Ardour  9.0-pre0-973-gb60239c1dc
PianorollMidiView Class Reference

#include <pianoroll_midi_view.h>

Inheritance diagram for PianorollMidiView:


struct  AutomationDisplayState

Public Member Functions

 PianorollMidiView (std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiTrack > mt, ArdourCanvas::Item &parent, ArdourCanvas::Item &noscroll_parent, EditingContext &ec, MidiViewBackground &bg, uint32_t basic_color)
 ~PianorollMidiView ()
void set_samples_per_pixel (double)
void set_height (double)
void clear_ghost_events ()
void ghosts_model_changed ()
void ghosts_view_changed ()
void ghost_remove_note (NoteBase *)
void ghost_add_note (NoteBase *)
void ghost_sync_selection (NoteBase *)
void update_automation_display (Evoral::Parameter const &param, ARDOUR::SelectionOperation)
void swap_automation_channel (int)
void set_active_automation (Evoral::Parameter const &)
bool is_active_automation (Evoral::Parameter const &) const
bool is_visible_automation (Evoral::Parameter const &) const
AutomationLineactive_automation_line () const
ArdourCanvas::Duple automation_group_position () const
ArdourCanvas::Itemdrag_group () const
std::list< SelectableOwner * > selectable_owners ()
MergeableLinemake_merger ()
bool automation_rb_click (GdkEvent *, Temporal::timepos_t const &)
bool velocity_rb_click (GdkEvent *, Temporal::timepos_t const &)
void line_drag_click (GdkEvent *, Temporal::timepos_t const &)
void automation_entry ()
void automation_leave ()
void point_selection_changed ()
void clear_selection ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MidiView
 MidiView (std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiTrack > mt, ArdourCanvas::Item &parent, EditingContext &ec, MidiViewBackground &bg, uint32_t basic_color)
 MidiView (MidiView const &other)
virtual ~MidiView ()
void init (bool wfd)
virtual bool display_is_enabled () const
void step_add_note (uint8_t channel, uint8_t number, uint8_t velocity, Temporal::Beats pos, Temporal::Beats len)
void step_sustain (Temporal::Beats beats)
void apply_note_range (uint8_t lowest, uint8_t highest, bool force=false)
virtual uint32_t get_fill_color () const
void color_handler ()
void show_step_edit_cursor (Temporal::Beats pos)
void move_step_edit_cursor (Temporal::Beats pos)
void hide_step_edit_cursor ()
void set_step_edit_cursor_width (Temporal::Beats beats)
virtual GhostRegionadd_ghost (TimeAxisView &)
virtual std::string get_modifier_name () const
virtual void set_region (std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiRegion >)
virtual void set_track (std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiTrack >)
virtual void set_model (std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiModel >)
void set_show_source (bool yn)
bool show_source () const
NoteBaseadd_note (const std::shared_ptr< NoteType > note, bool visible)
void cut_copy_clear (Editing::CutCopyOp)
bool paste (Temporal::timepos_t const &pos, const ::Selection &selection, PasteContext &ctx)
void paste_internal (Temporal::timepos_t const &pos, unsigned paste_count, float times, const MidiCutBuffer &)
void add_canvas_patch_change (ARDOUR::MidiModel::PatchChangePtr patch)
void remove_canvas_patch_change (PatchChange *pc)
void get_patch_key_at (Temporal::Beats time, uint8_t channel, MIDI::Name::PatchPrimaryKey &key) const
MIDI::Name::PatchPrimaryKey patch_change_to_patch_key (ARDOUR::MidiModel::PatchChangePtr)
void change_patch_change (PatchChange &old_patch, const MIDI::Name::PatchPrimaryKey &new_patch)
void change_patch_change (ARDOUR::MidiModel::PatchChangePtr, Evoral::PatchChange< Temporal::Beats > const &)
void add_patch_change (Temporal::timecnt_t const &, Evoral::PatchChange< Temporal::Beats > const &)
void move_patch_change (PatchChange &, Temporal::Beats)
void delete_patch_change (PatchChange *)
void edit_patch_change (PatchChange *)
void delete_sysex (SysEx *)
void step_patch (PatchChange &patch, bool bank, int delta)
void display_patch_changes ()
void display_sysexes ()
void begin_write ()
void end_write ()
void extend_active_notes ()
void extend_active_notes (Temporal::timecnt_t const &)
virtual void begin_drag_edit (std::string const &why)
void end_drag_edit ()
void display_model (std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiModel > model)
std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiModelmodel () const
void start_note_diff_command (std::string name="midi edit")
void note_diff_add_change (NoteBase *ev, ARDOUR::MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Property, uint8_t val)
void note_diff_add_change (NoteBase *ev, ARDOUR::MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Property, Temporal::Beats val)
void note_diff_add_note (const std::shared_ptr< NoteType > note, bool selected, bool show_velocity=false)
void note_diff_remove_note (NoteBase *ev)
void apply_note_diff (bool as_subcommand=false, bool was_copy=false)
void abort_note_diff ()
void note_entered (NoteBase *ev)
void note_left (NoteBase *ev)
void patch_entered (PatchChange *)
void patch_left (PatchChange *)
void sysex_entered (SysEx *p)
void sysex_left (SysEx *p)
void note_mouse_position (float xfraction, float yfraction, bool can_set_cursor=true)
void unique_select (NoteBase *ev)
void note_selected (NoteBase *ev, bool add, bool extend=false)
void note_deselected (NoteBase *ev)
void delete_selection ()
void delete_note (std::shared_ptr< NoteType >)
size_t selection_size ()
void select_all_notes ()
void select_range (Temporal::timepos_t const &start, Temporal::timepos_t const &end)
void invert_selection ()
void extend_selection ()
void duplicate_selection ()
Temporal::Beats earliest_in_selection ()
void move_selection (Temporal::timecnt_t const &dx, double dy, double cumulative_dy)
void note_dropped (NoteBase *ev, Temporal::timecnt_t const &d_qn, int8_t d_note, bool copy)
NoteBasecopy_selection (NoteBase *primary)
void move_copies (Temporal::timecnt_t const &dx_qn, double dy, double cumulative_dy)
void select_notes (std::list< Evoral::event_id_t >, bool allow_audition)
void select_matching_notes (uint8_t notenum, uint16_t channel_mask, bool add, bool extend)
void toggle_matching_notes (uint8_t notenum, uint16_t channel_mask)
virtual bool note_in_region_range (const std::shared_ptr< NoteType > note, bool &visible) const
virtual bool note_in_region_time_range (const std::shared_ptr< NoteType > note) const
double get_position_pixels ()
double get_end_position_pixels ()
void begin_resizing (bool at_front)
void update_resizing (NoteBase *primary, bool at_front, double delta_x, bool relative, double snap_delta, bool with_snap)
void finish_resizing (NoteBase *primary, bool at_front, double delat_x, bool relative, double snap_delta, bool with_snap)
void abort_resizing ()
Temporal::timecnt_t view_position_to_model_position (Temporal::timepos_t const &p) const
Temporal::timepos_t source_beats_to_timeline (Temporal::Beats const &) const
Temporal::timepos_t start () const
double snap_to_pixel (double x, bool ensure_snap=false)
Temporal::timecnt_t snap_pixel_to_time (double x, bool ensure_snap=false)
void goto_previous_note (bool add_to_selection)
void goto_next_note (bool add_to_selection)
void change_note_lengths (bool, bool, Temporal::Beats beats, bool start, bool end)
void change_velocities (bool up, bool fine, bool allow_smush, bool all_together)
void set_velocity (NoteBase *primary, int velocity)
bool set_velocity_for_notes (std::vector< NoteBase * > &notes, int velocity)
bool set_velocities_for_notes (std::vector< NoteBase * > &notes, std::vector< int > &velocities)
void transpose (bool up, bool fine, bool allow_smush)
void nudge_notes (bool forward, bool fine)
void channel_edit ()
void velocity_edit ()
void show_list_editor ()
void set_note_range (uint8_t low, uint8_t high)
void maybe_set_note_range (uint8_t low, uint8_t high)
virtual void set_visibility_note_range (MidiViewBackground::VisibleNoteRange, bool)
Selection const & selection () const
void selection_as_notelist (Notes &selected, bool allow_all_if_none_selected=false)
void set_channel_selector_scoped_note (NoteBase *note)
NoteBasechannel_selector_scoped_note ()
void trim_front_starting ()
void trim_front_ending ()
void create_note_at (Temporal::timepos_t const &t, double y, Temporal::Beats length, uint32_t state, bool shift_snap)
void clear_selection ()
void note_deleted (NoteBase *)
void clear_note_selection ()
void show_verbose_cursor_for_new_note_value (std::shared_ptr< NoteType > current_note, uint8_t new_note) const
std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiTrackmidi_track () const
std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiRegionmidi_region () const
EditingContextediting_context () const
MidiViewBackgroundmidi_context () const
void clip_data_recorded (samplecnt_t)
virtual void select_self (bool add)
virtual void unselect_self ()
void select_self ()
virtual void select_self_uniquely ()
void show_start (bool yn)
void show_end (bool yn)
int visible_channel () const
void set_visible_channel (int, bool clear_selection=true)
- Public Member Functions inherited from LineMerger
virtual ~LineMerger ()

Public Attributes

sigc::signal< void > AutomationStateChange
- Public Attributes inherited from MidiView
PBD::Signal< void()> VisibleChannelChanged

Protected Types

typedef std::shared_ptr< PianorollAutomationLineCueAutomationLine
typedef std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::AutomationControlCueAutomationControl
typedef std::map< Evoral::Parameter, AutomationDisplayStateCueAutomationMap
- Protected Types inherited from MidiView
typedef std::unordered_map< std::shared_ptr< NoteType >, NoteBase * > Events
typedef std::unordered_map< ARDOUR::MidiModel::PatchChangePtr, std::shared_ptr< PatchChange > > PatchChanges
typedef std::unordered_map< ARDOUR::MidiModel::constSysExPtr, std::shared_ptr< SysEx > > SysExes
typedef std::vector< NoteBase * > CopyDragEvents

Protected Member Functions

bool scroll (GdkEventScroll *ev)
void update_sustained (Note *)
void update_hit (Hit *)
bool internal_set_active_automation (Evoral::Parameter const &)
void unset_active_automation ()
bool midi_canvas_group_event (GdkEvent *)
Gtkmm2ext::Color line_color_for (Evoral::Parameter const &)
void reset_width_dependent_items (double pixel_width)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MidiView
void init (std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiTrack >)
virtual void region_resized (const PBD::PropertyChange &)
void set_flags (XMLNode *)
void store_flags ()
void redisplay (bool view_only)
bool note_editable (NoteBase const *) const
void invert_note_selection ()
void extend_note_selection ()
void move_note_starts_earlier_fine ()
void move_note_starts_earlier ()
void move_note_ends_later_fine ()
void move_note_ends_later ()
void move_note_starts_later_fine ()
void move_note_starts_later ()
void move_note_ends_earlier_fine ()
void move_note_ends_earlier ()
void select_next_note ()
void select_previous_note ()
void add_select_next_note ()
void add_select_previous_note ()
void increase_note_velocity ()
void increase_note_velocity_fine ()
void increase_note_velocity_smush ()
void increase_note_velocity_together ()
void increase_note_velocity_fine_smush ()
void increase_note_velocity_fine_together ()
void increase_note_velocity_smush_together ()
void increase_note_velocity_fine_smush_together ()
void decrease_note_velocity ()
void decrease_note_velocity_fine ()
void decrease_note_velocity_smush ()
void decrease_note_velocity_together ()
void decrease_note_velocity_fine_smush ()
void decrease_note_velocity_fine_together ()
void decrease_note_velocity_smush_together ()
void decrease_note_velocity_fine_smush_together ()
void transpose_up_octave ()
void transpose_up_octave_smush ()
void transpose_up_tone ()
void transpose_up_tone_smush ()
void transpose_down_octave ()
void transpose_down_octave_smush ()
void transpose_down_tone ()
void transpose_down_tone_smush ()
void nudge_notes_later ()
void nudge_notes_later_fine ()
void nudge_notes_earlier ()
void nudge_notes_earlier_fine ()
void quantize_selected_notes ()
void play_midi_note (std::shared_ptr< NoteType > note)
void start_playing_midi_note (std::shared_ptr< NoteType > note)
void start_playing_midi_chord (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< NoteType > > notes)
void clear_selection_internal ()
void clear_events ()
bool note_canvas_event (GdkEvent *ev)
void track_going_away ()
void region_going_away ()
void midi_channel_mode_changed ()
void instrument_settings_changed ()
void change_note_channel (NoteBase *, int8_t, bool relative=false)
void change_note_velocity (NoteBase *ev, int8_t vel, bool relative=false)
uint8_t change_note_note (NoteBase *ev, int8_t note, bool relative=false)
void change_note_time (NoteBase *ev, ARDOUR::MidiModel::TimeType, bool relative=false)
void change_note_length (NoteBase *, ARDOUR::MidiModel::TimeType)
void trim_note (NoteBase *ev, ARDOUR::MidiModel::TimeType start_delta, ARDOUR::MidiModel::TimeType end_delta)
void update_drag_selection (Temporal::timepos_t const &start, Temporal::timepos_t const &end, double y0, double y1, bool extend)
void update_vertical_drag_selection (double last_y, double y, bool extend)
void add_to_selection (NoteBase *)
void remove_from_selection (NoteBase *)
std::string get_note_name (std::shared_ptr< NoteType > note, uint8_t note_value) const
void show_verbose_cursor (std::string const &, double, double) const
void show_verbose_cursor (std::shared_ptr< NoteType >) const
uint8_t get_velocity_for_add (ARDOUR::MidiModel::TimeType time) const
uint8_t get_channel_for_add (ARDOUR::MidiModel::TimeType time) const
MidiCutBufferselection_as_cut_buffer () const
NoteBasefind_canvas_note (std::shared_ptr< NoteType >)
NoteBasefind_canvas_note (Evoral::event_id_t id)
std::shared_ptr< PatchChangefind_canvas_patch_change (ARDOUR::MidiModel::PatchChangePtr p)
std::shared_ptr< SysExfind_canvas_sys_ex (ARDOUR::MidiModel::SysExPtr s)
void sync_velocity_drag (double factor)
void update_note (NoteBase *)
void create_ghost_note (double, double, uint32_t state)
void update_ghost_note (double, double, uint32_t state)
void snap_changed ()
virtual bool motion (GdkEventMotion *)
virtual bool key_press (GdkEventKey *)
virtual bool key_release (GdkEventKey *)
virtual bool button_press (GdkEventButton *)
virtual bool button_release (GdkEventButton *)
virtual bool enter_notify (GdkEventCrossing *)
virtual bool leave_notify (GdkEventCrossing *)
void drop_down_keys ()
void maybe_select_by_position (GdkEventButton *ev, double x, double y)
void get_events (Events &e, Evoral::Sequence< Temporal::Beats >::NoteOperator op, uint8_t val, int chan_mask=0)
void display_patch_changes_on_channel (uint8_t, bool)
void data_recorded (std::weak_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiSource >)
Temporal::Beats get_grid_beats (Temporal::timepos_t const &pos) const
Temporal::Beats get_draw_length_beats (Temporal::timepos_t const &pos) const
void remove_ghost_note ()
virtual void mouse_mode_changed ()
virtual void enter_internal (uint32_t state)
virtual void leave_internal ()
void hide_verbose_cursor ()
ARDOUR::ChannelMode get_channel_mode () const
uint16_t get_selected_channels () const
virtual double height () const
virtual double contents_height () const
double note_height () const
double note_to_y (uint8_t note) const
uint8_t y_to_note (double y) const
void update_patch_changes ()
void update_sysexes ()
void view_changed ()
void model_changed ()
void note_mode_changed ()
void sync_ghost_selection (NoteBase *)
bool extensible () const
void set_extensible (bool yn)
void start_note_splitting ()
void end_note_splitting ()
void split_notes_grid ()
void split_notes_more ()
void split_notes_less ()
void join_notes ()
void join_notes_on_channel (int channel)
void add_split_notes ()
void region_update_sustained (Note *, double &, double &, double &, double &)
void clip_capture_update_sustained (Note *, double &, double &, double &, double &)
void size_start_rect ()
void size_end_rect ()
bool start_boundary_event (GdkEvent *)
bool end_boundary_event (GdkEvent *)
virtual void add_control_points_to_selection (Temporal::timepos_t const &, Temporal::timepos_t const &, double y0, double y1)
void color_note (NoteBase *, int channel)

Protected Attributes

CueAutomationMap automation_map
std::shared_ptr< Temporal::TempoMap const > tempo_map
double _height
- Protected Attributes inherited from MidiView
PBD::ScopedConnectionList connections_requiring_model
PBD::ScopedConnection track_going_away_connection
PBD::ScopedConnectionList region_connections
std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiTrack_midi_track
std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiModel_model
std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiRegion_midi_region
Events _events
CopyDragEvents _copy_drag_events
PatchChanges _patch_changes
SysExes _sys_exes
Note ** _active_notes
Temporal::timecnt_t active_note_end
double _last_ghost_x
double _last_ghost_y
Temporal::Beats _step_edit_cursor_width
Temporal::Beats _step_edit_cursor_position
bool _show_source
int _visible_channel
Selection _selection
std::set< std::shared_ptr< NoteType > > _marked_for_selection
std::set< Evoral::event_id_t_pending_note_selection
std::set< std::shared_ptr< NoteType > > _marked_for_velocity
std::vector< NoteResizeData * > _resize_data
Events::iterator _optimization_iterator
bool _no_sound_notes
samplecnt_t _last_display_zoom
double _last_event_x
double _last_event_y
bool _entered
bool _select_all_notes_after_add
bool _mouse_changed_selection
Gtkmm2ext::Color _patch_change_outline
Gtkmm2ext::Color _patch_change_fill
std::vector< SplitInfosplit_info
uint32_t split_tuple
bool note_splitting
bool _extensible

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from MidiView
typedef Evoral::Note< Temporal::BeatsNoteType
typedef Evoral::Sequence< Temporal::Beats >::Notes Notes
typedef std::set< NoteBase * > Selection

Detailed Description

Definition at line 40 of file pianoroll_midi_view.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ CueAutomationControl

Definition at line 95 of file pianoroll_midi_view.h.

◆ CueAutomationLine

Definition at line 94 of file pianoroll_midi_view.h.

◆ CueAutomationMap

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PianorollMidiView()

PianorollMidiView::PianorollMidiView ( std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::MidiTrack mt,
ArdourCanvas::Item parent,
ArdourCanvas::Item noscroll_parent,
EditingContext ec,
MidiViewBackground bg,
uint32_t  basic_color 

◆ ~PianorollMidiView()

PianorollMidiView::~PianorollMidiView ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ active_automation_line()

AutomationLine* PianorollMidiView::active_automation_line ( ) const

◆ automation_entry()

void PianorollMidiView::automation_entry ( )

◆ automation_group_position()

ArdourCanvas::Duple PianorollMidiView::automation_group_position ( ) const

◆ automation_leave()

void PianorollMidiView::automation_leave ( )

◆ automation_rb_click()

bool PianorollMidiView::automation_rb_click ( GdkEvent ,
Temporal::timepos_t const &   

◆ clear_ghost_events()

void PianorollMidiView::clear_ghost_events ( )

Reimplemented from MidiView.

◆ clear_selection()

void PianorollMidiView::clear_selection ( )

◆ drag_group()

ArdourCanvas::Item* PianorollMidiView::drag_group ( ) const

Implements MidiView.

◆ ghost_add_note()

void PianorollMidiView::ghost_add_note ( NoteBase )

Reimplemented from MidiView.

◆ ghost_remove_note()

void PianorollMidiView::ghost_remove_note ( NoteBase )

Reimplemented from MidiView.

◆ ghost_sync_selection()

void PianorollMidiView::ghost_sync_selection ( NoteBase )

Reimplemented from MidiView.

◆ ghosts_model_changed()

void PianorollMidiView::ghosts_model_changed ( )

Reimplemented from MidiView.

◆ ghosts_view_changed()

void PianorollMidiView::ghosts_view_changed ( )

Reimplemented from MidiView.

◆ internal_set_active_automation()

bool PianorollMidiView::internal_set_active_automation ( Evoral::Parameter const &  )

◆ is_active_automation()

bool PianorollMidiView::is_active_automation ( Evoral::Parameter const &  ) const

◆ is_visible_automation()

bool PianorollMidiView::is_visible_automation ( Evoral::Parameter const &  ) const

◆ line_color_for()

Gtkmm2ext::Color PianorollMidiView::line_color_for ( Evoral::Parameter const &  )

◆ line_drag_click()

void PianorollMidiView::line_drag_click ( GdkEvent ,
Temporal::timepos_t const &   

◆ make_merger()

MergeableLine* PianorollMidiView::make_merger ( )

Implements LineMerger.

◆ midi_canvas_group_event()

bool PianorollMidiView::midi_canvas_group_event ( GdkEvent )

Reimplemented from MidiView.

◆ point_selection_changed()

void PianorollMidiView::point_selection_changed ( )

◆ reset_width_dependent_items()

void PianorollMidiView::reset_width_dependent_items ( double  pixel_width)

Reimplemented from MidiView.

◆ scroll()

bool PianorollMidiView::scroll ( GdkEventScroll ev)

Reimplemented from MidiView.

◆ selectable_owners()

std::list<SelectableOwner*> PianorollMidiView::selectable_owners ( )

◆ set_active_automation()

void PianorollMidiView::set_active_automation ( Evoral::Parameter const &  )

◆ set_height()

void PianorollMidiView::set_height ( double  )

Reimplemented from MidiView.

◆ set_samples_per_pixel()

void PianorollMidiView::set_samples_per_pixel ( double  )

Reimplemented from MidiView.

◆ swap_automation_channel()

void PianorollMidiView::swap_automation_channel ( int  )

◆ unset_active_automation()

void PianorollMidiView::unset_active_automation ( )

◆ update_automation_display()

void PianorollMidiView::update_automation_display ( Evoral::Parameter const &  param,

◆ update_hit()

void PianorollMidiView::update_hit ( Hit )

Reimplemented from MidiView.

◆ update_sustained()

void PianorollMidiView::update_sustained ( Note )

Reimplemented from MidiView.

◆ velocity_rb_click()

bool PianorollMidiView::velocity_rb_click ( GdkEvent ,
Temporal::timepos_t const &   

Member Data Documentation

◆ _height

double PianorollMidiView::_height

Definition at line 129 of file pianoroll_midi_view.h.

◆ active_automation

AutomationDisplayState* PianorollMidiView::active_automation

Definition at line 119 of file pianoroll_midi_view.h.

◆ automation_group

ArdourCanvas::Rectangle* PianorollMidiView::automation_group

Definition at line 92 of file pianoroll_midi_view.h.

◆ automation_map

CueAutomationMap PianorollMidiView::automation_map

Definition at line 118 of file pianoroll_midi_view.h.

◆ AutomationStateChange

sigc::signal<void> PianorollMidiView::AutomationStateChange

Definition at line 87 of file pianoroll_midi_view.h.

◆ event_rect

ArdourCanvas::Rectangle* PianorollMidiView::event_rect

Definition at line 124 of file pianoroll_midi_view.h.

◆ tempo_map

std::shared_ptr<Temporal::TempoMap const> PianorollMidiView::tempo_map

Definition at line 123 of file pianoroll_midi_view.h.

◆ velocity_display

VelocityDisplay* PianorollMidiView::velocity_display

Definition at line 121 of file pianoroll_midi_view.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: