27 #include <ytkmm/checkbutton.h>
28 #include <ytkmm/comboboxtext.h>
29 #include <ytkmm/filechooserbutton.h>
30 #include <ytkmm/label.h>
31 #include <ytkmm/notebook.h>
32 #include <ytkmm/scale.h>
33 #include <ytkmm/spinbutton.h>
34 #include <ytkmm/table.h>
35 #include <ytkmm/treestore.h>
36 #include <ytkmm/treeview.h>
37 #include <ytkmm/window.h>
64 class HSliderController;
143 RcConfigDisplay (std::string
const &, std::string
const &, sigc::slot<std::string>,
char s =
159 RcActionButton (std::string
const & t,
const Glib::SignalProxy0< void >::SlotType & slot, std::string
const & l =
181 std::string
const & n
197 std::string
id ()
const {
210 CheckOption (std::string
const &, std::string
const &, Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> act );
236 BoolOption (std::string
const &, std::string
const &, sigc::slot<bool>, sigc::slot<bool, bool>);
285 EntryOption (std::string
const &, std::string
const &, sigc::slot<std::string>, sigc::slot<bool, std::string>);
300 sigc::slot<bool, std::string>
322 std::string
const & i,
323 std::string
const & n,
325 sigc::slot<bool, T> s
331 _label = Gtk::manage (
new Gtk::Label (n +
332 _label->set_alignment (0, 0.5);
333 _combo = Gtk::manage (
new Gtk::ComboBoxText);
358 void add (T e, std::string
const & o)
375 _combo->get_child()->set_size_request (20, -1);
386 uint32_t
const r =
_combo->get_active_row_number ();
393 _combo->set_sensitive (yn);
413 std::string
const& i,
414 std::string
const& n,
416 sigc::slot<bool, float> s,
417 double lower,
double upper,
418 double step_increment = 1,
419 double page_increment = 10,
421 bool logarithmic =
456 std::string
const & i,
457 std::string
const & n,
458 sigc::slot<std::string> g,
459 sigc::slot<bool, std::string> s
478 sigc::slot<bool, std::string>
496 sigc::slot<bool, bool>
533 std::string
const & i,
534 std::string
const & n,
536 sigc::slot<bool, T> s,
541 std::string
const & unit =
550 _label = Gtk::manage (
new Gtk::Label (n +
551 _label->set_alignment (0, 0.5);
553 _spin = Gtk::manage (
new Gtk::SpinButton);
554 _spin->set_range (min, max);
555 _spin->set_increments (step, page);
556 _spin->set_digits(digits);
558 _box = Gtk::manage (
new Gtk::HBox);
560 _box->set_spacing (4);
562 _box->pack_start (*Gtk::manage (
new Gtk::Label (unit)),
598 FaderOption (std::string
const &, std::string
const &, sigc::slot<ARDOUR::gain_t> g, sigc::slot<bool, ARDOUR::gain_t> s);
615 sigc::slot<ARDOUR::gain_t>
616 sigc::slot<bool, ARDOUR::gain_t>
622 WidgetOption (std::string
const & i, std::string
const & n, Gtk::Widget& w);
637 ClockOption (std::string
const &, std::string
const &, sigc::slot<std::string>, sigc::slot<bool, std::string>);
650 sigc::slot<bool, std::string>
657 DirectoryOption (std::string
const &, std::string
const &, sigc::slot<std::string>, sigc::slot<bool, std::string>);
668 sigc::slot<bool, std::string>
696 box.pack_start (
697 box.set_border_width (0);
715 void add_page (std::string
const &, Gtk::Widget& page_widget);
719 std::map<std::string, OptionEditorPage*>&
pages() {
return _pages; }
731 Gtk::TreeModelColumn<std::string>
732 Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Gtk::Widget*>
776 std::map<std::string, OptionEditorPage*>
780 bool create_missing =
BoolComboOption(std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, std::string const &, sigc::slot< bool >, sigc::slot< bool, bool >)
sigc::slot< bool, bool > _set
void set_state_from_config()
void add_to_page(OptionEditorPage *)
Gtk::ComboBoxText * _combo
Gtk::Widget & tip_widget()
void set_sensitive(bool yn)
Gtk::CheckButton * _button
UI button.
void add_to_page(OptionEditorPage *)
sigc::slot< bool, bool > _set
slot to set the configuration variable's value
Gtk::Widget & tip_widget()
void set_state_from_config()
sigc::slot< bool > _get
slot to get the configuration variable's value
BoolOption(std::string const &, std::string const &, sigc::slot< bool >, sigc::slot< bool, bool >)
Gtk::Label * _label
label for button, so we can use markup
Gtk::CheckButton * _button
UI button.
void set_state_from_config()
Gtk::Label * _label
label for button, so we can use markup
void parameter_changed(std::string const &)
void action_sensitivity_changed()
void add_to_page(OptionEditorPage *)
void set_sensitive(bool yn)
CheckOption(std::string const &, std::string const &, Glib::RefPtr< Gtk::Action > act)
void action_visibility_changed()
Gtk::Widget & tip_widget()
ARDOUR::Session * _session
void add_to_page(OptionEditorPage *)
sigc::slot< bool, std::string > _set
void set_state_from_config()
void set_session(ARDOUR::Session *)
sigc::slot< std::string > _get
Gtk::Widget & tip_widget()
ClockOption(std::string const &, std::string const &, sigc::slot< std::string >, sigc::slot< bool, std::string >)
void add_to_page(OptionEditorPage *p)
sigc::slot< bool, T > _set
std::vector< T > _options
Gtk::Widget & tip_widget()
void add(T e, std::string const &o)
void set_sensitive(bool yn)
Gtk::ComboBoxText * _combo
void set_state_from_config()
ComboOption(std::string const &i, std::string const &n, sigc::slot< T > g, sigc::slot< bool, T > s)
sigc::slot< std::string > _get
void set_sensitive(bool yn)
void add_to_page(OptionEditorPage *p)
void set_state_from_config()
Gtk::ComboBoxText * _combo
void set_popdown_strings(const std::vector< std::string > &strings)
sigc::slot< bool, std::string > _set
ComboStringOption(std::string const &i, std::string const &n, sigc::slot< std::string > g, sigc::slot< bool, std::string > s)
Gtk::Widget & tip_widget()
DirectoryOption(std::string const &, std::string const &, sigc::slot< std::string >, sigc::slot< bool, std::string >)
void set_state_from_config()
Gtk::FileChooserButton _file_chooser
sigc::connection _changed_connection
sigc::slot< std::string > _get
slot to get the configuration variable's value
sigc::slot< bool, std::string > _set
slot to set the configuration variable's value
void add_to_page(OptionEditorPage *)
Gtk::Widget & tip_widget()
bool focus_out(GdkEventFocus *)
EntryOption(std::string const &, std::string const &, sigc::slot< std::string >, sigc::slot< bool, std::string >)
Gtk::Label * _label
UI label.
Gtk::Entry * _entry
UI entry.
void set_invalid_chars(std::string i)
Gtk::Widget & tip_widget()
sigc::slot< bool, std::string > _set
slot to set the configuration variable's value
void add_to_page(OptionEditorPage *)
void set_state_from_config()
void set_valid_chars(std::string i)
sigc::slot< std::string > _get
slot to get the configuration variable's value
void filter_text(const Glib::ustring &, int *)
Gtk::Adjustment _db_adjustment
bool on_key_press(GdkEventKey *ev)
Gtk::VBox _fader_centering_box
Gtk::Widget & tip_widget()
FaderOption(std::string const &, std::string const &, sigc::slot< ARDOUR::gain_t > g, sigc::slot< bool, ARDOUR::gain_t > s)
void add_to_page(OptionEditorPage *)
ArdourWidgets::HSliderController * _db_slider
sigc::slot< ARDOUR::gain_t > _get
void set_state_from_config()
sigc::slot< bool, ARDOUR::gain_t > _set
void set_state_from_config()
FooOption(Gtk::Widget *w)
void parameter_changed(std::string const &)
void add_to_page(OptionEditorPage *p)
Gtk::Widget & tip_widget()
sigc::slot< bool, float > _set
void set_sensitive(bool yn)
HSliderOption(std::string const &i, std::string const &n, sigc::slot< float > g, sigc::slot< bool, float > s, double lower, double upper, double step_increment=1, double page_increment=10, double mult=1.0, bool logarithmic=false)
Gtk::Widget & tip_widget()
void add_to_page(OptionEditorPage *p)
void set_state_from_config()
void set_state_from_config()
void add_to_page(OptionEditorPage *)
void parameter_changed(std::string const &)
Gtk::Widget & tip_widget()
ArdourWidgets::Frame * _frame
void set_note(std::string const &)
virtual PBD::Configuration::Metadata const * get_metadata() const
void set_metadata(PBD::Configuration::Metadata const &)
virtual Gtk::Widget & tip_widget()=0
virtual ~OptionEditorComponent()
virtual void set_state_from_config()=0
PBD::Configuration::Metadata const * _metadata
void maybe_add_note(OptionEditorPage *, int)
void add_widgets_to_page(OptionEditorPage *, Gtk::Widget *, Gtk::Widget *, bool expand=true)
virtual void add_to_page(OptionEditorPage *)=0
virtual void parameter_changed(std::string const &p)=0
void add_widget_to_page(OptionEditorPage *, Gtk::Widget *)
OptionEditorContainer(PBD::Configuration *)
Gtk::VBox treeview_packer
void set_state_from_config()
Gtk::Label * _label
the label used for the heading
Gtk::Widget & tip_widget()
void parameter_changed(std::string const &)
OptionEditorHeading(std::string const &)
void add_to_page(OptionEditorPage *)
virtual void add_to_page(OptionEditorPage *)
void set_state_from_config()=0
void parameter_changed(std::string const &)=0
Gtk::Widget & tip_widget()
std::list< OptionEditorComponent * > components
OptionEditorPage(Gtk::Notebook &, std::string const &)
OptionEditorWindow(PBD::Configuration *, std::string const &)
Gtk::TreeModelColumn< Gtk::Widget * > widget
Gtk::TreeModelColumn< std::string > name
sigc::connection not_found_timeout
OptionEditor(PBD::Configuration *)
Gtk::Notebook & notebook()
PBD::Configuration * _config
bool search_key_press(GdkEventKey *)
std::map< std::string, OptionEditorPage * > & pages()
void set_current_page(std::string const &)
OptionEditorComponent * search_current_highlight
void add_page(std::string const &, Gtk::Widget &page_widget)
Gtk::TreeModel::iterator find_path_in_treemodel(std::string const &pn, bool create_missing=false)
void search_highlight(std::string const &page_title, OptionEditorComponent &)
std::vector< std::string > SearchTargets
void add_option(std::string const &, OptionEditorComponent *)
int search_not_found_count
bool search_key_focus(GdkEventFocus *)
void add_path_to_treeview(std::string const &, Gtk::Widget &)
SearchResults::iterator search_iterator
Gtk::Button search_button
OptionColumns option_columns
Gtk::TreeView & treeview()
bool not_found_callback()
std::vector< SearchResult > SearchResults
std::string current_page()
SearchTargets search_targets
SearchResults * search_results
std::string last_search_string
virtual void parameter_changed(std::string const &)
void treeview_row_selected()
std::map< std::string, OptionEditorPage * > _pages
PBD::ScopedConnection config_connection
Glib::RefPtr< Gtk::TreeStore > option_tree
Gtk::TreeView option_treeview
virtual void set_state_from_config()=0
virtual void add_to_page(OptionEditorPage *)=0
void parameter_changed(std::string const &p)
Option(std::string const &i, std::string const &n)
std::vector< std::string > Metadata
void add_to_page(OptionEditorPage *)
void parameter_changed(std::string const &p)
sigc::slot< std::string > _get
void set_state_from_config()
Gtk::Widget & tip_widget()
RcConfigDisplay(std::string const &, std::string const &, sigc::slot< std::string >, char s='\0')
RouteDisplayBoolOption(std::string const &, std::string const &, sigc::slot< bool >, sigc::slot< bool, bool >)
Gtk::Widget & tip_widget()
SpinOption(std::string const &i, std::string const &n, sigc::slot< T > g, sigc::slot< bool, T > s, T min, T max, T step, T page, std::string const &unit="", float scale=1, unsigned digits=0)
void add_to_page(OptionEditorPage *p)
sigc::slot< bool, T > _set
void set_state_from_config()
SearchResult(std::string const &p, OptionEditorComponent &c)
OptionEditorComponent & component