![]() |
This is the complete list of members for Selection, including all inherited members.
_scoped_connection_list | PBD::ScopedConnectionList | private |
_scoped_connection_lock | PBD::ScopedConnectionList | private |
add(std::list< Selectable * > const &) | Selection | |
add(TimeAxisView *) | Selection | |
add(const TrackViewList &) | Selection | |
add(const MidiNoteSelection &) | Selection | |
add(RegionView *) | Selection | |
add(MidiCutBuffer *) | Selection | |
add(std::vector< RegionView * > &) | Selection | |
add(Temporal::timepos_t const &, Temporal::timepos_t const &) | Selection | |
add(std::shared_ptr< Evoral::ControlList >) | Selection | |
add(std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Playlist >) | Selection | |
add(const std::list< std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Playlist > > &) | Selection | |
add(ControlPoint *) | Selection | |
add(std::vector< ControlPoint * > const &) | Selection | |
add(ArdourMarker *) | Selection | |
add(const std::list< ArdourMarker * > &) | Selection | |
add(const RegionSelection &) | Selection | |
add(const PointSelection &) | Selection | |
add(TriggerEntry *) | Selection | |
add_connection(const UnscopedConnection &c) | PBD::ScopedConnectionList | |
clear() | Selection | |
clear_all() | Selection | inline |
clear_lines(bool with_signal=true) | Selection | |
clear_markers(bool with_signal=true) | Selection | |
clear_midi_notes(bool with_signal=true) | Selection | |
clear_objects(bool with_signal=true) | Selection | |
clear_playlists(bool with_signal=true) | Selection | |
clear_points(bool with_signal=true) | Selection | |
clear_regions(bool with_signal=true) | Selection | |
clear_time(bool with_signal=true) | Selection | |
clear_tracks(bool with_signal=true) | Selection | |
clear_triggers(bool with_signal=true) | Selection | |
ConnectionList typedef | PBD::ScopedConnectionList | private |
core_selection_changed(PBD::PropertyChange const &pc) | Selection | |
drop_connections() | PBD::ScopedConnectionList | |
dump_region_layers() | Selection | |
editor | Selection | private |
empty(bool internal_selection=false) | Selection | |
foreach_midi_regionview(void(MidiRegionView::*method)(void)) | Selection | inline |
foreach_region(void(ARDOUR::Region::*method)(void)) | Selection | inline |
foreach_region(void(ARDOUR::Region::*method)(A), A arg) | Selection | inline |
foreach_regionview(void(RegionView::*method)(void)) | Selection | inline |
get_state() const | Selection | |
lines | Selection | |
LinesChanged | Selection | |
manage_libardour_selection | Selection | private |
markers | Selection | |
MarkersChanged | Selection | |
midi_notes | Selection | |
midi_regions() | Selection | |
MidiNotesChanged | Selection | |
move_time(Temporal::timecnt_t const &) | Selection | |
next_time_id | Selection | private |
Object enum value | Selection | |
pending_midi_note_selection | Selection | |
playlists | Selection | |
PlaylistsChanged | Selection | |
points | Selection | |
PointsChanged | Selection | |
Range enum value | Selection | |
regions | Selection | |
RegionsChanged | Selection | |
remove(TimeAxisView *) | Selection | |
remove(const TrackViewList &) | Selection | |
remove(const MidiNoteSelection &) | Selection | |
remove(RegionView *) | Selection | |
remove(std::vector< RegionView * >) | Selection | |
remove(MidiCutBuffer *) | Selection | |
remove(uint32_t selection_id) | Selection | |
remove(samplepos_t, samplepos_t) | Selection | |
remove(std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::AutomationList >) | Selection | |
remove(std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Playlist >) | Selection | |
remove(const std::list< std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Playlist > > &) | Selection | |
remove(const std::list< Selectable * > &) | Selection | |
remove(ArdourMarker *) | Selection | |
remove(ControlPoint *) | Selection | |
remove(TriggerEntry *) | Selection | |
remove_regions(TimeAxisView *) | Selection | |
replace(uint32_t time_index, Temporal::timepos_t const &start, Temporal::timepos_t const &end) | Selection | |
ScopedConnectionList() | PBD::ScopedConnectionList | |
ScopedConnectionList(const ScopedConnectionList &) | PBD::ScopedConnectionList | private |
selected(TimeAxisView *) const | Selection | |
selected(RegionView *) const | Selection | |
selected(ArdourMarker *) const | Selection | |
selected(ControlPoint *) const | Selection | |
selected(TriggerEntry *) const | Selection | |
Selection(PublicEditor const *e, bool manage_libardour_selection) | Selection | |
SelectionType enum name | Selection | |
set(std::list< Selectable * > const &) | Selection | |
set(TimeAxisView *) | Selection | |
set(const TrackViewList &) | Selection | |
set(const MidiNoteSelection &) | Selection | |
set(RegionView *, bool also_clear_tracks=true) | Selection | |
set(std::vector< RegionView * > &) | Selection | |
set(Temporal::timepos_t const &, Temporal::timepos_t const &) | Selection | |
set(std::shared_ptr< Evoral::ControlList >) | Selection | |
set(std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Playlist >) | Selection | |
set(const std::list< std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Playlist > > &) | Selection | |
set(ControlPoint *) | Selection | |
set(ArdourMarker *) | Selection | |
set(const RegionSelection &) | Selection | |
set(TriggerEntry *) | Selection | |
set_preserving_all_ranges(Temporal::timepos_t const &, Temporal::timepos_t const &) | Selection | |
set_state(XMLNode const &, int) | Selection | |
time | Selection | |
TimeChanged | Selection | |
toggle(std::list< Selectable * > const &) | Selection | |
toggle(TimeAxisView *) | Selection | |
toggle(const TrackViewList &) | Selection | |
toggle(const MidiNoteSelection &) | Selection | |
toggle(RegionView *) | Selection | |
toggle(MidiCutBuffer *) | Selection | |
toggle(std::vector< RegionView * > &) | Selection | |
toggle(Temporal::timepos_t const &, Temporal::timepos_t const &) | Selection | |
toggle(ARDOUR::AutomationList *) | Selection | |
toggle(std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Playlist >) | Selection | |
toggle(const std::list< std::shared_ptr< ARDOUR::Playlist > > &) | Selection | |
toggle(ControlPoint *) | Selection | |
toggle(std::vector< ControlPoint * > const &) | Selection | |
toggle(ArdourMarker *) | Selection | |
toggle(TriggerEntry *) | Selection | |
tracks | Selection | |
TracksChanged | Selection | |
trigger_regionview_proxy() const | Selection | |
triggers | Selection | |
TriggersChanged | Selection | |
~ScopedConnectionList() | PBD::ScopedConnectionList | virtual |