Ardour  8.12
AudioGrapher Namespace Reference


class  Chunker
 A class that chunks process cycles into equal sized samples. More...
class  Interleaver
 Interleaves many streams of non-interleaved data into one interleaved stream. More...
class  SampleFormatConverter
class  SndfileWriter
class  CmdPipeWriter
class  SilenceTrimmer
 Removes and adds silent samples to beginning and/or end of stream. More...
class  TmpFile
 A temporary file deleted after this class is destructed. More...
class  Threader
 Class for distributing processing across several threads. More...
class  AllocatingProcessContext
 A process context that allocates and owns it's data buffer. More...
class  BroadcastInfo
struct  DebugUtils
 Utilities for debugging. More...
class  Debuggable
class  Exception
class  FlagDebuggable
 A debugging class for nodes that support a certain set of flags. More...
class  FlagField
class  Analyser
class  DeInterleaver
 Converts on stream of interleaved data to many streams of uninterleaved data. More...
class  DemoNoiseAdder
 Noise injector. More...
class  Limiter
class  LoudnessReader
class  Normalizer
 A class for normalizing to a specified target in dB. More...
class  PeakReader
 A class that reads the maximum value from a stream. More...
struct  SilenceTester
struct  SilenceTester< float >
class  SampleRateConverter
 Samplerate converter. More...
class  ThreaderException
 Class that stores exceptions thrown from different threads. More...
class  ProcessContext
class  ConstProcessContext
 A wrapper for a const ProcesContext which can be created from const data. More...
class  Routines
 Allows overriding some routines with more efficient ones. More...
class  Sink
class  Sndfile
class  SndfileBase
 Base class for all classes using libsndfile. More...
class  SndfileReader
class  TmpFileRt
class  TmpFileSync
 A temporary file deleted after this class is destructed. More...
class  Source
class  Throwing
class  TypeUtilsBase
 Non-template base class for TypeUtils. More...
class  TypeUtils
 Utilities for initializing, copying, moving, etc. data. More...
class  IdentityVertex
 Outputs its input directly to a number of Sinks. More...
class  ListedSource
 An generic Source that uses a std::list for managing outputs. More...
class  SndfileHandle


typedef int64_t samplecnt_t
typedef uint8_t ChannelCount
typedef float DefaultSampleType


enum  DebugLevel {
  DebugNone , DebugObject , DebugFlags , DebugProcess ,
  DebugVerbose , DebugSample
 Compile time defined debug level. More...
enum  DitherType { D_None = GDitherNone , D_Rect = GDitherRect , D_Tri = GDitherTri , D_Shaped = GDitherShaped }
 Dither types from the gdither library. More...
enum  ThrowLevel {
  ThrowNone , ThrowObject , ThrowProcess , ThrowStrict ,


static const samplecnt_t rb_chunksize = 8192

Typedef Documentation

◆ ChannelCount

typedef uint8_t AudioGrapher::ChannelCount

Definition at line 13 of file audiographer/audiographer/types.h.

◆ DefaultSampleType

Definition at line 15 of file audiographer/audiographer/types.h.

◆ samplecnt_t

typedef int64_t AudioGrapher::samplecnt_t

Definition at line 11 of file audiographer/audiographer/types.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ DebugLevel

Compile time defined debug level.




Object level stuff, ctors, initalizers etc.


Debug ProcessContext flags only on process cycle level.


Process cycle level stuff.


Lots of output, not on sample level.


Sample level stuff.

Definition at line 16 of file debuggable.h.

◆ DitherType

Dither types from the gdither library.


No didtering.


Rectangular dithering, i.e. white noise.


Triangular dithering.


Actually noise shaping, only works for 46kHzish signals.

Definition at line 13 of file sample_format_converter.h.

◆ ThrowLevel

Compile time defined throw level. Throw levels less than ThrowStrict should be used with caution. Not throwing could mean getting a segfault. However, if you want ultra-optimized code and/or don't care about handling error situations, feel free to use whatever you want.


Not allowed to throw.


Object level stuff, ctors, initalizers etc.


Process cycle level stuff.


Stricter checks than ThrowProcess, less than ThrowSample.


Sample level stuff.

Definition at line 19 of file throwing.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ rb_chunksize

const samplecnt_t AudioGrapher::rb_chunksize = 8192

Definition at line 23 of file tmp_file_rt.h.