkEventKey *)
This is a default handler for the signal signal_key_press_event().
std::pair< double, double > _view_rectangle_x
bool on_scroll_event(GdkEventScroll *)
This is a default handler for the signal signal_scroll_event().
double editor_y_to_summary(double) const
void set_editor_x(double)
void playhead_position_changed(samplepos_t)
samplepos_t _rightmost
the latest sample we ever viewed
samplepos_t _leftmost
the earliest sample we ever viewed
bool on_enter_notify_event(GdkEventCrossing *)
This is a default handler for the signal signal_enter_notify_event().
PBD::ScopedConnectionList position_connection
void set_editor(std::pair< double, double >)
void parameter_changed(std::string)
samplepos_t position_to_playhead_sample_to_position(double pos) const
double _x_scale
pixels per sample for the x axis of the pixmap
bool on_button_release_event(GdkEventButton *)
This is a default handler for the signal signal_button_release_event().
void summary_zoom_step(int steps)
samplepos_t _end
end sample of the overview
void on_size_request(Gtk::Requisition *)
This is a default handler for the signal signal_size_request().
void set_overlays_dirty()
void routes_added(std::list< RouteTimeAxisView * > const &)
std::pair< double, double > _pending_editor_y
void set_cursor(SummaryPosition)
SummaryPosition _start_position
void on_size_allocate(Gtk::Allocation &alloc)
This is a default handler for the signal signal_size_allocate().
double playhead_sample_to_position(samplepos_t) const
bool on_motion_notify_event(GdkEventMotion *)
This is a default handler for the signal signal_motion_notify_event().
void set_background_dirty()
SummaryPosition get_position(double, double) const
void centre_on_click(GdkEventButton *)
bool on_leave_notify_event(GdkEventCrossing *)
This is a default handler for the signal signal_leave_notify_event().
std::pair< double, double > _pending_editor_x
bool on_key_release_event(GdkEventKey *)
This is a default handler for the signal signal_key_release_event().
void render(Cairo::RefPtr< Cairo::Context > const &, cairo_rectangle_t *)
bool _old_follow_playhead
std::pair< double, double > _start_editor_x
bool suspending_editor_updates() const
void set_overlays_dirty_rect(int, int, int, int)
SummaryPosition _zoom_trim_position
Temporal::samplepos_t samplepos_t