Ardour  8.12
Gtk::CellRendererAccel Class Reference

#include <cellrendereraccel.h>

Inheritance diagram for Gtk::CellRendererAccel:

Public Member Functions

virtual ~CellRendererAccel ()
GtkCellRendererAccelgobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject. More...
const GtkCellRendererAccelgobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject. More...
 CellRendererAccel ()
Glib::SignalProxy4< void, const Glib::ustring &, guint, Gdk::ModifierType, guint > signal_accel_edited ()
Glib::SignalProxy1< void, const Glib::ustring & > signal_accel_cleared ()
Glib::PropertyProxy< guint > property_accel_key ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< guint > property_accel_key () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< Gdk::ModifierTypeproperty_accel_mods ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Gdk::ModifierTypeproperty_accel_mods () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< guint > property_keycode ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< guint > property_keycode () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< CellRendererAccelModeproperty_accel_mode ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< CellRendererAccelModeproperty_accel_mode () const
virtual Glib::PropertyProxy_Base _property_renderable ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Gtk::CellRendererText
virtual ~CellRendererText ()
GtkCellRendererTextgobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject. More...
const GtkCellRendererTextgobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject. More...
 CellRendererText ()
void set_fixed_height_from_font (int number_of_rows)
Glib::SignalProxy2< void, const Glib::ustring &, const Glib::ustring & > signal_edited ()
Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::ustring > property_text ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::ustring > property_text () const
Glib::PropertyProxy_WriteOnly< Glib::ustring > property_markup ()
Glib::PropertyProxy< Pango::AttrList > property_attributes ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Pango::AttrList > property_attributes () const
Glib::PropertyProxy_WriteOnly< Glib::ustring > property_background ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_WriteOnly< Glib::ustring > property_foreground ()
Glib::PropertyProxy< Gdk::Colorproperty_background_gdk ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Gdk::Colorproperty_background_gdk () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< Gdk::Colorproperty_foreground_gdk ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Gdk::Colorproperty_foreground_gdk () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::ustring > property_font ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::ustring > property_font () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< Pango::FontDescription > property_font_desc ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Pango::FontDescription > property_font_desc () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::ustring > property_family ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::ustring > property_family () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< Pango::Style > property_style ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Pango::Style > property_style () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< Pango::Variant > property_variant ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Pango::Variant > property_variant () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_weight ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_weight () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< Pango::Stretch > property_stretch ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Pango::Stretch > property_stretch () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_size ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_size () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< double > property_size_points ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< double > property_size_points () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< double > property_scale ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< double > property_scale () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_editable ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_editable () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_strikethrough ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_strikethrough () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< Pango::Underline > property_underline ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Pango::Underline > property_underline () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_rise ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_rise () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::ustring > property_language ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::ustring > property_language () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< Pango::EllipsizeMode > property_ellipsize ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Pango::EllipsizeMode > property_ellipsize () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_width_chars ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_width_chars () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< Pango::WrapMode > property_wrap_mode ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Pango::WrapMode > property_wrap_mode () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_wrap_width ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_wrap_width () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< Pango::Alignment > property_alignment ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Pango::Alignment > property_alignment () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_background_set ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_background_set () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_foreground_set ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_foreground_set () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_family_set ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_family_set () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_style_set ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_style_set () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_variant_set ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_variant_set () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_weight_set ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_weight_set () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_stretch_set ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_stretch_set () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_size_set ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_size_set () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_scale_set ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_scale_set () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_editable_set ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_editable_set () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_strikethrough_set ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_strikethrough_set () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_underline_set ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_underline_set () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_rise_set ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_rise_set () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_language_set ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_language_set () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_ellipsize_set ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_ellipsize_set () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_single_paragraph_mode ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_single_paragraph_mode () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Gtk::CellRenderer
virtual ~CellRenderer ()
GtkCellRenderergobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject. More...
const GtkCellRenderergobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject. More...
void get_size (Widget &widget, const Gdk::Rectangle &cell_area, int &x_offset, int &y_offset, int &width, int &height) const
void get_size (Widget &widget, int &x_offset, int &y_offset, int &width, int &height) const
void render (const Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::Window > &window, Widget &widget, const Gdk::Rectangle &background_area, const Gdk::Rectangle &cell_area, const Gdk::Rectangle &expose_area, CellRendererState flags)
bool activate (GdkEvent *event, Widget &widget, const Glib::ustring &path, const Gdk::Rectangle &background_area, const Gdk::Rectangle &cell_area, CellRendererState flags)
CellEditablestart_editing (GdkEvent *event, Widget &widget, const Glib::ustring &path, const Gdk::Rectangle &background_area, const Gdk::Rectangle &cell_area, CellRendererState flags=CellRendererState(0))
void set_fixed_size (int width, int height)
void get_fixed_size (int &width, int &height) const
void set_alignment (float xalign, float yalign)
void get_alignment (float &xalign, float &yalign) const
void set_padding (int xpad, int ypad)
void get_padding (int &xpad, int &ypad) const
void set_visible (bool visible=true)
bool get_visible () const
void set_sensitive (bool sensitive=true)
bool get_sensitive () const
void editing_canceled ()
void stop_editing (bool canceled=false)
Glib::SignalProxy0< void > signal_editing_canceled ()
Glib::SignalProxy2< void, CellEditable *, const Glib::ustring & > signal_editing_started ()
Glib::PropertyProxy< CellRendererModeproperty_mode ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< CellRendererModeproperty_mode () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_visible ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_visible () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_sensitive ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_sensitive () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< float > property_xalign ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< float > property_xalign () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< float > property_yalign ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< float > property_yalign () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< unsigned int > property_xpad ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< unsigned int > property_xpad () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< unsigned int > property_ypad ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< unsigned int > property_ypad () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_width ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_width () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_height ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_height () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_is_expander ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_is_expander () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_is_expanded ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_is_expanded () const
Glib::PropertyProxy_WriteOnly< Glib::ustring > property_cell_background ()
Glib::PropertyProxy< Gdk::Colorproperty_cell_background_gdk ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Gdk::Colorproperty_cell_background_gdk () const
Glib::PropertyProxy< bool > property_cell_background_set ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_cell_background_set () const
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< bool > property_editing () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Gtk::Object
virtual ~Object ()
GtkObjectgobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject. More...
const GtkObjectgobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy< void * > property_user_data ()
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< void * > property_user_data () const

Protected Member Functions

virtual void on_accel_edited (const Glib::ustring &path_string, guint accel_key, Gdk::ModifierType accel_mods, guint hardware_keycode)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_accel_edited(). More...
virtual void on_accel_cleared (const Glib::ustring &path_string)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_accel_cleared(). More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Gtk::CellRendererText
virtual void on_edited (const Glib::ustring &path, const Glib::ustring &new_text)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_edited(). More...
void edited (const Glib::ustring &path, const Glib::ustring &new_text)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Gtk::CellRenderer
virtual void on_editing_canceled ()
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_editing_canceled(). More...
 CellRenderer ()
virtual void get_size_vfunc (Widget &widget, const Gdk::Rectangle *cell_area, int *x_offset, int *y_offset, int *width, int *height) const
virtual void render_vfunc (const Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::Drawable > &window, Widget &widget, const Gdk::Rectangle &background_area, const Gdk::Rectangle &cell_area, const Gdk::Rectangle &expose_area, CellRendererState flags)
virtual bool activate_vfunc (GdkEvent *event, Widget &widget, const Glib::ustring &path, const Gdk::Rectangle &background_area, const Gdk::Rectangle &cell_area, CellRendererState flags)
virtual CellEditablestart_editing_vfunc (GdkEvent *event, Widget &widget, const Glib::ustring &path, const Gdk::Rectangle &background_area, const Gdk::Rectangle &cell_area, CellRendererState flags)

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

Gtk::CellRendererAccelwrap (GtkCellRendererAccel *object, bool take_copy=false)

Detailed Description

Renders a keyboard accelerator in a cell

Gtk::CellRendererAccel displays a keyboard accelerator (i.e. a key combination like Ctrl+a). If the cell renderer is editable, the accelerator can be changed by simply typing the new combination.

Definition at line 90 of file cellrendereraccel.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~CellRendererAccel()

virtual Gtk::CellRendererAccel::~CellRendererAccel ( )

◆ CellRendererAccel()

Gtk::CellRendererAccel::CellRendererAccel ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _property_renderable()

virtual Glib::PropertyProxy_Base Gtk::CellRendererAccel::_property_renderable ( )

Returns the property that this CellRenderer renders. For instance, property_text for CellRendererText, and property_active for CellRendererToggle Needs to be overridden in derived classes.

Reimplemented from Gtk::CellRendererText.

◆ gobj() [1/2]

GtkCellRendererAccel* Gtk::CellRendererAccel::gobj ( )

Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject.

Definition at line 127 of file cellrendereraccel.h.

◆ gobj() [2/2]

const GtkCellRendererAccel* Gtk::CellRendererAccel::gobj ( ) const

Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject.

Definition at line 130 of file cellrendereraccel.h.

◆ on_accel_cleared()

virtual void Gtk::CellRendererAccel::on_accel_cleared ( const Glib::ustring &  path_string)

This is a default handler for the signal signal_accel_cleared().

◆ on_accel_edited()

virtual void Gtk::CellRendererAccel::on_accel_edited ( const Glib::ustring &  path_string,
guint  accel_key,
Gdk::ModifierType  accel_mods,
guint  hardware_keycode 

This is a default handler for the signal signal_accel_edited().

◆ property_accel_key() [1/2]

Glib::PropertyProxy< guint > Gtk::CellRendererAccel::property_accel_key ( )

The keyval of the accelerator.

A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.

◆ property_accel_key() [2/2]

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< guint > Gtk::CellRendererAccel::property_accel_key ( ) const

The keyval of the accelerator.

A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.

◆ property_accel_mode() [1/2]

Glib::PropertyProxy< CellRendererAccelMode > Gtk::CellRendererAccel::property_accel_mode ( )

The type of accelerators.

A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.

◆ property_accel_mode() [2/2]

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< CellRendererAccelMode > Gtk::CellRendererAccel::property_accel_mode ( ) const

The type of accelerators.

A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.

◆ property_accel_mods() [1/2]

Glib::PropertyProxy< Gdk::ModifierType > Gtk::CellRendererAccel::property_accel_mods ( )

The modifier mask of the accelerator.

A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.

◆ property_accel_mods() [2/2]

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Gdk::ModifierType > Gtk::CellRendererAccel::property_accel_mods ( ) const

The modifier mask of the accelerator.

A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.

◆ property_keycode() [1/2]

Glib::PropertyProxy< guint > Gtk::CellRendererAccel::property_keycode ( )

The hardware keycode of the accelerator.

A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.

◆ property_keycode() [2/2]

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< guint > Gtk::CellRendererAccel::property_keycode ( ) const

The hardware keycode of the accelerator.

A PropertyProxy_ReadOnly that allows you to get the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes.

◆ signal_accel_cleared()

Glib::SignalProxy1< void,const Glib::ustring& > Gtk::CellRendererAccel::signal_accel_cleared ( )
Slot Prototype:
void on_my_accel_cleared(const Glib::ustring& path_string)

◆ signal_accel_edited()

Glib::SignalProxy4< void,const Glib::ustring&,guint,Gdk::ModifierType,guint > Gtk::CellRendererAccel::signal_accel_edited ( )
Slot Prototype:
void on_my_accel_edited(const Glib::ustring& path_string, guint accel_key, Gdk::ModifierType accel_mods, guint hardware_keycode)

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ wrap()

Gtk::CellRendererAccel * wrap ( GtkCellRendererAccel object,
bool  take_copy = false 

A Glib::wrap() method for this object.

objectThe C instance.
take_copyFalse if the result should take ownership of the C instance. True if it should take a new copy or ref.
A C++ instance that wraps this C instance.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: