![]() |
This is the complete list of members for PluginTreeStore, including all inherited members.
Gtk::add_interface(GType gtype_implementer) | Gtk::TreeModel | static |
Gtk::TreeSortable::add_interface(GType gtype_implementer) | Gtk::TreeSortable | static |
Gtk::TreeDragSource::add_interface(GType gtype_implementer) | Gtk::TreeDragSource | static |
Gtk::TreeDragDest::add_interface(GType gtype_implementer) | Gtk::TreeDragDest | static |
append() | Gtk::TreeStore | |
append(const TreeNodeChildren &node) | Gtk::TreeStore | |
children() | Gtk::TreeModel | |
children() const | Gtk::TreeModel | |
Children typedef | Gtk::TreeModel | |
clear() | Gtk::TreeStore | |
ColumnRecord typedef | Gtk::TreeModel | |
const_iterator typedef | Gtk::TreeModel | |
const_reverse_iterator typedef | Gtk::TreeModel | |
create(const Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord &columns) | PluginTreeStore | inlinestatic |
DEFAULT_SORT_COLUMN_ID enum value | Gtk::TreeSortable | |
DEFAULT_UNSORTED_COLUMN_ID enum value | Gtk::TreeSortable | |
drag_data_delete(const TreeModel::Path &path) | Gtk::TreeDragSource | |
drag_data_delete_vfunc(const TreeModel::Path &path) | Gtk::TreeDragSource | protectedvirtual |
drag_data_get(const TreeModel::Path &path, SelectionData &selection_data) | Gtk::TreeDragSource | |
drag_data_get_vfunc(const TreeModel::Path &path, SelectionData &selection_data) const | Gtk::TreeDragSource | protectedvirtual |
drag_data_received(const TreeModel::Path &dest, const SelectionData &selection_data) | Gtk::TreeDragDest | |
drag_data_received_vfunc(const TreeModel::Path &dest, const SelectionData &selection_data) | Gtk::TreeDragDest | protectedvirtual |
erase(const iterator &iter) | Gtk::TreeStore | |
foreach(const SlotForeachPathAndIter &slot) | Gtk::TreeModel | |
foreach_iter(const SlotForeachIter &slot) | Gtk::TreeModel | |
foreach_path(const SlotForeachPath &slot) | Gtk::TreeModel | |
get_column_type(int index) const | Gtk::TreeModel | |
get_column_type_vfunc(int index) const | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
get_flags() const | Gtk::TreeModel | |
get_flags_vfunc() const | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
get_iter(const Path &path) | Gtk::TreeModel | |
get_iter(const Glib::ustring &path_string) | Gtk::TreeModel | |
get_iter_vfunc(const Path &path, iterator &iter) const | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
get_n_columns() const | Gtk::TreeModel | |
get_n_columns_vfunc() const | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
get_path(const iterator &iter) const | Gtk::TreeModel | |
get_path_vfunc(const iterator &iter) const | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
get_sort_column_id(int &sort_column_id, SortType &order) const | Gtk::TreeSortable | |
get_sort_column_id_vfunc(int *sort_column_id, SortType *order) const | Gtk::TreeSortable | protectedvirtual |
get_string(const iterator &iter) const | Gtk::TreeModel | |
get_type() G_GNUC_CONST | Gtk::TreeStore | static |
get_value_impl(const iterator &row, int column, Glib::ValueBase &value) const | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
get_value_vfunc(const iterator &iter, int column, Glib::ValueBase &value) const | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
gobj() | Gtk::TreeStore | inline |
gobj() const | Gtk::TreeStore | inline |
gobj_copy() | Gtk::TreeStore | |
has_default_sort_func() const | Gtk::TreeSortable | |
has_default_sort_func_vfunc() const | Gtk::TreeSortable | protectedvirtual |
insert(const iterator &iter) | Gtk::TreeStore | |
insert_after(const iterator &iter) | Gtk::TreeStore | |
is_ancestor(const iterator &iter, const iterator &descendant) const | Gtk::TreeStore | |
iter_children_vfunc(const iterator &parent, iterator &iter) const | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
iter_depth(const iterator &iter) const | Gtk::TreeStore | |
iter_has_child_vfunc(const iterator &iter) const | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
iter_is_valid(const iterator &iter) const | Gtk::TreeStore | virtual |
iter_n_children_vfunc(const iterator &iter) const | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
iter_n_root_children_vfunc() const | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
iter_next_vfunc(const iterator &iter, iterator &iter_next) const | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
iter_nth_child_vfunc(const iterator &parent, int n, iterator &iter) const | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
iter_nth_root_child_vfunc(int n, iterator &iter) const | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
iter_parent_vfunc(const iterator &child, iterator &iter) const | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
iter_swap(const iterator &a, const iterator &b) | Gtk::TreeStore | |
iterator typedef | Gtk::TreeModel | |
move(const iterator &source, const iterator &destination) | Gtk::TreeStore | |
on_row_changed(const TreeModel::Path &path, const TreeModel::iterator &iter) | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
on_row_deleted(const TreeModel::Path &path) | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
on_row_has_child_toggled(const TreeModel::Path &path, const TreeModel::iterator &iter) | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
on_row_inserted(const TreeModel::Path &path, const TreeModel::iterator &iter) | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
on_rows_reordered(const TreeModel::Path &path, const TreeModel::iterator &iter, int *new_order) | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
on_sort_column_changed() | Gtk::TreeSortable | protectedvirtual |
Path typedef | Gtk::TreeModel | |
PluginTreeStore(const Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord &columns) | PluginTreeStore | inlineprotected |
prepend() | Gtk::TreeStore | |
prepend(const TreeNodeChildren &node) | Gtk::TreeStore | |
ref_node_vfunc(const iterator &iter) const | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
reorder(const TreeNodeChildren &node, const Glib::ArrayHandle< int > &new_order) | Gtk::TreeStore | |
reverse_iterator typedef | Gtk::TreeModel | |
Row typedef | Gtk::TreeModel | |
row_changed(const Path &path, const iterator &iter) | Gtk::TreeModel | |
row_deleted(const Path &path) | Gtk::TreeModel | |
row_draggable(const TreeModel::Path &path) const | Gtk::TreeDragSource | |
row_draggable_vfunc(const Gtk::TreeModel::Path &) const | PluginTreeStore | inlineprotectedvirtual |
row_drop_possible(const TreeModel::Path &dest_path, const SelectionData &selection_data) const | Gtk::TreeDragDest | |
row_drop_possible_vfunc(const Gtk::TreeModel::Path &, const Gtk::SelectionData &) const | PluginTreeStore | protectedvirtual |
row_has_child_toggled(const Path &path, const iterator &iter) | Gtk::TreeModel | |
row_inserted(const Path &path, const iterator &iter) | Gtk::TreeModel | |
RowReference typedef | Gtk::TreeModel | |
rows_reordered(const Path &path, const iterator &iter, const Glib::ArrayHandle< int > &new_order) | Gtk::TreeModel | |
rows_reordered(const Path &path, const Glib::ArrayHandle< int > &new_order) | Gtk::TreeModel | |
rows_reordered(const Path &path, const iterator &iter, int *new_order) | Gtk::TreeModel | |
set_column_types(const TreeModelColumnRecord &columns) | Gtk::TreeStore | |
set_default_sort_func(const SlotCompare &slot) | Gtk::TreeSortable | |
set_default_sort_func_vfunc(GtkTreeIterCompareFunc func, void *data, GDestroyNotify destroy) | Gtk::TreeSortable | protectedvirtual |
set_sort_column(const TreeModelColumnBase &sort_column_id, SortType order) | Gtk::TreeSortable | |
set_sort_column(int sort_column_id, SortType order) | Gtk::TreeSortable | |
set_sort_column_id(const TreeModelColumnBase &sort_column_id, SortType order) | Gtk::TreeSortable | |
set_sort_column_id(int sort_column_id, SortType order) | Gtk::TreeSortable | |
set_sort_column_id_vfunc(int sort_column_id, SortType order) | Gtk::TreeSortable | protectedvirtual |
set_sort_func(const TreeModelColumnBase &sort_column, const SlotCompare &slot) | Gtk::TreeSortable | |
set_sort_func(int sort_column_id, const SlotCompare &slot) | Gtk::TreeSortable | |
set_sort_func_vfunc(int sort_column_id, GtkTreeIterCompareFunc func, void *data, GDestroyNotify destroy) | Gtk::TreeSortable | protectedvirtual |
set_value_impl(const iterator &row, int column, const Glib::ValueBase &value) | Gtk::TreeStore | protectedvirtual |
signal_row_changed() | Gtk::TreeModel | |
signal_row_deleted() | Gtk::TreeModel | |
signal_row_has_child_toggled() | Gtk::TreeModel | |
signal_row_inserted() | Gtk::TreeModel | |
signal_rows_reordered() | Gtk::TreeModel | |
signal_sort_column_changed() | Gtk::TreeSortable | |
SlotCompare typedef | Gtk::TreeSortable | |
SlotForeachIter typedef | Gtk::TreeModel | |
SlotForeachPath typedef | Gtk::TreeModel | |
SlotForeachPathAndIter typedef | Gtk::TreeModel | |
sort_column_changed() | Gtk::TreeSortable | |
sort_column_changed_vfunc() const | Gtk::TreeSortable | protectedvirtual |
TreeDragDest() | Gtk::TreeDragDest | protected |
TreeDragSource() | Gtk::TreeDragSource | protected |
TreeModel() | Gtk::TreeModel | protected |
TreeSortable() | Gtk::TreeSortable | protected |
TreeStore() | Gtk::TreeStore | protected |
TreeStore(const TreeModelColumnRecord &columns) | Gtk::TreeStore | explicitprotected |
unref_node_vfunc(const iterator &iter) const | Gtk::TreeModel | protectedvirtual |
unset_default_sort_func() | Gtk::TreeSortable | |
wrap(GtkTreeStore *object, bool take_copy=false) | Gtk::TreeStore | related |
Gtk::TreeModel::wrap(GtkTreeModel *object, bool take_copy=false) | Gtk::TreeModel | related |
Gtk::TreeSortable::wrap(GtkTreeSortable *object, bool take_copy=false) | Gtk::TreeSortable | related |
Gtk::TreeDragSource::wrap(GtkTreeDragSource *object, bool take_copy=false) | Gtk::TreeDragSource | related |
Gtk::TreeDragDest::wrap(GtkTreeDragDest *object, bool take_copy=false) | Gtk::TreeDragDest | related |
~TreeDragDest() | Gtk::TreeDragDest | virtual |
~TreeDragSource() | Gtk::TreeDragSource | virtual |
~TreeModel() | Gtk::TreeModel | virtual |
~TreeSortable() | Gtk::TreeSortable | virtual |
~TreeStore() | Gtk::TreeStore | virtual |