Ardour  8.12
WiimoteControlProtocol Class Reference

#include <wiimote.h>

Inheritance diagram for WiimoteControlProtocol:

Public Member Functions

 WiimoteControlProtocol (ARDOUR::Session &)
virtual ~WiimoteControlProtocol ()
int set_active (bool yn)
XMLNodeget_state () const
int set_state (const XMLNode &, int version)
void start_wiimote_discovery ()
void stop_wiimote_discovery ()
void wiimote_callback (int mesg_count, union cwiid_mesg mesg[])
void stripable_selection_changed ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::ControlProtocol
 ControlProtocol (Session &, std::string name)
virtual ~ControlProtocol ()
virtual std::string name () const
virtual bool active () const
virtual int set_feedback (bool)
virtual bool get_feedback () const
virtual void midi_connectivity_established (bool)
void add_stripable_to_selection (std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Stripable >)
void set_stripable_selection (std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Stripable >)
void toggle_stripable_selection (std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Stripable >)
void remove_stripable_from_selection (std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Stripable >)
void clear_stripable_selection ()
virtual void add_rid_to_selection (int rid)
virtual void set_rid_selection (int rid)
virtual void toggle_rid_selection (int rid)
virtual void remove_rid_from_selection (int rid)
std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Stripablefirst_selected_stripable () const
void set_route_table_size (uint32_t size)
void set_route_table (uint32_t table_index, std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Route >)
bool set_route_table (uint32_t table_index, uint32_t remote_control_id)
void route_set_rec_enable (uint32_t table_index, bool yn)
bool route_get_rec_enable (uint32_t table_index)
float route_get_gain (uint32_t table_index)
void route_set_gain (uint32_t table_index, float)
float route_get_effective_gain (uint32_t table_index)
float route_get_peak_input_power (uint32_t table_index, uint32_t which_input)
bool route_get_muted (uint32_t table_index)
void route_set_muted (uint32_t table_index, bool)
bool route_get_soloed (uint32_t table_index)
void route_set_soloed (uint32_t table_index, bool)
std::string route_get_name (uint32_t table_index)
virtual std::list< std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Bundle > > bundles ()
virtual bool has_editor () const
virtual void * get_gui () const
virtual void tear_down_gui ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from PBD::Stateful
 Stateful ()
virtual ~Stateful ()
virtual bool apply_change (PropertyBase const &)
PropertyChange apply_changes (PropertyList const &)
const OwnedPropertyListproperties () const
void add_property (PropertyBase &s)
void add_extra_xml (XMLNode &)
XMLNodeextra_xml (const std::string &str, bool add_if_missing=false)
void save_extra_xml (const XMLNode &)
const PBD::IDid () const
bool set_id (const XMLNode &)
void set_id (const std::string &)
void reset_id ()
void clear_changes ()
virtual void clear_owned_changes ()
PropertyListget_changes_as_properties (PBD::Command *) const
virtual void rdiff (std::vector< PBD::Command * > &) const
bool changed () const
virtual PropertyListproperty_factory (const XMLNode &) const
virtual void suspend_property_changes ()
virtual void resume_property_changes ()
bool property_changes_suspended () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from PBD::ScopedConnectionList
 ScopedConnectionList ()
virtual ~ScopedConnectionList ()
void add_connection (const UnscopedConnection &c)
void drop_connections ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BasicUI
 BasicUI (ARDOUR::Session &)
virtual ~BasicUI ()
void add_marker (const std::string &=std::string())
void remove_marker_at_playhead ()
void register_thread (std::string name)
void loop_toggle ()
void loop_location (Temporal::timepos_t const &start, Temporal::timepos_t const &end)
void access_action (std::string action_path)
void goto_zero ()
void goto_start (bool and_roll=false)
void goto_end ()
void button_varispeed (bool fwd)
void rewind ()
void ffwd ()
void transport_stop ()
void transport_play (bool jump_back=false)
void set_transport_speed (double speed)
double get_transport_speed () const
double transport_rolling () const
void jump_by_seconds (double sec, ARDOUR::LocateTransportDisposition ltd=ARDOUR::RollIfAppropriate)
void jump_by_bars (int bars, ARDOUR::LocateTransportDisposition ltd=ARDOUR::RollIfAppropriate)
void jump_by_beats (int beats, ARDOUR::LocateTransportDisposition ltd=ARDOUR::RollIfAppropriate)
ARDOUR::samplepos_t transport_sample ()
void locate (ARDOUR::samplepos_t sample, ARDOUR::LocateTransportDisposition ltd)
void locate (ARDOUR::samplepos_t sample, bool)
bool locating ()
bool locked ()
void save_state ()
void prev_marker ()
void next_marker ()
void undo ()
void redo ()
void toggle_punch_in ()
void toggle_punch_out ()
void mark_in ()
void mark_out ()
void toggle_click ()
void midi_panic ()
void trigger_cue_row (int cue)
void trigger_stop_all (bool stop_now=false)
void trigger_stop_col (int col, bool immediately=false)
void store_mixer_scene (int scn)
void apply_mixer_scene (int scn)
void toggle_monitor_mute ()
void toggle_monitor_dim ()
void toggle_monitor_mono ()
void cancel_all_solo ()
void quick_snapshot_stay ()
void quick_snapshot_switch ()
void toggle_roll (bool with_abort, bool roll_out_of_bounded_mode)
void stop_forget ()
void set_punch_range ()
void set_loop_range ()
void set_session_range ()
void set_record_enable (bool yn)
bool get_record_enabled ()
void fit_1_track ()
void fit_2_tracks ()
void fit_4_tracks ()
void fit_8_tracks ()
void fit_16_tracks ()
void fit_32_tracks ()
void fit_all_tracks ()
void zoom_10_ms ()
void zoom_100_ms ()
void zoom_1_sec ()
void zoom_10_sec ()
void zoom_1_min ()
void zoom_5_min ()
void zoom_10_min ()
void zoom_to_session ()
void temporal_zoom_in ()
void temporal_zoom_out ()
void scroll_up_1_track ()
void scroll_dn_1_track ()
void scroll_up_1_page ()
void scroll_dn_1_page ()
void rec_enable_toggle ()
void toggle_all_rec_enables ()
void all_tracks_rec_in ()
void all_tracks_rec_out ()
void goto_nth_marker (int n)
ARDOUR::samplecnt_t timecode_frames_per_hour ()
void timecode_time (samplepos_t where, Timecode::Time &)
void timecode_to_sample (Timecode::Time &timecode, samplepos_t &sample, bool use_offset, bool use_subframes) const
void sample_to_timecode (samplepos_t sample, Timecode::Time &timecode, bool use_offset, bool use_subframes) const
bool stop_button_onoff () const
bool play_button_onoff () const
bool ffwd_button_onoff () const
bool rewind_button_onoff () const
bool loop_button_onoff () const
void tbank_set_size (int route_width, int row_height)
void tbank_step_routes (int step_size)
void tbank_step_rows (int step_size)
float trigger_progress_at (int x)
TriggerDisplay trigger_display_at (int x, int y)
void bang_trigger_at (int x, int y)
void unbang_trigger_at (int x, int y)
std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Triggerfind_trigger (int x, int y)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AbstractUI< WiimoteControlUIRequest >
 AbstractUI (const std::string &name)
virtual ~AbstractUI ()
void register_thread (pthread_t, std::string, uint32_t num_requests)
bool call_slot (EventLoop::InvalidationRecord *, const boost::function< void()> &)
Glib::Threads::RWLock & slot_invalidation_rwlock ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseUI
 BaseUI (const std::string &name)
virtual ~BaseUI ()
BaseUIbase_instance ()
Glib::RefPtr< Glib::MainLoop > main_loop () const
bool caller_is_self () const
bool ok () const
void run ()
void quit ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from PBD::EventLoop
 EventLoop (std::string const &)
virtual ~EventLoop ()
virtual bool call_slot (InvalidationRecord *, const boost::function< void()> &)=0
std::string event_loop_name () const

Protected Member Functions

void do_request (WiimoteControlUIRequest *)
int start ()
int stop ()
void thread_init ()
bool connect_idle ()
bool connect_wiimote ()
void update_led_state ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::ControlProtocol
void next_track (uint32_t initial_id)
void prev_track (uint32_t initial_id)
virtual void event_loop_precall ()
void install_precall_handler (Glib::RefPtr< Glib::MainContext >)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PBD::Stateful
void add_instant_xml (XMLNode &, const std::string &directory_path)
XMLNodeinstant_xml (const std::string &str, const std::string &directory_path)
void add_properties (XMLNode &) const
PropertyChange set_values (XMLNode const &)
virtual void post_set (const PropertyChange &)
virtual void send_change (const PropertyChange &)
virtual void mid_thaw (const PropertyChange &)
bool regenerate_xml_or_string_ids () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BasicUI
 BasicUI ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AbstractUI< WiimoteControlUIRequest >
WiimoteControlUIRequestget_request (RequestType)
void handle_ui_requests ()
void send_request (WiimoteControlUIRequest *)
RequestBuffer * get_per_thread_request_buffer ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BaseUI
bool signal_running ()
int set_thread_priority () const
bool request_handler (Glib::IOCondition)
void signal_new_request ()
void attach_request_source ()
virtual void maybe_install_precall_handler (Glib::RefPtr< Glib::MainContext >)

Protected Attributes

PBD::ScopedConnectionList session_connections
cwiid_wiimote_t * wiimote
GSource * idle_source
uint16_t button_state
bool callback_thread_registered
- Protected Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::ControlProtocol
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Route > > route_table
std::string _name
GlibEventLoopCallback glib_event_callback
- Protected Attributes inherited from PBD::Stateful
PBD::PropertyChange _pending_changed
Glib::Threads::Mutex _lock
std::string _xml_node_name
 name of node to use for this object in XML More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from BasicUI
int _tbank_route_width
int _tbank_row_height
int _tbank_start_route
int _tbank_start_row
- Protected Attributes inherited from AbstractUI< WiimoteControlUIRequest >
RequestBufferMap request_buffers
std::list< WiimoteControlUIRequest * > request_list
PBD::ScopedConnection new_thread_connection
- Protected Attributes inherited from BaseUI
bool _ok
Glib::RefPtr< Glib::MainLoop > _main_loop
Glib::RefPtr< Glib::MainContext > m_context
Glib::Threads::Mutex _run_lock
Glib::Threads::Cond _running

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from PBD::EventLoop
enum  RequestType { range_guarantee = ~0 }
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ARDOUR::ControlProtocol
static StripableNotificationList const & last_selected ()
static void notify_stripable_selection_changed (StripableNotificationListPtr)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BaseUI
static RequestType new_request_type ()
static void set_thread_priority (int p)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from PBD::EventLoop
static void * invalidate_request (void *data)
static EventLoopget_event_loop_for_thread ()
static void set_event_loop_for_thread (EventLoop *ui)
static std::vector< ThreadBufferMappingget_request_buffers_for_target_thread (const std::string &)
static void pre_register (const std::string &emitting_thread_name, uint32_t num_requests)
static void remove_request_buffer_from_map (pthread_t)
static InvalidationRecord__invalidator (sigc::trackable &trackable, const char *, int)
- Public Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::ControlProtocol
PBD::Signal0< void > ActiveChanged
- Public Attributes inherited from PBD::Stateful
PBD::Signal1< void, const PropertyChange & > PropertyChanged
- Public Attributes inherited from AbstractUI< WiimoteControlUIRequest >
Glib::Threads::RWLock request_buffer_map_lock
- Public Attributes inherited from PBD::EventLoop
std::list< InvalidationRecord * > trash
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ARDOUR::ControlProtocol
static PBD::Signal0< void > ZoomToSession
static PBD::Signal0< void > ZoomIn
static PBD::Signal0< void > ZoomOut
static PBD::Signal0< void > Enter
static PBD::Signal0< void > Undo
static PBD::Signal0< void > Redo
static PBD::Signal1< void, float > ScrollTimeline
static PBD::Signal1< void, uint32_t > GotoView
static PBD::Signal0< void > CloseDialog
static PBD::Signal0< void > VerticalZoomInAll
static PBD::Signal0< void > VerticalZoomOutAll
static PBD::Signal0< void > VerticalZoomInSelected
static PBD::Signal0< void > VerticalZoomOutSelected
static PBD::Signal0< void > StepTracksDown
static PBD::Signal0< void > StepTracksUp
static PBD::Signal1< void, std::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::PluginInsert > > PluginSelected
static const std::string state_node_name
- Static Public Attributes inherited from PBD::Stateful
static int current_state_version
static int loading_state_version
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BasicUI
static PBD::Signal2< void, std::string, std::string > AccessAction
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BaseUI
static RequestType CallSlot
static RequestType Quit
- Protected Types inherited from AbstractUI< WiimoteControlUIRequest >
typedef RequestBuffer::rw_vector RequestBufferVector
typedef std::map< pthread_t, RequestBuffer * >::iterator RequestBufferMapIterator
typedef std::map< pthread_t, RequestBuffer * > RequestBufferMap

Detailed Description

Definition at line 35 of file wiimote.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ WiimoteControlProtocol()

WiimoteControlProtocol::WiimoteControlProtocol ( ARDOUR::Session )

◆ ~WiimoteControlProtocol()

virtual WiimoteControlProtocol::~WiimoteControlProtocol ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ connect_idle()

bool WiimoteControlProtocol::connect_idle ( )

◆ connect_wiimote()

bool WiimoteControlProtocol::connect_wiimote ( )



◆ do_request()

void WiimoteControlProtocol::do_request ( WiimoteControlUIRequest )

◆ get_state()

XMLNode& WiimoteControlProtocol::get_state ( ) const

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::ControlProtocol.

◆ set_active()

int WiimoteControlProtocol::set_active ( bool  yn)

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::ControlProtocol.

◆ set_state()

int WiimoteControlProtocol::set_state ( const XMLNode ,
int  version 

Reimplemented from ARDOUR::ControlProtocol.

◆ start()

int WiimoteControlProtocol::start ( )

◆ start_wiimote_discovery()

void WiimoteControlProtocol::start_wiimote_discovery ( )

◆ stop()

int WiimoteControlProtocol::stop ( )

◆ stop_wiimote_discovery()

void WiimoteControlProtocol::stop_wiimote_discovery ( )

◆ stripable_selection_changed()

void WiimoteControlProtocol::stripable_selection_changed ( )

Implements ARDOUR::ControlProtocol.

Definition at line 53 of file wiimote.h.

◆ thread_init()

void WiimoteControlProtocol::thread_init ( )

Derived UI objects can implement thread_init() which will be called by the event loop thread immediately before it enters the event loop.

Reimplemented from BaseUI.

◆ update_led_state()

void WiimoteControlProtocol::update_led_state ( )

◆ wiimote_callback()

void WiimoteControlProtocol::wiimote_callback ( int  mesg_count,
union cwiid_mesg  mesg[] 

Member Data Documentation

◆ button_state

uint16_t WiimoteControlProtocol::button_state

Definition at line 73 of file wiimote.h.

◆ callback_thread_registered

bool WiimoteControlProtocol::callback_thread_registered

Definition at line 74 of file wiimote.h.

◆ idle_source

GSource* WiimoteControlProtocol::idle_source

Definition at line 72 of file wiimote.h.

◆ session_connections

PBD::ScopedConnectionList WiimoteControlProtocol::session_connections

Definition at line 70 of file wiimote.h.

◆ wiimote

cwiid_wiimote_t* WiimoteControlProtocol::wiimote

Definition at line 71 of file wiimote.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: